Its camping season, so I figured its time for a repository for all of the cool tips and tricks to be found out there that can make your experience easier and more enjoyable... don't wanna pack a tent so you can really rough it? theres a lot of different shelter designs out there, need to start a fire but forgot the lighter? there are tricks out there for that as well.
It can also branch out into cool knowledge that's useful around the home and in life in general, which is why I threw "life hacks" in there... this thread is for outdoorsmen and everyman.
Tell us your trick for saving money around the house, building a fire, catching food, making a field expedient water filter etc. [Reply]
Oh yeah, that's a great shelter, him and Cody Lundin made one on Dual Survival once, the fire heat goes right through the tarp and then gets bounced of the mylar blanket he fixed to the other side of the tarp, very effective.
Him and Cody were literally sweating in it in very cold temps... Discovery made a big mistake letting Dave go, those guys got along great and were enjoyable to watch. Now they've got this Joe Teti who, while I respect his special forces credentials, is a total bossy asshole who always has to have things HIS way or the highway.
But yeah, that's a great addition to this thread, thanks. [Reply]
Yeah, I was initially on-board with letting Dave go because of the lying. But I've since watched a ton of his videos on YouTube, and man, this guy knows his shit. He's WAY different in the videos than he was on Discovery Channel, so I wonder how much the producers were pushing him to act like an asshole.
Also, they let Cody Lundin go, apparently because Cody wouldn't play along with staging fake situations to heighten the drama. He felt that it was too dangerous and unrealistic, so they canned him. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Silock:
Yeah, I was initially on-board with letting Dave go because of the lying. But I've since watched a ton of his videos on YouTube, and man, this guy knows his shit. He's WAY different in the videos than he was on Discovery Channel, so I wonder how much the producers were pushing him to act like an asshole.
Also, they let Cody Lundin go, apparently because Cody wouldn't play along with staging fake situations to heighten the drama. He felt that it was too dangerous and unrealistic, so they canned him.
I don't even understand why he lied, its obvious that he knows his business (I've watched some other vids from Dave)... I bet the crux of the matter was what you get to later in your post...
The producers knew he wasn't going to play along with their BS machinations to heighten the drama... if you've watched the last episode Lundin did, its obvious that he's the only one making any damn sense "I teach winter survival, you don't Joe!". Joes wanting to make shelter at the top of a ridge between two rocks that the wind and snow is howling through, Cody is saying "lets get the hell off this ridge and get down lower".
Teti is a douche, they've ruined that show... now they've got that hippie yes man for Joe "whatever you say, Joe!" [Reply]
Originally Posted by mdstu:
I got a 4H district blue ribbon for making a hobo stove pretty close to this one. Around '81-'82. I was pretty damn proud of myself.
Whats stuffed in the can, fiberglass insulation maybe?
Whats the heat source, rubbing alcohol or maybe some Heat? [Reply]
Originally Posted by mdstu:
rolled up cardboard and paraffin wax
Ok yeah, I've read about that style too, soaked that cardboard down in hot wax, glad you won the ribbon with it... something as simple as a little stove can be so important to peoples survival in a given situation.
Sterilize water or medical instruments, cook food, provide heat etc... everyone should have an emergency set up along this line. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Easy 6:
Heres something I currently have on order, its truly an amazing little device, its rated to handle the filtration for 100,000 gallons of water, basically a lifetime supply, for $20-25.
Have you used this yet? I was going to order one, but I think I'm going with the slightly larger Sawyer. Apparently, the Mini can take quite a long time to filter the water for a bottle or something. It's apparently very good on the end of a hydration bladder tube. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Easy 6:
How about a small, wood burning camp stove that will power your phone and other small gadgets?
Just an FYI, while this is a cool little gadget, it doesn't put out enough power to charge the latest phones. I was looking into getting one instead of packing a separate stove and solar charger, but it just doesn't put out enough power right now. [Reply]
Yeah, the straw trick is pretty nifty, everything from fire starting materials to neosporin or anything else can be packed into one. They're really popular with the Altoids tin survival kit crowd since they take up so little room.
Havent used my Sawyer, pretty much saving it for a real life situation, although I've heard it makes vodka taste super clean... so I'm tempted to give that a try :-)
The info on the stove isnt really surprising, it kinda struck me as trinkety... a fine idea that maybe couldnt live up to its claims. [Reply]
Bumping this to talk about bushcraft shelters, seriously dont remember the last time I had such a bad outdoors jones
Been studying up on the different kinds of permanent shelters you can make with nothing more than a tarp or two and some wood, because God as my witness I am going to build one along the Illinois river on public land as a private getaway/fishing shack
Been wanting to do this for yeeears, but am finally motivated enough to go scout possible locations soon
I've settled on whats known as the Mors Kochanski super shelter, and while I've watched several other clips on building one, I chose this really badass chicks version to show how solidly built they are/can be
Mine will have a fire reflector of logs, but not a full wall... too much work
Also notice the clear plastic sheeting and mylar blanket reflectors on the interior roof... that clear plastic easily lets heat from the fire pass through, and the mylar directs it downward onto you
Anyone here have experience with this sort of thing? [Reply]