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Media Center>Elder Scrolls VI: Argonia
Fire Me Boy! 09:53 AM 09-16-2014
The Black Marsh, coming March 2016.
tyler360 10:03 AM 09-16-2014
Well I feel a cold coming on that day.
Fire Me Boy! 10:05 AM 09-16-2014
Originally Posted by tyler360:
Well I feel a cold coming on that day.
Me, too.

Same thing that took me out the day Skyrim was released, strangely.
Fire Me Boy! 10:07 AM 09-16-2014
For the record, I'm not sure how I feel about the Black Marsh as the setting. The Argonians kind of annoy me, so the prospect of a royal buttload of Argonian NPCs doesn't have me super excited.

That said, I've come to trust Bethesda 100 percent.
tyler360 10:22 AM 09-16-2014
Originally Posted by Fried Meat Ball!:
For the record, I'm not sure how I feel about the Black Marsh as the setting. The Argonians kind of annoy me, so the prospect of a royal buttload of Argonian NPCs doesn't have me super excited.

That said, I've come to trust Bethesda 100 percent.
I have been replaying skyrim lately, and it has me a bit depressed with how dark the setting of the game is visually.

I wouldn't mind a bit more color in the next game.

But the Black Marsh sounds like more of the same to me.
Fire Me Boy! 10:32 AM 09-16-2014
Originally Posted by tyler360:
I have been replaying skyrim lately, and it has me a bit depressed with how dark the setting of the game is visually.

I wouldn't mind a bit more color in the next game.

But the Black Marsh sounds like more of the same to me.
I replay every now and then. My wife has never stopped playing. She builds a character in her never ending quest to building the perfect character. As soon as she makes a perk decision she doesn't like, she starts a new character. She did the same thing with Oblivion. Never finished the main quest in Oblivion until Skyrim came out - I banned her from Skyrim until she finished it. I expect she'll do the same thing with this one.

She's always playing sneak characters and always played with alchemy. I finally convinced her to try a brute character, no alchemy. So she's playing a dual-ax-weilding Orc, running in guns a blazin'. No alchemy, so she's not wasting a bunch of time collecting ingredients. She's loving it. Totally different type of game play when you're not trying to sneak around. Also makes cave diving a LOT faster.
hometeam 10:33 AM 09-16-2014
Originally Posted by Fried Meat Ball!:
For the record, I'm not sure how I feel about the Black Marsh as the setting. The Argonians kind of annoy me, so the prospect of a royal buttload of Argonian NPCs doesn't have me super excited.

That said, I've come to trust Bethesda 100 percent.
Didnt try ESO eh?

Though my feeling is they wont fuck this up.
Fire Me Boy! 10:36 AM 09-16-2014
Originally Posted by hometeam:
Didnt try ESO eh?

Though my feeling is they wont **** this up.
No, I don't online gaming.
tyler360 11:27 AM 09-16-2014
Originally Posted by Fried Meat Ball!:
I replay every now and then. My wife has never stopped playing. She builds a character in her never ending quest to building the perfect character. As soon as she makes a perk decision she doesn't like, she starts a new character. She did the same thing with Oblivion. Never finished the main quest in Oblivion until Skyrim came out - I banned her from Skyrim until she finished it. I expect she'll do the same thing with this one.

She's always playing sneak characters and always played with alchemy. I finally convinced her to try a brute character, no alchemy. So she's playing a dual-ax-weilding Orc, running in guns a blazin'. No alchemy, so she's not wasting a bunch of time collecting ingredients. She's loving it. Totally different type of game play when you're not trying to sneak around. Also makes cave diving a LOT faster.
I never have understood the whole be sneaky approach to games. I want to have fun playing them. It is a distraction from real life for me.

The last thing I want to do is sit around and sneak through a game the size of Elder Scrolls.

I am the Leeroy Jenkins of Elder Scrolls. Kill first, kill again, and keep killing. Then maybe ask a question. Then more killing.
Fire Me Boy! 11:31 AM 09-16-2014
Originally Posted by tyler360:
I never have understood the whole be sneaky approach to games. I want to have fun playing them. It is a distraction from real life for me.

The last thing I want to do is sit around and sneak through a game the size of Elder Scrolls.

I am the Leeroy Jenkins of Elder Scrolls. Kill first, kill again, and keep killing. Then maybe ask a question. Then more killing.
I've played sneak quite a bit. I enjoy it, especially in Skyrim (vs. Oblivion) where the bow is a MUCH more powerful weapon. I also really like the assassin's blade perk. Not to bad carrying a bow and a knife and a whole bunch of one-shot kills. At one point in a previous character where I'd built up the entire sneak perk tree, I could one-shot most dragons.
Buck 11:36 AM 09-16-2014
Originally Posted by Fried Meat Ball!:
The Black Marsh, coming March 2016 Fall 2019.
duncan_idaho 11:37 AM 09-16-2014
This is going to make me play through Skyrim again. I've never done any of the expansions... maybe this is the opportunity to do that!
Fire Me Boy! 11:38 AM 09-16-2014
Originally Posted by Buck:
duncan_idaho 11:39 AM 09-16-2014
Originally Posted by Fried Meat Ball!:
I've played sneak quite a bit. I enjoy it, especially in Skyrim (vs. Oblivion) where the bow is a MUCH more powerful weapon. I also really like the assassin's blade perk. Not to bad carrying a bow and a knife and a whole bunch of one-shot kills. At one point in a previous character where I'd built up the entire sneak perk tree, I could one-shot most dragons.
I played quite a bit of sneak on my most recent playthrough. High elf/glass armor/sneaking around and one-shotting the **** out of people. with the bow. Lot of fun.
Fire Me Boy! 11:42 AM 09-16-2014
Originally Posted by duncan_idaho:
I played quite a bit of sneak on my most recent playthrough. High elf/glass armor/sneaking around and one-shotting the **** out of people. with the bow. Lot of fun.
You could do it in Oblivion, too, but you really had to focus on Archery. Once you got your skill high though, it kicked ass. But God. Damn. it was tough to play that route.
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