A year or so back I bought one of the cheaper 75 TVs. I was only looking for a sports TV. Not much in the way of movies and no gaming. So I didn't want to pay for OLED.
I went to a Best Buy and looked at them in the store. I was surprised how much they varied in brightness. The dimmer screens showed noticeably more glare, reflections.
I ended up going with a somewhat more expensive (still a lot cheaper than OLED) for much brighter screen so I wouldn't get glare.
People's recommendations are fine, but I'm really glad I checked them out at the store side by side. [Reply]
NOPE! Nothing beats an LG OLED. I have a 55" in the man cave w/ PS5 and a 65" in the living room. Must have and worth the $$$$ Just bought a 4K Blu-Ray player for the living room for 4K movies during the off season. Trust me on this one :-) [Reply]
Originally Posted by Stryker:
NOPE! Nothing beats an LG OLED. I have a 55" in the man cave w/ PS5 and a 65" in the living room. Must have and worth the $$$$ Just bought a 4K Blu-Ray player for the living room for 4K movies during the off season. Trust me on this one :-)
Originally Posted by Hammock Parties:
what does the thread title say, moron?
Moron? The thread is about CRAP TV's at a cheap price. Are they worth it. NO, ass hat they are NOT worth it and you get BLOOMING and sub par quality.
Yeah, MORON you just got OWNED :-)
If you need more information on these inferior products, please let me know. Cut it Clay - YOU asked, I answered. Moron? Really? Brother please.
The original OP right? Answer is NO would not purchase is the answer.
Calling me names because it is NOT the answer you wanted? Whatever dude grow up already. Bottom line, you get what you pay for. Enjoy your new 75" TV :-)
Get a list of the model #s you're curious about and head to NFM. Pretty sure they have by far the most on display locally and the show room is nice and dim so you can really get an idea of how each picture compares. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Stryker:
Some nice Black Friday week sales out there.
Looking at these. Anyone got one?
The original OP right? Answer is NO would not purchase is the answer.
Calling me names because it is NOT the answer you wanted? Whatever dude grow up already. Bottom line, you get what you pay for. Enjoy your new 75" TV :-)
Done here. Geaux CHIEFS!
You're a retard who came into a thread about 75 inch TVs and started talking about other things. Get out. And stay out. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch:
Get a list of the model #s you're curious about and head to NFM. Pretty sure they have by far the most on display locally and the show room is nice and dim so you can really get an idea of how each picture compares.
Yeah I'm going out tomorrow to do just that. [Reply]
Don't know what your budget is but recently bought a Bravia 7 and it's fucking fantastic so far. Heard enough negatives about OLED to stay away for now. [Reply]
Only thing that may be a pain in the ass is usually the door buster type of deals will have their own store specific model # and SKU so it's a bit of a hassle to figure out what the equivalent will be. The TCL I replaced I got at Wal Mart and it had a Wal Mart specific model # and SKU even though as far as I could tell it was the same TV as sold elsewhere.