Interesting graph I ran across in a newsletter that stole it from JPM Wealth Management.
It graphs the 10 year returns after the S&P at various Forward PE levels.
I'm a homer douche about the S&P500. Maybe I should be less. Problem is I'm guessing if I get too crazy, I'll have trouble outperforming the S&P materially, so maybe the answer is keeping a little bigger cash position or *gasp* bonds. (I fucking hate bonds).
Anyway, it may mean nothing, but zooming out I think has value.
Newsletter I got it from - not particularly valuable, but full disclosure.
Originally Posted by UteChief:
I don’t think that’s what free means.
Pretty affordable, though. I spend $120/year on Quicken. (Granted, that also includes some invoicing features that my wife uses for her consulting work.)
Originally Posted by DaFace:
Pretty affordable, though. I spend $120/year on Quicken. (Granted, that also includes some invoicing features that my wife uses for her consulting work.)
I was only joking.