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Media Center>*The NEW Movies Thread*
Bowser 11:09 AM 01-04-2014
Old one is crapping out the server, per the new guidelines.

Browse the old thread that is chock full of goodness here -
-King- 04:03 AM 01-25-2015
The Drop

Not bad I guess. But damn is it boring and uneventful.
unlurking 08:27 AM 01-25-2015
Hector and the Search for Happiness

Similar life journey plot as Walter Smitty, but with character stories and interactions. Liked it more. Didn't hurt that I absolutely love Rosamund Pike.

BigMeatballDave 08:36 AM 01-25-2015
Originally Posted by -King-:
Tried to watch Primer again...

I just can't understand what the hells going on no matter what. I've read a bunch of explanations and it's still confusing as hell. I give up.
Time travel. The confusion with me is the existence of Doubles from the past/future. Whatever. Thanks. Now I need to watch it again. :-)
L.A. Chieffan 11:45 AM 01-25-2015
I thought The Drop was very well done. Definitely not every ones taste however.
Easy 6 01:33 PM 01-25-2015
Just have to say again how awesome Captain America: The Winter Soldier is... I'm on my fourth overall viewing right now, the last three on Starz, and man this movie is RIGHT there with The Dark Knight IMO.

Its definitely a gold standard in hero movies, God bless Starz for FINALLY buying the rights to movie thats worth a damn... swear I was sooo close to canceling that part of my cable plan, Encore and Starz almost never have anything good anymore, big waste of money most of the time.
Buehler445 03:05 PM 01-25-2015
Watched the first hobbit movie. It definitely wasn't as good as good as the lotr trilogy. Weaker plot and characters and more limited in overall scope.

The cgi is a good bit over the top. Especially with what they were able to do with lotr. It's a little too much goofiness too. Almost a little star wars prequel, but nowhere near that bad. Just a little disappointing considering how good lotr was.
listopencil 03:18 PM 01-25-2015
Originally Posted by L.A. Chieffan:
Also The Lone Ranger was entirely underrated. I heard so much bad stuff about it but was thoroughly entertained all the way thru.
I agree. That was one of those movies that I specifically went to see in a theater. I took my teenagers to it, and two of their friends. We all enjoyed it. Just a fun family movie. Pretty much exactly what I expected from The Lone Ranger.
In58men 03:24 PM 01-25-2015
Just finished A Walk Among the Tombstone. Kinda drugged on towards the end.

Going to start Lawless in a few hours
Easy 6 03:25 PM 01-25-2015
Couldnt agree more, hard to understand why it bombed.

Lone Ranger was a fantastic piece of film IMO, a rousing adventure right up there in Indiana Jones territory.
Buehler445 03:44 PM 01-25-2015
Originally Posted by Inmem58:
Just finished A Walk Among the Tombstone. Kinda drugged on towards the end.

Going to start Lawless in a few hours
Lawless is good shit, despite Shia LeDouche. Hardy is outstanding. The story is really good. The period stuff is awesome.
Great Expectations 07:08 PM 01-25-2015
Lawless is outstanding; fantastic story.

I finally watched The Station Agent. Peter Dinklage was great, just like normal. Bobby Cannavale and Patricia Clarkson also gave strong performances, but the script was the real winner. The dialog was outstanding. Thomas McCarthy wrote a great movie, now I want to watch Win Win and The Visitor.
SAUTO 07:17 PM 01-25-2015
I read the lawless book.

That always ruins movies for me.
In58men 08:30 PM 01-25-2015
Lawless was awesome, damn not sure why I took so long to watch it. Outstanding flick
Buehler445 11:27 PM 01-25-2015
Originally Posted by Buehler445:
Watched the first hobbit movie. It definitely wasn't as good as good as the lotr trilogy. Weaker plot and characters and more limited in overall scope.

The cgi is a good bit over the top. Especially with what they were able to do with lotr. It's a little too much goofiness too. Almost a little star wars prequel, but nowhere near that bad. Just a little disappointing considering how good lotr was.
The Desolation of Smaug was respectable. The whole Elf/Oarc exchange though was horrible. So much cheese. Terrible. And you'd think after the Oarcs get their asses beat so bad, so often, they'd change tactics and train to be a little better. At least by the 3rd LOTR.

Smaug was pretty awesome though. If the movie didn't have Smaug in it, it would be a wet fart.
keg in kc 11:43 PM 01-25-2015
Somebody recently made a no-bullshit cut of the Hobbit movies that I want to see, with the garbage like Legolas jumping on dwarf heads while he shoots orcs cut out.
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