Honestly, this is probably the best thing that could have happened to this forum. I'm sick of logging in here and feeling dejected about that shitty Eagles game.
I'm so ****ing ready to spend the next few weeks taking the piss out of the overreactions from mental CP posters.
Originally Posted by Womble:
Honestly, this is probably the best thing that could have happened to this forum. I'm sick of logging in here and feeling dejected about that shitty Eagles game.
I'm so ****ing ready to spend the next few weeks taking the piss out of the overreactions from mental CP posters.
Let's fkin gooooo
Worthy has three family members, his mom and two sisters.
Like, this isn't an overreaction to be super worried about this [Reply]
Initial charges are often exaggerated and trumped up knowing there will be a plea to a lesser charge. Not a good look, but too early to get really wound up. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch:
So he supposedly either choked somebody disrespecting his mom or choked his own mom are what I'm gleaning from this.
I'd bet money his mom would fuck his world up. [Reply]