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Nzoner's Game Room>Bitcoin Take?
ChiefRocka 11:41 AM 02-15-2013
The natural evolution of money is Bitcoin
BossChief 08:55 AM 01-17-2018
Originally Posted by BWillie:
BTC futures market expires Jan 17 hence the market sell off. Theres a massive short position by banks and institutions and they will be in the money. Their market manipulation worked. JPM bought tons of BTC last yr just to leverage it on exchanges & short bitcoin.
So their next move would be to rebuy low and push it back up
Eleazar 09:04 AM 01-17-2018
It's amazing how you read about the Bitcoin market from Bitcoin enthusiasts and even as the currency is roller coastering up and down, crashing by 100% in a matter of days, no one is losing. Everyone is making money. From the big banks to the cheeto-fingered laptop jockeys, everyone is making a killing and the money is coming from no one.
Shag 09:47 AM 01-17-2018
Originally Posted by Eleazar:
It's amazing how you read about the Bitcoin market from Bitcoin enthusiasts and even as the currency is roller coastering up and down, crashing by 100% in a matter of days, no one is losing. Everyone is making money. From the big banks to the cheeto-fingered laptop jockeys, everyone is making a killing and the money is coming from no one.
I'm not sure what you're calling a 100% crash, but the crypto market is up ~2400% from one year ago, as of today. And that's including losing almost 50% of the overall marketcap over the past 10 days. So, yeah, it's incredibly volatile, as any reasonable investor will tell you, but a lot of people are still way up on their portfolio overall, with the insane growth over the past year.
Jewish Rabbi 10:56 AM 01-17-2018
Originally Posted by Eleazar:
It's amazing how you read about the Bitcoin market from Bitcoin enthusiasts and even as the currency is roller coastering up and down, crashing by 100% in a matter of days, no one is losing. Everyone is making money. From the big banks to the cheeto-fingered laptop jockeys, everyone is making a killing and the money is coming from no one.
100% crash would be down to 0, so no, that hasn’t happened.

It’s like that one friend that everyone has who “always” wins at the casino, or pull tabs, or the stock market, etc. They’re happy to talk about their gains, they just never mention their losses so it seems that they’re always killing it.
BWillie 11:38 AM 01-17-2018
Still have 0 Ripple. And feel pretty good about it.
FD 12:15 PM 01-17-2018
Originally Posted by Eleazar:
It's amazing how you read about the Bitcoin market from Bitcoin enthusiasts and even as the currency is roller coastering up and down, crashing by 100% in a matter of days, no one is losing. Everyone is making money. From the big banks to the cheeto-fingered laptop jockeys, everyone is making a killing and the money is coming from no one.
Nobody ever talks about their gambling losses either.
eDave 12:35 PM 01-17-2018

Demonpenz 01:55 PM 01-17-2018
I got killed on litecoin and ripple. I am stupid and a coward.
ChiefRocka 02:24 PM 01-17-2018
Originally Posted by Demonpenz:
I got killed on litecoin and ripple. I am stupid and a coward.

But there’s this guy that has a crypto podcast?
wutamess 02:30 PM 01-17-2018
I'm down 30% since the new year after almost doubling my money in a week. In my mind I was going to hold a year and see. Don't see myself changing that. It sucks to lose the money but when I sit back and think about it. I wasn't going to do shit with it anyways anytime soon if ever.
MahiMike 02:45 PM 01-17-2018
Look at it long term. Instead of being up 300%, we're up 30%...
Hog's Gone Fishin 04:00 PM 01-17-2018
Originally Posted by Demonpenz:
I got killed on litecoin and ripple. I am stupid and a coward.
This game isn't for emotional traders. Gotta look at it like gamblin money and just let it ride.
Dave Lane 04:09 PM 01-17-2018
Originally Posted by Hog's Gone Fishin:
This game isn't for emotional traders. Gotta look at it like gamblin money and just let it ride.
Said tulip and beanie babie speculators (look it up)
eDave 04:30 PM 01-17-2018
Instead of Ming crypto coins, you can mine prime numbers for profit. The last one just paid $3,000.

Anyone can start searching for large Mersenne primes by downloading a free program. If you strike it lucky, not only is the discovery attributed to you, there’s also a cash prize. Proving that M77232917 is prime took Pace’s computer six days of non-stop computation. Four other computers then verified the result.
Shag 06:04 PM 01-17-2018
Originally Posted by Dave Lane:
Said tulip and beanie babie speculators (look it up)
Definitely the same thing.
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