I'm not saying SHE wouldn't, I'm saying you wouldn't.
No matter a body's imperfections everyone has had the chance to slap skins by the time the're 19. Really.
If you wanted to you would have. Why you're to yellow to admit to it is beyond me...
"Look at it this way. Considering the type of people you are and the environment you're in, you have to admit the strong possibility this may be the only chance you ever have in your entire lives... to have sex." [Reply]
Originally Posted by pestilenceaf23:
Actually if you're overweight you have EVERY right to dis on anyone else overweight. That's at least how my chubby ass feels about it.
I'm not nearly as grossly overweight as the girl in the picture, but I still believe in doing unto others....yada yada. [Reply]
I'm not going to dis on anyone because I know how it feels. Instead, I want to encourage people to lose weight. I really wish my cousin would get off his ass. It's sad to see him eat the way he does. One day last week he had sonic for breakfast, steak and shake for lunch and taco bell for dinner. And he didn't just order a burrito. He had to get the "The Big Box."
His excuse? "I'm too busy to eat anything else."
Bullshit. You didn't have to order a goddamn pizza. You could have busted open a can of soup like me. You can brown bag it. [Reply]