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Media Center>*The NEW Movies Thread*
Bowser 11:09 AM 01-04-2014
Old one is crapping out the server, per the new guidelines.

Browse the old thread that is chock full of goodness here -
Deberg_1990 07:33 PM 12-05-2014
Originally Posted by John_Wayne:
Underwhelming...... when compared to other Disney / Pixar movies. I thought it was disappointing.
Wow, i thought it was outstanding as far as animated flicks go.
Hammock Parties 07:42 PM 12-05-2014
Holy fuck, I never thought I would hate Kirk Cameron.

But now I want him to die horribly.
-King- 01:37 AM 12-06-2014
Just watched Fury.

One of if not the best movie I watched this year. Damn that was a great movie.
Fairplay 10:29 AM 12-06-2014
Originally Posted by John_Wayne:
Agreed! Loved it. But, could have had a better ending.
Below is a link to the directors explanation of the ending, I thought it was a decent ending myself but I'm the cerebral type. Copy and paste it.

Hammock Parties 03:58 PM 12-06-2014
Finally saw The Natural last night.

So many tears. So great.
Kylo Ren 04:15 PM 12-06-2014
Originally Posted by NewChief:
I absolutely knew the last shot would be the aerial pull out to show the bodies piled around the tank. But yeah, I liked the movie quite a lot.
So did I.
Baby Lee 04:18 PM 12-06-2014
My only drawback on Fury was I kept saying to myself 'Shane sure is Shaning it up.' But that's TWD and Jay's fault more than the movie.

Did anyone else get a distinct, almost purposeful Droog vibe towards the end of the scene in the frau's apartment?
-King- 07:50 PM 12-06-2014
Was Shia LeBouf crazy before fury? Maybe he got PTSD just by acting in the war movie.
Buehler445 09:40 PM 12-06-2014
Originally Posted by -King-:
Was Shia LeBouf crazy before fury? Maybe he got PTSD just by acting in the war movie.
Dude is fucking nuts. A few years ago he said his mom was sexy. Not kidding.
Deberg_1990 06:54 PM 12-07-2014
Watched 'Boyhood' earlier today. The flick that was filmed over 12 years with the same child actors.

Great flick. Simple, beautiful. Quietly brilliant.
Baby Lee 06:58 PM 12-07-2014
Watched The Babadook.

Well made experience. Won't say much about it outside subsequent spoilers is anyone else wants to talk about it.

Smart and atmospheric.
KCwolf 07:31 PM 12-07-2014
Originally Posted by Baby Lee:
Watched The Babadook.

Well made experience. Won't say much about it outside subsequent spoilers is anyone else wants to talk about it.

Smart and atmospheric.
U liked it?
MikeMaslowski 07:32 PM 12-07-2014
About to watch "A walk among the Tombstones" which basically looks like a remake of Taken. Any good?
MikeMaslowski 07:34 PM 12-07-2014
Originally Posted by Baby Lee:
My only drawback on Fury was I kept saying to myself 'Shane sure is Shaning it up.' But that's TWD and Jay's fault more than the movie.

Did anyone else get a distinct, almost purposeful Droog vibe towards the end of the scene in the frau's apartment?
Every single time I see him in anything else I can only see him as Shane.
Bowser 07:52 PM 12-07-2014
Originally Posted by MikeMaslowski:
About to watch "A walk among the Tombstones" which basically looks like a remake of Taken. Any good?
Have not seen it, but it's gotten great reviews.
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