Originally Posted by listopencil:
Same dogs, same cat, same turtle, hamster's dead, we now have three sheep. Matt(short for Mattie, it's a girl sheep)/Baby/Gus.
Down to one dog, one cat.
2 years ago I rescued a catahoula mix from the shelter in Maryville MO. He was 7 months old when I got him and was thoroughly scarred emotionally. I worked with him for almost a year but he was just scared of everything including people. He was viciously protective in almost every situation and I had to get rid of him.
I gave him over to a rehab/rescue group that said they would train him as a service dog. I found out later that he saved a woman with MS from drowning...
Originally Posted by Radar Chief:
Thanks. It wasn't totally unexpected as she was getting pretty old (15.5 years) but it's still hard. Picking up her toys out of the yard and putting all of her stuff away was really tough. We've had her a long time and it just seems like there's a hole there now.
That makes two pets I've lost in the last 9 months. That sucks.
Originally Posted by gblowfish:
This is a picture of my kitty Mama Cat, watching me work in the back yard as she hides beneath the bench seat on our back yard deck. She's a tuxedo mane coon cat, and the sweetest little kitty in the whole world.
Beautiful cat.
Originally Posted by MotherfuckerJones:
I would like to post a picture of my dog. How do I do it? Never been able to figure it out...yes I'm retarded :-)
Upload to imgur, get the link. Post on here. Profit.
Or just upload it as an attachment on here.