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Media Center>*The NEW Movies Thread*
Bowser 11:09 AM 01-04-2014
Old one is crapping out the server, per the new guidelines.

Browse the old thread that is chock full of goodness here -
Baby Lee 01:55 PM 11-23-2014
Originally Posted by chiefzilla1501:
There's just something about Favreau's style that I really like. It's so simple and authentic. Even though the movie was predictable, the characters are really well developed and nothing feels forced.
For some reason Made really cracks me up.
Lex Luthor 02:41 PM 11-23-2014
Saw The Hunger Games: MockingJay Part 1.

All I can say is what a ****ing waste of time that was. It was a blatant money grab: Split a movie into 2 parts and make twice as much money.


BigMeatballDave 10:14 AM 11-24-2014
Originally Posted by -King-:
Watched Fight Club for the first time. What an overrated movie. Probably will never watch again.
Wow. Surrender your ManCard.

Check yourself, you may be growing a vagina. :-)
Buehler445 10:40 AM 11-24-2014
I saw several movies while I was working in the office this weekend.

There Will be Blood
Technically this was an outstanding movie. Daniel Day Lewis did what Daniel Day Lewis do. The scenery was outstanding. The camera work (in conjunction with the scenery) was used excellently as a story telling device. The story kept me hooked, and despite the length it didn't bore me.

But as good as it was, it didn't do a lot for me. It wasn't moving or profound, and after it was over I just moved on. Kinda surprising as good as the movie was. Definitely see it if you have any inkling to. It may have a much more profound impact on you than it did me. DDL though....damn.

I thought this was freaking excellent. And 70's period pieces don't do much for me. I thought the acting and production was excellent. I wasn't familiar with the events, so I didn't know the outcome, which may have helped with the suspense. Either way, I'm glad I finally got around to seeing it.

I thought this movie was pretty dang solid. There were a couple points in there where you could tell Cruise was trying to show that he's still got it. There seems to be a scene or two in every movie where he has to go over the top. It must be in his contract or something.

I seem to remember Oblivion getting some hate around here, maybe I should look it up and see what the fuss was about, but other than just a couple science points, which you're going to have with any science fiction movie, I thought it was really well done.

Killing them softly
What a shit movie. I was really looking forward to this one. It was awful. There was sooooo much unnecessary dialog that added nothing to the story. I ended up not giving half a fuck about any of the characters.

They could have got it down to a couple minutes and just showed the kill scene and that would have been enough. It could go like this.

What a waste of my time.

Out of the Furnace
Pretty decent flick. Did a really nice job developing the characters, particularly the brothers. really no complaints about the movie. It isn't paradigm shifting, but definitely worth the watch. Solid ass movie.
Great Expectations 04:01 PM 11-24-2014
I watched the Grand Budapest Hotel last night and as expected I really enjoyed it. It was your typical Anderson movie with a stellar performance from Adrien Brody in a supporting role. It had me rolling with laughter in some of the zanier moments.
-King- 03:13 AM 11-25-2014
Just watched Predestination.


My mind is kind of thrown for a loop.
Rausch 11:12 AM 11-25-2014
Originally Posted by -King-:
Just watched Predestination.


My mind is kind of thrown for a loop.
I'd forgotten about this. While there are plenty of haters I've always liked Hawke. I love time travel/sci-fi as well.

1 to 10 - what would you rate it?.

Edit: so far it's 82% fresh by critics on RT...
-King- 01:05 PM 11-25-2014
Originally Posted by Rausch:
I'd forgotten about this. While there are plenty of haters I've always liked Hawke. I love time travel/sci-fi as well.

1 to 10 - what would you rate it?.

Edit: so far it's 82% fresh by critics on RT...
7.5. Pretty solid. The first act ran a little long, and I'm still trying to process the who's and the why's of the ending, but overall, solid movie.
Rausch 06:01 PM 11-25-2014
Originally Posted by -King-:
7.5. Pretty solid. The first act ran a little long, and I'm still trying to process the who's and the why's of the ending, but overall, solid movie.
As soon as Hawke starting talking to the man at the bar I knew this story. I could feel it like the first few notes of a song.

I remember reading it like 10 years ago and thinking "how the **** does someone come up with this?"

It was in a collection of short sci-fi stories from the 70's I think. Excellent collection.

It's different. Some elements are changed, some were added, but it's basically all there. I can't believe they made this in to a movie...
-King- 06:11 PM 11-25-2014
Originally Posted by Rausch:
As soon as Hawke starting talking to the man at the bar I knew this story. I could feel it like the first few notes of a song.

I remember reading it like 10 years ago and thinking "how the **** does someone come up with this?"

It was in a collection of short sci-fi stories from the 70's I think. Excellent collection.

It's different. Some elements are changed, some were added, but it's basically all there. I can't believe they made this in to a movie...
Yeah, as soon as he got into the story I was like, whoa...that's kinda out there...
Fish 09:57 PM 11-25-2014
Watched As Above, So Below.

So much potential. But fell pretty flat. A few of the suspense scenes were awesome. There was one claustrophobia scene not too far into the movie that literally had me crawling up the back of my chair. The plot gets a little weird. Too much shaky camera. OK for a cheap scare....
chiefzilla1501 11:07 PM 11-25-2014
Place Beyond the Pines
Holy shit.. Ryan Gosling picks some really good movies. Really, really good movie.

I found another interesting one on Netflix Instant called Short Term 12. Never heard of it before but it was tremendous. 99% on rotten tomatoes.
Simply Red 04:12 AM 11-30-2014
Escape Plan was a good idea - however when it's Arnold and Stallone as the two featured stars, approaching their seventies - then well.....

Also, 50-cent is a horrible actor - How do they let him try to act? He's possibly the worst actor I've ever seen actually handed a role. Worse at acting than his shitty rapping.

Simply Red 04:21 AM 11-30-2014
Originally Posted by -King-:
Just watched Predestination.


My mind is kind of thrown for a loop.

Going to check this one out - thanks.
Munson 05:49 AM 11-30-2014
Originally Posted by Brainiac:
Saw The Hunger Games: MockingJay Part 1.

All I can say is what a ****ing waste of time that was. It was a blatant money grab: Split a movie into 2 parts and make twice as much money.

Gotta agree 100% with this. There is so much shit in this movie they could've cut out. Mockingjay Part 2 better be full of action and suspense, because Part 1 had hardly any.
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