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Nzoner's Game Room>Pets of Chiefs Planet
pr_capone 01:04 AM 10-22-2006
I know there are some animal lovers here.

Lets see whatcha got.

From left to right:

Suzy (Chow Mix)- 1.5 yrs old
Mandi (Long Haired Miniature Dachshund) - 13 years old
Angie (Dapple Haired Miniature Dachshunds) - 4 years old

Angie is the one that rides the motorcycle with me.
listopencil 01:26 AM 04-03-2016
So, do any of you feed vegetables to your dogs regularly? I was visiting my sister in Sacramento recently. She had a legal matter that she had to attend to and one of her neighbors had to go with her. It was going to last all day and into the night so they asked me to dog-sit both households. No big deal, all of the dogs involved are friendly. Anyway - the neighbors feed carrots to their dogs as snacks. The dogs are crazy for them. Their vet told them it was a good idea. I thought it was kind of funny. My dogs have always been hairy four legged garbage disposals. Every once in a while I'd do the dick move of pretending to drop something that I knew they'd hate. Like a piece of lemon or something. Well tonight I was at a drug store and saw a bag of dried green beans. They were set up like a snack. I think you're supposed to pretend that they are chips. They look like this:

So I buy a bag to check them out. Not bad. Not really good, but not horrible. Tastes beans. My dog sees me eating them when I get home and starts hopping around and giving me the long looks. It's as close to begging as he is allowed to do. I give him some...he goes nuts. Loves the shit. How weird is it that my dog appears to love green beans?
eDave 01:29 AM 04-03-2016
Toonces. AKA: T-bone. Big Tuna

listopencil 01:30 AM 04-03-2016
I am down to Ninja (cat) and Gordo (dog).
Cheater5 05:55 AM 04-03-2016
Huck (Brown white)

Zuzu (blonde bitch)
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CoMoChief 06:43 AM 04-03-2016
My old standard schnauzer, Sparky. He was a dog w/ a human brain. VERY smart. This dog was very active, knew more commands and hand gestures than just about any other dog I knew that wasn't a service/military/police trained k9. Loved to swim as you can see here. Could jump off the diving board on command...or would do it himself for fun. Had unlimited amount of fun w/ that dog in the summers over the yrs. Unbelievably athletic for his size. great p4p all around dog.

Only thing bad about this dog was greeting people at the front door when someone would ring the doorbell. Or esp when people would come through the back gate, many people did because that's where the pool was. This breed is extremely territorial and are at first weary to strangers by nature. When someone comes into the yard he would alert, bark, growl, but it wasn't an aggressive act, he was just alerting us, but it can be intimidating to strangers he's not familiar with because he stands his ground. Once in the clear, he was a great dog to get along with.
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SAUTO 11:36 AM 04-03-2016
My dogs love veggies, absolutely love them.

And Doritos. Or red chips as my little one calls them, but they will not touch a pretzel.
SAUTO 11:37 AM 04-03-2016
Oh and bread? I can't eat it around them or they try to maul me for it
GloucesterChief 12:16 PM 04-03-2016
Originally Posted by JASONSAUTO:
My dogs love veggies, absolutely love them.

And Doritos. Or red chips as my little one calls them, but they will not touch a pretzel.
Dogs are omnivores rather than true carnivores like cats.
SAUTO 04-03-2016, 12:23 PM
This message has been deleted by SAUTO.
SAUTO 12:24 PM 04-03-2016

My boy, will try to get my girl to stand still long enough to get a good one of her later

Rocky belle beaux uh.

Beaux everyday
Indian Chief 02:13 PM 04-03-2016
Originally Posted by JASONSAUTO:
My dogs love veggies, absolutely love them.

And Doritos. Or red chips as my little one calls them, but they will not touch a pretzel.
Holy shit. The one, and I mean one, food my dog would not touch was a pretzel. Any form -- hard, soft, baked, from a bag, anything. That was until last weekend. When ever I have pretzels, he always wants to try it and there is always a little piece that sits in his bowl and he never actually eats. But this time when I gave him a piece of a soft pretzel from Philly Pretzel Factory, he gobbled it up. No idea why, but it was the first time ever. Today I gave him a piece of a pretzel stick from a bag and he spit it out. There must be something about pretzels in general that dogs don't care for.
KCUnited 02:19 PM 04-03-2016
First 60 degree day of the year in Chicago and you get busted kicking it out on the deck.

Fire Me Boy! 02:51 PM 04-09-2016
A couple of Tessie, our 3-year-old Great Pyr.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
listopencil 01:43 AM 04-10-2016
Originally Posted by JASONSAUTO:
Oh and bread? I can't eat it around them or they try to maul me for it
I have to give my dog benadryl this time of year because he gets horrible allergic reactions. First I bought this bag of "pill pockets" and he loved those. He memorized the sound of that particular bag being opened and comes running. Well eventually I used them all and started balling up a slice of wheat bread around the pill instead - he loves it. I'm just going with the bread from now on.
HemiEd 08:17 AM 04-10-2016
Originally Posted by HemiEd:
This is our very large (18 lb.) Yorky. His name is Toto, we bought him in Kansas. We are Soul mates, amazing dog. Very well diciplined, does not have the small dog attitude.
Toto is now over 15 years old and can't hear a thing. He is down to 11 lbs. but very happy. We also have a couple rescue dogs now, Coco a 7 year old Yorkie we have had for about 4 years and Izzy a 3 year old rescue Morkie for two years.
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Mosbonian 08:22 AM 04-10-2016
We have a Shih Tzu/Pekingnese mix we call Pepper......he's almost 18 years old and unfortunately it is coming to a point where he is not leading a quality life. He is my son's "comfort pet" (most here know my adult son has Aspergers) and I am not sure how we are going to deal with doing the right thing for a very loyal and beloved member of our family.

Up until a few days ago we also had a tabby cat named Pumpkin....she "adopted" us one day in 2006 when we lived in Columbia MO, showing up at our door as a baby cat mewing. One of our neighbors said he saw a man stop his car near a vacant lot in our neighborhood and drop off a box. When she got suspicious she went to see what was there....and it was a box of baby kittens. She picked them up and put them in her car and took them to the animal shelter. Evidently, one of them got out of the box and wandered to our door. My daughter and son, ever the animal lovers, talked me into letting us adopt her....and since she showed up on Halloween day, we named her Pumpkin because of her color.

She was an indoor/outdoor cat....she hated being inside for too long and would scream at the door if you didn't oblige her. The cat and I had an uneasy tolerance of each other and sometimes it became a test of wills.

About a month ago, for some unknown reason the came suddenly became my best friend. She would stay outside during the day, but at night when I came home, she would want to sit in my lap on "her" throw, or on a chair with her throw. I was scratching my head at the sudden change in her attitude, but was enjoying the attention.

4 nights ago, she looked up from the chair she was sitting in, stretched, and went to the door looking to go outside. We haven't seen her since....we have checked the neighborhood, driven around neighboring areas, and even ventured into the woods to see if we could find her....and nothing.

A friend told me something interesting...something I had never heard about cats so I am not even sure if it is true. That sometimes cats, when they know it is their time to pass, will just disappear to die quietly somewhere. I want to hope that is true....but other parts of me fear that she was a victim of a wild animal or one of the occasional strays that show up here.

Either way.....I hate to admit it....I miss the cat. We were never best of times we were enemies locked in a battle of wills. But she was our cat....and a member of our family for almost 10 years.
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