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Media Center>All Things Video Games & Game Reviews Part II
Gonzo 10:39 AM 08-31-2015
Hey all, you know the deal...
The other thread hit over 1,000 posts and we have server issues when that shit happens so here she be, a fancy new mega thread.

Anyway, just a quick rundown.

Post anything and everything gaming in here. Console games, handheld/mobile games or PC.

Playing something you love or maybe hate? Find a hidden gem on Steam? Let us know via a review. Try to make sure you give a good rundown on it. Graphics, sound, storyline, overall gameplay and replayability. Let's keep it at a 1-10 scale.

Thanks to all that left me awesome rep comments/posts and even pm's thanking me for the many reviews I wrote.
Just an FYI, developers do read our comments in here I guess. CD Projekt Red (of Witcher 3) was one that stopped by.

Anyway, thanks all for your input and as always, no griefing.
The Franchise 12:08 PM 10-30-2015

kcxiv 03:34 PM 10-30-2015
Originally Posted by hometeam:
Halo multiplayer has generally been lackluster too..


yeah, i keep checking but i got nothing! i got some people that are going to play this pretty seriously. It might be to fast paced for my old ass, but im going to give it a go.
ragedogg69 05:49 PM 11-09-2015
Sorry Blankey. I saw your request for rocket league. That was only the second time I was playing it and I am terrible. You would have killed me or worse, if I was on your team, you would have hated me.
dj56dt58 10:30 PM 11-12-2015
slick deals has Rocket League downloadable for $13 through tomorrow for pc.
ragedogg69 01:06 PM 11-25-2015
Autumn Sale on Steam right now til Dec 1st
Gonzo 12:39 AM 11-26-2015
The following few posts are the top 10 games that I played this year.
If you haven't played any of these, get off your ass and get to it.
Some of these would make great Xmas gifts and I'm sure the price has dropped on quite a few.

10. Life is Strange
This one barely made the list because of the ending. In my opinion, it could've been better. However, a game is about the journey and not the destination. The story was wonderful and I was truly engrossed. It's a 5 part "telltale type" of game that I did really enjoy. Beautiful graphics and good music helps its case.

9. Batman - Arkham Knight
Shitty PC port and repetitive tank missions aside, this gorgeous final submission by WB is a must play if you love the Batman Arkham series. The story, (while predictable) is interesting and seeing villains like Firefly help immersion. This is really a beautiful game and it's an adequate finale to the series.

8. Asassins Creed - Syndicate
What can I say? This dull, predictable franchise has been on life support for 3 years. Well, the governor called and gave Ubisoft's flagship franchise a reprieve. Walking around London, playing as twin asassins in the late 1800's is wonderful. There's also a portion of gameplay during WWI that is engrossing as hell. If Unisoft keeps this up, the franchise will be well on its way back from the brink.
Gonzo 12:56 AM 11-26-2015
7. MLB 2015
There may be a little bit of bias here with me since the game focused more around the Royals than in previous submissions but I have to admit, the game is a beautiful submission with excellent graphics and gameplay. The atmosphere and sound effects are nearly perfect. They have also found a way to make balls and strikes far more accurate and a little easier to predict while batting. If you enjoy baseball games, give it a shot.

6. Until Dawn
No replayability hinder this one a bit but exceedingly hot women and some of the best graphics I've ever seen nearly pushed this one into the top 5. This game is basically a cheesy horror film brought to life via an interactive game. There's a lot of QTE's but that's ok on this one because they really mesh well with the gameplay. There were quite a few "holy shit" moments in this one and it was a really entertaining ride.

Top 5 coming soon.
Gonzo 01:08 AM 11-26-2015
Ok, here's the top five.

I put a lot of thought into the following selections. Let me just throw this out there.
I based these on entertainment level, replayability and the "wow factor" when it comes to graphics and story.

5. Dying Light
A cliche driven zombie game! Yaaay!
However, this one is a mix of open world and parkour that melds very well. The map is mammoth and the pucker factor is off the charts, especially at night. (Hence the name)
The Multiplayer "be the zombie" addition is exceedingly entertaining and will cause a few moments of tachycardia if you're not careful. It's a great game. That's for damn sure.

