Originally Posted by Rain Man:
What's taking the biggest hits right now? It seems like tech stocks are getting the most clobbered, but what else?
I've got some classic American companies that are doing well, like T and GE and MDT and KO. Diversification is my friend. I'm still losing my shirt, but at least it's not all down. The oil companies appear to be a place of refuge as well. I think these types of companies will weather the tariff stuff well.
Apparently Dividend stocks are the flight to quality. I've been busy as hell and have been paying little to no attention.
I've bought SCHD for awhile, and I know it doesn't win any return contests and dividends aren't tax efficient, blah blah blah. But I thought it was a nice grouping of companies I like.
Apparently it's winning the return contest now LOL. It's up 4% YTD and S&P500 is down 4%. I never thought I'd see a +8% return compared to S&P
Interestingly, I ran across USMV or SPLV which is are Minimum Volatility ETF if the volatility is too much for someone in the market. They choose stocks based on the fact that they aren't very volatile. The objective is to get 80% of the upside with 60% of the downside. Might be something for the older crew or the weak of heart.
Weirdly Deere is up big lately. I'm no big investor or anything, but I buy a share every time I make a machinery payment. I've looked at the headlines for the company, and I haven't the first fucking clue why this stock has risen lately. Farm incomes are down substantially compared to the prior 3 or so. Commodity prices are down indiciating another one. Tariffs are up. Their gross revenue was down 30% in Q1 YOY and their gross margin was down too. EPS were half of PY
I think they resolved their union problems, and they have some market leading tech that is hitting the market (no clue on adoption - I ain't buying that noise). Other than that the only good news I saw was they increased their dividend and their board submitted From 4s that they were all buying stock. (Maybe that's a stock option? IDK).
I didn't find any of the guidance but it must have been a humdinger for the stock to rise that much after a pretty crappy quarter and a dividend increase. .