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Media Center>Elder Scrolls VI: Argonia
Fire Me Boy! 09:53 AM 09-16-2014
The Black Marsh, coming March 2016.
Hammock Parties 10:10 PM 02-27-2025
hell yes...almost makes me want to play ESO but I know better

Chief Pagan 10:15 PM 02-27-2025
Originally Posted by Gonzo:
So, I'll be the first to admit that I was never really into games like Elder Scrolls/Skyrim etc.
the genre just never interested me.
Well, until recently. I picked up Witcher 3 and love it.

Anywho, I was out the other day amd stopped by my local Target. They had the super awesome special edition of Skyrim for PS3 on close out. Bought it for 8 bucks and figured WTF? Might be fun.
Christ, I've put in about 3 hrs and can't put it down. Why didn't anyone tell me????
Even though it's dated, it's really a beautiful game. The ****ing music is some of the best I've ever heard. This took a lot of effort from the Devs.
Skyrim has the best, for me anyway, music of any game I've played. I used to smoke out and just run around the wilderness basically listening to the soundtrack.
Chief Pagan 10:20 PM 02-27-2025
Can't say I'm optimistic about ES VI. Besides the when is it ever going to happen.

They just seem to be falling more and more behind basic standards of AAA games.

Skyrim was incredible. When it came out.

I hope they can prove the doubters wrong, but I don't see a lot of reason for optimism.
Hammock Parties 10:56 PM 02-27-2025
The longer it takes, the more hopeful I get it will be good. That they're getting it right. This is not going to be HL3. That game never had a teaser.
Hammock Parties 11:05 PM 02-27-2025
Supposed gameplay leak from 4chan
byu/theultimatefinalman inTESVI

Hammock Parties 11:17 PM 02-27-2025

Starfield Character design tweet
from Feb 13, 2021. Game was released September 6, 2023.

That's 935 days.

If that's anything at all to go by, we could be seeing TES:VI Sep 10, 2027.

Let's say fall 2027!
Imon Yourside 01:03 AM 02-28-2025
Originally Posted by Hammock Parties:

Starfield Character design tweet
from Feb 13, 2021. Game was released September 6, 2023.

That's 935 days.

If that's anything at all to go by, we could be seeing TES:VI Sep 10, 2027.

Let's say fall 2027!
Some of us maybe dead by then
Bump 02:46 AM 02-28-2025
Originally Posted by Hammock Parties:
Are you sure?

This is going to be my DREAM Elder Scrolls.

Potentially 4 different biomes, 5 if you count the high seas.

I have zero confidence in them. These companies aren't usually the same as they were 15+ years ago but can still make bank off of the name that they built when they still made great games.
PatMahomesIsGod 06:25 AM 02-28-2025
On a related note, just DLd Avowed.

Great reviews and Obsidian still puts out solid RPGs.
Wallcrawler 09:37 AM 02-28-2025
Originally Posted by PatMahomesIsGod:
On a related note, just DLd Avowed.

Great reviews and Obsidian still puts out solid RPGs.
Lmao NO.


Delete that steaming hunk of shit.

You ever play ESPN NFL 2K5 on PS2 or XBOX and see how many literal HUNDREDS of features it has over the current iteration of Madden, and wonder how incompetent you have to be to not be able to surpass a product that released 20 years ago?

Well, that's what Elder Scrolls FOUR does to Avowed, and don't even try comparing Elder Scrolls FIVE.

Lmmfgdao. Avowed is a ****ing embarrassment. Game that came out 19 years prior is built far superior.


Just for fun, here's ES5 compared to Avowed.
htismaqe 10:51 AM 02-28-2025
Am I the only person that is not at all excited about this? After 30 years of TES games, I just can't do the hype anymore. Plus it feels like anything post-Skyrim is going to somehow be a letdown.
Imon Yourside 10:53 AM 02-28-2025
Originally Posted by htismaqe:
Am I the only person that is not at all excited about this? After 30 years of TES games, I just can't do the hype anymore. Plus it feels like anything post-Skyrim is going to somehow be a letdown.
I still think Oblivion was better, hate me.
htismaqe 10:55 AM 02-28-2025
Originally Posted by Imon Yourside:
I still think Oblivion was better, hate me.
You know they're completely remaking Oblivion for current gen, right?
Wallcrawler 12:07 PM 02-28-2025
Originally Posted by Imon Yourside:
I still think Oblivion was better, hate me.
Spell crafter in Oblivion was ****ing amazing. I'm pretty sure some of the spells I crafted led to the early demise of my 360, as it literally choked to death trying to process the awesome.
Chief Pagan 01:08 PM 02-28-2025
Originally Posted by Imon Yourside:
Some of us maybe dead by then
I may not be dead, but I'm pretty much giving up on live combat that requires hand eye coordination and going to turn mode only games. (BG3 was great.)

If story mode is easy enough, and the reviews are great, could give it a try, but another reason not that excited.
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