Metal Gear Solid 5
Well, this one could've been the game of the year had the second half not been a pure abortion. Konami is a crooked, terrible company and should be disbanded. That being said, the gameplay and graphics are the best I've ever seen in an open world combat/espionage simulatior if any other game for that matter. This one is a must play.

Top 3 coming soon. Hang in there.
ThaVirus 01:29 AM 11-26-2015
I feel like #5 should be Dying Light
Rasputin 09:34 AM 11-26-2015
Originally Posted by ThaVirus:
I feel like #5 should be Dying Light

I haven't played Until Dawn, but Dying Light is killer. HOLY SHIT BALLS. When that warning for night happens my butt cheeks squeeze.

So far Dying Light is my favorite game. Those mother fucker Zombies are Bastards I tell ya. I hate the Bombers they come up right behind you while picking a lock and blowy yer ass up. Fucking asshole I think it laughs at you just before Ploomp intestines all over the place and you are dead.

Mother fuck you Bomber

I've got good at killing Volatiles at night the UV light really is useful and I really like watching them fly two stories in the air from a DIY grenade blast.

And Mother Fuck you you ugly bastard, your mom was ugly too, so is your sister.
Rasputin 09:40 AM 11-26-2015
Originally Posted by Gonzo:
Ok, here's the top five.

I put a lot of thought into the following selections. Let me just throw this out there.
I based these on entertainment level, replayability and the "wow factor" when it comes to graphics and story.

5. Until Dawn
A cliche driven zombie game! Yaaay!
However, this one is a mix of open world and parkour that melds very well. The map is mammoth and the pucker factor is off the charts, especially at night. (Hence the name)
The Multiplayer "be the zombie" addition is exceedingly entertaining and will cause a few moments of tachycardia if you're not careful. It's a great game. That's for damn sure.

Metal Gear Solid 5
Well, this one could've been the game of the year had the second half not been a pure abortion. Konami is a crooked, terrible company and should be disbanded. That being said, the gameplay and graphics are the best I've ever seen in an open world combat/espionage simulatior if any other game for that matter. This one is a must play.

Top 3 coming soon. Hang in there.
Looking forward to them. :-)
Gonzo 10:20 AM 11-26-2015
Originally Posted by ThaVirus:
I feel like #5 should be Dying Light
I was really close to swapping the two, actually. My only issue was that it was so cliche and it was so much like the dead island franchise. The devs wanted to do something different this time around and they nailed it with multiplayer but it's kinda more of the same with single player. I'm so tired of radio towers. I could just puke.
ThaVirus 10:22 AM 11-26-2015
Originally Posted by Gonzo:
I was really close to swapping the two, actually. My only issue was that it was so cliche and it was so much like the dead island franchise. The devs wanted to do something different this time around and they nailed it with multiplayer but it's kinda more of the same with single player. I'm so tired of radio towers. I could just puke.

No, I mean you have #6 and #5 titled as Until Dawn. Based on the description for #5 I felt like it's supposed to be Dying Light.

Maybe I'm wrong..
Gonzo 10:27 AM 11-26-2015
Ok, here we go with the top three.

3. Fallout 4
This game is addicting as hell. What can I say about Fallout that hasn't been said?
I know that a lot of people were disappointed in the graphics but they really don't bother me. While it is time for Bethesda to retire this tired old engine, they can tell one hell of a story. When I walked out of that vault, I was awestruck. The franchise continues to improve in a lot of areas, gun modification, power armor, relationship status with companions and such. The way you can build your own settlements and basically free the entire map from those oppressive mutants and raider scum is pure awesome.
I've spent 70+ hours on this one and I can't get enough.
Gonzo 10:36 AM 11-26-2015
2. Witcher 3 Wild Hunt
Good lord, every time I play this I have an RPGasim all over myself. The music, the graphics and the story are all superb. When the game first came out, the fighting mechanics were very clunky and it was frustrating. However, after a couple patches, this game is probably the best RPG ever made. It's a gorgeous effort by CD Projekt Red and I don't know how he hell they'll ever top this one. The fact that they send out free DLC every few weeks just goes to show how they want to keep the game relevant for a very long time. Each time I play this I find new and interesting missions. I can go on and on about this one but let's just move on. Play this game if you have no life because once you get about 10 hours in, you're stuck.
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