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Nzoner's Game Room>Investing megathread extravaganza
DaFace 11:23 AM 06-27-2016
A place to talk about investing stuff.
scho63 08:56 AM 09-01-2022
I'm stunned at what has happened to NVDA
Hog's Gone Fishin 09:37 AM 09-01-2022
Originally Posted by scho63:
I'm stunned at what has happened to THE WHOLE FUCKING STOCK MARKET
Hog's Gone Fishin 09:39 AM 09-01-2022
Originally Posted by scho63:
This market is slowly bleeding down.

September is traditionally a bad month for stocks.

Anyone trying to bottom feed?

Anyone about to throw in the towel?

How are you investing any new cash?
This week I've added a few shares of AAPL,AMZN,TSLA,GOOGL to my long portfolio and a shit load of GBTC when below 12.50
Rain Man 01:17 PM 09-29-2022


chiefforlife 01:27 PM 09-29-2022
Originally Posted by Rain Man:



This thread disappeared with our money...
scho63 01:52 PM 09-29-2022
I'm getting ready to get long with a bunch of long term call options. So many beaten into the ground stocks.

Yes, I know they can get cheaper but things are getting really valuable.
Titty Meat 10:27 PM 09-30-2022
I got a job offer that's going to pay me more than I've ever made in my life (I'm a few years from 40 so I guess it's about time) I figure I'll have about 10-15k I want to invest my first year. Is that a good amount? Where should I begin?
Hog's Gone Fishin 10:53 PM 09-30-2022
Originally Posted by Titty Meat:
I got a job offer that's going to pay me more than I've ever made in my life (I'm a few years from 40 so I guess it's about time) I figure I'll have about 10-15k I want to invest my first year. Is that a good amount? Where should I begin?
Real Estate, buy you a rental. Best thing I ever did.

Oh wait, you probably rent , Buy your own home , get a fixer upper , live there for a year while you get it fixed up and then move to another house and rent that one out. that's how I did my first three.
threebag 03:39 AM 10-01-2022
Originally Posted by Titty Meat:
I got a job offer that's going to pay me more than I've ever made in my life (I'm a few years from 40 so I guess it's about time) I figure I'll have about 10-15k I want to invest my first year. Is that a good amount? Where should I begin?
Vehicle, chicks and other party favors
Buehler445 06:44 AM 10-01-2022
Originally Posted by Titty Meat:
I got a job offer that's going to pay me more than I've ever made in my life (I'm a few years from 40 so I guess it's about time) I figure I'll have about 10-15k I want to invest my first year. Is that a good amount? Where should I begin?
First thing build a savings account that has 6 months worth of bills. Keep it in cash. This is your in case shit money. In case shit happens. Find the highest interest rate savings account you can.

The job will likely offer you a 401K. Hopefully with a ROTH option. If they don’t or it is a traditional 401K, start a self directed ROTH IRA.

Max out ROTH investment. If it is a 401K with a ROTH option I believe the max is 20,500. If you have To use a ROTH IRA the maximum is 6,000. If you can max out the Roth investment then put the rest (or max out) a traditional 401K or traditional IRA.

In those funds, either buy a S&P index fund or a Target Dated Retirement Fund.

Do those things first.

Operate the cheapest reliable vehicle, preferably paid for with cash (fuck car payments).

I honestly don’t know whether to tell you to buy a home in this lending/real estate environment. I’d lean no, especially if you currently have no retirement savings.

Congrats man. Make that money.
lewdog 07:24 AM 10-01-2022
Originally Posted by Titty Meat:
I got a job offer that's going to pay me more than I've ever made in my life (I'm a few years from 40 so I guess it's about time) I figure I'll have about 10-15k I want to invest my first year. Is that a good amount? Where should I begin?
First, congrats to you. 2nd, are you planning on taking this job then?

Buehler is spot on so the only thing I'll add is that you should be saving at minimum 10% of your salary for retirement but 20% is preferable, especially if you're behind on retirement savings.

But first you need an emergency fund like mentioned and you also need to be saving for a new car, so it's ok to start on the lower end of the retirement savings spectrum, but once those are accomplished you'll need to ramp up your amount. With every raise, add 1-2% to your retirement savings percentage.
Hog's Gone Fishin 09:26 AM 10-01-2022
Now you can afford Monkeypox vaccine
lewdog 11:18 AM 10-01-2022
You know what’s going to be nice?

When I’m not paying $800/month for preschool next year!!!
Rain Man 01:21 PM 10-01-2022
Originally Posted by lewdog:
You know what’s going to be nice?

When I’m not paying $800/month for preschool next year!!!
Wow, I thought you were older than that.
lewdog 02:15 PM 10-01-2022
Originally Posted by Rain Man:
Wow, I thought you were older than that.
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