Who took the liberty of changing the title of my Ty Law parody thread, and why? Who thinks they have that authority to do so and why?
I mean, I get it that some of you don't like parody threads. But put yourself in someone else's shoes. I'd rather have you delete my entire thread than attribute a thread to me that misrepresents my intentions.
Whomever is responsible for changing the title is taking liberties that they should not be taking and should be warned by the moderators of this community, IMO. Instead of putting your words in somebody else's mouth, just delete the damn thread!
I understand that whoever did it is probably just trying to be funny in the same vein as I was when I posted the thread. But it is a gross violation to fukk with somebody else's words in a way that misrepresents their intentions when others view that thread. Again, I know that in this particular case it may be harmless but it is the principle that matters.
Just as nobody has the right to assign their name to the words and ideas of others, a person also does not have the right to change the words or ideas that someone else has assigned their name to.
I feel fuchin' violated and I want to know who is responsible! [Reply]
Lat, the other day I felt a slight mist of sincerity on your part that made me ponder my entrenched perception of you as an idiot. Thank you for reasserting your true self. [Reply]
Originally Posted by penchief:
Who took the liberty of changing the title of my Ty Law parody thread, and why? Who thinks they have that authority to do so and why?
Get over it...it happens here all the time. Or is it different when it happens to you? The funny part is you said a mod needs to find out who did it...my money is on a mod doing it......:-) [Reply]
Originally Posted by Rausch:
Um, is this a joke?...
What do you mean? I typed in words that said one thing. I come back hours later and the title of my thread had been changed to the title of somebody else's thread. Do you believe it is okay for someone else to change the title and meaning of another person's thread? [Reply]