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Media Center>Must Watch Series
Buehler445 08:54 AM 04-26-2012
All this talk about series, how network TV Sucks, and how hard it is to find quality shows, and some excellent shows that fly under the radar, I need a comprehensive review of all the series I need to see.

For good entertainment, I would be willing to buy DVD sets. But I've recently picked up HBOGO by kiping it from my parents, and recently got Netflix and Amazon Prime.

Here is a listing of shows that I currently own or have seen all the episodes of. If it isn't on the list, just assume I haven't seen it.


Here is a listing of shows that I'm currently watching

Here is a listing of shows on my list to watch (mostly due to this thread)

I work a fuckton, so it is hard for me catch a series while it is on to get it on the DVR, but I recognize the entertainment value and am willing to go after the Must See shows. Accordingly, I'm not necessarily looking for anything that is still running. I'm up for watching stuff that has run its course.

So what say you, Planet? Which shows should I see?

UPDATED for the shows I've seen recently.
sully1983 06:05 PM 10-06-2021
Originally Posted by BigBeauford:
Its definitely not going to be for everyone, but it just feels like the kind of show that has everything. Yes, do not watch this show with dubs. Subs only. I enjoyed your same shows too, and if you liked The Witch, thus is up your alley.
Oh no doubt dubs are for dipshits. I'm all for subtitles. A lot of Asian cinema is so underappreciated in the United States. I'm glad a lot of viewers in the US are giving these projects a chance (most recently the Korean film Parasite blew my mind and was happy it was so well received world wide)

I like wild / fucked up stuff so I'll be getting on to watch Squid Game this week for sure
BigBeauford 06:21 PM 10-06-2021
Originally Posted by KCUnited:
I didn’t love the Squid Game finale within the context of how great all the other episodes were. YMMV.

Also ep5 of Midnight Mass was more of another hour of TNT level word salad that I’d expect to see playing at my gym at 4:30am ala Alyssa Milano’s Charmed series.

90% out on this thing.
Major Spoilers, don't look if you haven't watched.


KCUnited 06:30 PM 10-06-2021
Just reiterating my not loving of the Squid Game finale within the context of how much I loved every other episode.
Buehler445 10:07 PM 10-06-2021
Originally Posted by Detoxing:
ugh. Someone in this thread said the ending was great, and that's about the only thing that has me inspired to watch it. I think i made it through the end of episode 1 and maybe halfway into the 2nd episode. It seemed like it had some intriguing stuff going on.

It's next on my list to finish.

I wanna get into Peaky Blinders though.

Love that show. I intend to rewatch it before the last season comes out. Really is a shame Helen McRory passed away. She was a goddamned compelling character.
Baby Lee 01:27 AM 10-07-2021
Don't know if anyone is jazzed about the return/reboot of CSI:Vegas.

I always thought they had the best narratives and visualizations of the genre.

But the upshot from the premiere last night is, . . . Mel Rodriquez is now a slim man. He's been the 'fat friend' on a number of high profile things, . . . [Last Man on Earth, Better Call Saul, Getting On, etc] and now he's 'Al Roker' thin.



BlackOp 03:07 AM 10-07-2021
The first episode of Squid Games was interesting...then the writing/premise took a serious nose dive.

I'm at episode 4 and dont really care...may not even finish it.
sully1983 09:15 AM 10-07-2021
Originally Posted by Buehler445:

Love that show. I intend to rewatch it before the last season comes out. Really is a shame Helen McRory passed away. She was a goddamned compelling character.
Yeah I wasn't even aware that Helen McRory died until recently. I had no clue. Gone way too soon. RIP

Peaky Blinders is a really good show to get into. The only negative of that show was when Adrian Brody shows up in season 4. He is so laughably bad in it and his Marlon Brando impression is cringe worthy as hell(I have no clue how that guy won the Oscar for Best Actor over Daniel Day Lewis way back in 2002 lol) what a joke
Simply Red 11:40 PM 10-07-2021
NGTL - Midnight Mass is pretty creepy pending its conclusion. But on some parts i was legit weirded and creeped right out.
meleknistra 01:08 AM 10-08-2021
Queen's Gambit is excellent. 10/10
Mosbonian 03:00 PM 10-09-2021
We don't have Netflix anymore.....but a buddy who does invited me over to watch Squid Games.

Lost me after 3 episodes.....

Unlike some on here i don't mind some of the shows on network tv, but the largest part of my viewing is on Discovery + and Disney + on streaming. (Not really enamored with the What If series on Disney Plus)

Hoping that the new Bosch....supposedly to come to IMDB TV will be as good as the series was.
Baby Lee 01:32 PM 10-10-2021

Pepe Silvia 03:39 PM 10-10-2021
Originally Posted by Baby Lee:
Don't know if anyone is jazzed about the return/reboot of CSI:Vegas.

I always thought they had the best narratives and visualizations of the genre.

But the upshot from the premiere last night is, . . . Mel Rodriquez is now a slim man. He's been the 'fat friend' on a number of high profile things, . . . [Last Man on Earth, Better Call Saul, Getting On, etc] and now he's 'Al Roker' thin.



Holy shit it’s Chucho.
keg in kc 07:05 PM 10-12-2021
I am loving the hell out of Warrior, on HBO Max. It's kind of like a Kung Fu Hell on Wheels. Part Deadwood, part Copper, it's just a badass show in general. Formerly a Cinemax production, season 3 and beyond will be HBO Max originals.
BigBeauford 07:19 PM 10-12-2021
Originally Posted by keg in kc:
I am loving the hell out of Warrior, on HBO Max. It's kind of like a Kung Fu Hell on Wheels. Part Deadwood, part Copper, it's just a badass show in general. Formerly a Cinemax production, season 3 and beyond will be HBO Max originals.
Watch Banshee.
HemiEd 06:47 AM 10-13-2021
Originally Posted by Buehler445:
You're a Shameless guy? I didn't take you for a Shameless guy.

Don't get me wrong, there are a TON of tits. I am a fan of tits. That is public record, but I made it through like 3 seasons, and I just....couldn't. I'm a cold hearted son of a bitch, but even I have limits of how much... I don't know.... losing, maybe, one story can tell. No redemption, very little character moments that aren't ruined by ****ery, and generally, no ****ing happiness.

I dunno. Maybe I missed it.

Your other entries though, first class. I'm a total schlub for Bosch - I'm bordering on groupie.
I watched the entire series over again as nothing else I could find was as good. As luck would have it, the next day after I finished season 10, season 11 was released on NetFlix. Good times.
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