Originally Posted by UteChief:
Most of us are fans. Not employees!
When I started Arrowhead Kingdom, it was for selfish reasons. All I wanted was to watch the chief games with other fans. I think I've done a service for Chiefs Kingdom when I started ArrowheadKingdom.org when I moved to Tampa area. We now have 129 chapters in 40 states. And are in 6 international countries.
I knew 2 other Chief fans from CP that lived in the Tampa area. After a couple of years we were filling our place and Chief fans were wanting a chapter in their city. We expanded to Florida and the South. Then people heard of us all over the USA and wanted their own chapter.
I know I've touched fans with AK. They have told me at tailgates that I've traveled to and sought me out. They wanted to tell me how much they appreciate the chapter in their city. They left KC for jobs etc. and were lonesome, not finding any friends etc. They sometimes cry and are very emotional. They joined their AK local chapter and now have real life friends from the group. Thats happening in all the chapters.
Going into my 15 year now, still never pocketed a penny out of my efforts. [Reply]
League circles agree Humphries has played so well in practice that they are already considering putting him in Chiefs Ring of Honor. He and Patrick Mahomes are already finishing each others sentences [Reply]
Originally Posted by Hammock Parties:
my source said he's serving waffles tomorrow
Your source is probably pounding M’Lady, while you practice journaljizm alone at your computer. Feed your dog, the neighbors are going to give you another letter. [Reply]