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Nzoner's Game Room>Carson Wentz or Patrick Mahomes?
TLO 03:03 PM 12-15-2024
We are starting to see some people saying Carson Wentz is/will be better than Patrick Mahomes. I think it’s ridiculous, but there are people that feel that way. I was wondering if anyone here would choose Wentz over Mahomes. So the choice is simple: who would you rather have as QB for the rest of the season? Wentz Or Mahomes?
Regime 03:04 PM 12-15-2024
This a troll post?
RealSNR 03:05 PM 12-15-2024
Thanks, but it's just not the same as Deberg :-)
siberian khatru 03:05 PM 12-15-2024
BWillie 03:05 PM 12-15-2024
Originally Posted by TLO:
We are starting to see some people saying Carson Wentz is/will be better than Patrick Mahomes. I think it’s ridiculous, but there are people that feel that way. I was wondering if anyone here would choose Wentz over Mahomes. So the choice is simple: who would you rather have as QB for the rest of the season? Wentz Or Mahomes?
Wentz to allow Mahomes ankle to heal
MMXcalibur 03:05 PM 12-15-2024
Rasputin 03:06 PM 12-15-2024
For a second I thought Deberg_1990 was let back into the lounge
King_Chief_Fan 03:07 PM 12-15-2024
Originally Posted by BWillie:
Wentz to allow Mahomes ankle to heal
And his brain.... lots of brain farts today
TomBarndtsTwin 03:07 PM 12-15-2024
Biggest takeaway?

Not a DeBerg thread.
Titty Meat 03:07 PM 12-15-2024
I'd rather have the mexican 3rd stringer what's his name? Olindukuhun?
Molitoth 03:10 PM 12-15-2024
I haven't seen such talk....

But I will entertain the idea that in a game where:
1) Defense has control
2) Mahomes is obviously playing fucking terribad.
3) Mahomes is injured
4) There is little time left for the other team to come back with a backup QB.

YES, you certainaly take out Mahomes and give him some time off.
Chiefspants 03:11 PM 12-15-2024
Spott 03:11 PM 12-15-2024
Your mom
ChiefaRoo 03:12 PM 12-15-2024
Originally Posted by TLO:
We are starting to see some people saying Carson Wentz is/will be better than Patrick Mahomes. I think it’s ridiculous, but there are people that feel that way. I was wondering if anyone here would choose Wentz over Mahomes. So the choice is simple: who would you rather have as QB for the rest of the season? Wentz Or Mahomes?
Delete your account.
comochiefsfan 03:14 PM 12-15-2024
Originally Posted by King_Chief_Fan:
And his brain.... lots of brain farts today
Mahomes brain concerns me a lot more than his ankle at the moment.

Wonder if he’s back on the weed?
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