Just wondering how your BM's are going. Please let us know if you're having any complications, please share - also indicate any and all clean-breakers too.
Lately I've had the poo balls that look like they were put in a turd mold and vacuum packed to the final turd shape..
I bought some Raisin Bran tonight - so I'm looking forward to the relief and thorough poos in the days to come.
Originally Posted by Big Smoke:
I remember a while back... I took some pepto bismal due to an upset stomach. Turned my poo black for a couple days. That was pretty strange.
Originally Posted by suzzer99:
Ugh. So they poor the water down their ass crack from behind and use their hands to clean the poo? I'm never going to look at anyone's left hand the same.
No wonder I've had gurgle-butt the whole time over here. There's no way to prepare food with one hand. :barf:
An associate went for ~3 weeks on a christian mission family exchange type of deal. He said the first week is terrible, but about the time you start to "stink" your body adjusts to the food. Some of his stories were quite hilarious. He claimed it takes a while for your body to "quit stinking" after you get back home.
"I'm wet from my back to my balls while standing over a slippery hole in the floor with crap on my hand.... and there isn't a towel in sight. I've got to be doing something wrong." :-) [Reply]