The original post is below in blue, but let's summarize it here based on the past few years.
1. If you're a new player, start with the current Chiefs roster. If you've been playing for a while you'll have your own evolved roster.
2. You can add any free agent that the Chiefs add.
3. You lose any free agent that the Chiefs lose, but only if they were on the Chiefs' roster when you began playing.
4. You can accept or reject any trade the Chiefs make as long as any Chiefs player involved is currently on your roster.
5. You do not get players that the Chiefs draft. You draft your own players, using the same draft picks that the Chiefs have.
6. You can trade down ONE time before the draft or after the draft. If you trade down before the draft, you get up to full value for your pick according to this chart: (Note: this chart was updated in 2022.) If you trade down after the draft, the value of the picks you trade must be discounted by at least 25 percent. Any trade down must involve only the picks of one NFL team, and you cannot receive more than two picks more than you give up. (In other words, if you trade away one draft pick you cannot pick up more than three in return.) The other team's picks also must be picks that they held prior to the opening of the draft. See the examples at the bottom of the post.
6. You can trade up ONE time before the draft or after the draft. If you trade up before the draft, you get up to full value for your pick according to this chart: (Note: this chart was updated in 2022.). If you trade up after the draft, the value of the picks you trade must be discounted by at least 15 percent. Any trade up must involve only the picks of one NFL team. The other team's picks also must be picks that they held prior to the opening of the draft.
7. By the beginning of the season, you must reduce your total roster to include only 53 players.
Original post: You can ignore this now.
Okay, having tested the waters I think we've got enough interest in this. There will be two other games as well that I'll announce soon.
The concept of this game is to, over a series of years, see which Chiefsplanet members are best at building a team. We can have an unlimited number of players, and this game will take very little time on your part - just a little bit of time and some voting.
Here's how the game will work.
Step 1. First, you have to locate your team in a city. It cannot be in a city that has an existing NFL team, so you must pick from the following cities, which are the largest cities that don't have an NFL team, but ensuring that there's at least one city in every state. If we have more than 100 players I'll add to this list. (List deleted for brevity. If you start playing, just pick a city.)
Step 2. Once the NFL draft is complete on April 26, owners will select players who were available with each Chiefs selection (i.e., do their own draft) and add these people to their roster. If the Chiefs make any draft day trades, the player may choose to accept or reject the trade and act accordingly.
Step 3. After training camp, each owner selects 40 (Edited up from 35) Chiefs players who are "their" players who will make up their roster. The remaining 13 positions will be filled by a generic "scrub".
Step 4. At the end of the season, the person will provide an overview of who started at each position over the course of the year, providing the number of starts at each position by each player. Edit: the rules for doing so are discussed in Post 285.
Step 5. At the end of the season, we will have a Survivor-style vote among the general Chiefsplanet population to determine who had the best team that year, including impacts of injuries and other issues.
Step 6. In Year 2 (and beyond), the player starts with his/her core of 40 players, adds new players through the draft, and can then pick another core of players from the following pool: their 40-player core, new drafted players, and any new free agent that joins the Chiefs
If the Chiefs make a trade that includes draft picks, each owner can choose to accept or reject that trade on their own team. If the Chiefs make a trade involving a player on the Chiefs roster, the owner can accept that trade ONLY if his/her own roster includes that player.
There will be no trades between owners, and no implications of the salary cap.
I realize that in the first season we'll have a lot of players with similar rosters, but they'll diverge over time and that's where it'll get interesting.
So...if you're interested in playing, claim your city and name your team.
Teams As Of Post #113:
Alaska (Anchorage) Watchmen (cdcox)
Austin [name to be determined] (Hound333)
Billings Snake Filets (KCChiefsman)
Cheyenne Buckshot Cheneys (banyon)
Des Moines [yet to be named] (Hoover)
Duluth Normans (Rain Man)
El Paso The Courvoisier (DeezNutz)
Fargo Rape (SNR)
Fort Wayne Dancers (Chiefs=Good)
Fresno Refugees (Adam)
Harrisburg Beer Farts (Otter)
Hartford Manticores (Crush)
Honolulu Craters (Sully)
Knoxville Nukes (Patteeu)
Las Vegas Hitmen (Bowser)
Little Rock Reapers (doomy3)
Los Angeles Cobras (chiefscafan)
Madison Beers (Spicy McHaggis)
Memphis Jackals (Ultra Peanut)
Oklahoma City Boom (Sanka)
Omaha Streakers (speak24)
Orlando Beakers (ChiefsCountry)
Reno Sheriff Department (MWagg72)
San Antonio Scorpions (truebigdog)
Scranton Paper Packers (bdeg)
Sioux Falls Slackers (pestilenceaf23)
Spokane [yet to be named] (Mr. Flopnuts)
Springfield (Missouri) Cashew Chickens (H5N1)
Wichita [yet to be named] (jwazzie)
Winston-Salem Warlocks (ArrowheadHawk)
Worcester Sauce (unothadeal)
Added Rules and Reminders:
1. Remember that you can draft undrafted rookies, so you don't have to select only guys who were drafted.
2. Anyone can change their rookie draft selections at any time, UNTIL we reach ten days before training camp. At that point, all picks will be locked in.
3. Each team can do ONE trade of draft picks if they like, using this chart: However, if you're trading up, you have to pay 15 percent more than the stated value of the picks you're obtaining. If you're trading down, your pick's value will be discounted by 25 percent.
For example, if you want to trade up from the 20th pick in the 1st to the 10th pick, you can see from the chart that the 20th pick is worth 259 points. The 10th pick is normally 369 points, but by paying 15 percent more, it will cost you 1.15*369, or 424 points. So you would need to come up with another 165 points to make the deal (424-259)
For example, if you want to trade down from the 20th pick in the 1st and pick up the 10th pick in the 2nd, your 20th pick would normally be worth 259 points, but in this game it will be worth 25 percent less, or 194 points. The 10th pick in the 2nd is worth 142 points, so you can get 52 points back from the other team. (Remember that you cannot pick up more than two extra picks in the trade, so consider your math carefully.)
You can do only ONE draft-pick trade up and ONE draft-pick trade down, and in each case you can only trade with one other team for their own picks. (In other words, you couldn't take the 52 points in the above example from a third team.) [Reply]
Originally Posted by kccrow:
Just clarifying that TE Hendershot was a trade of a conditional 2026 7th-Round pick, so it will probably cost "something" to us if we want him.
ER Josh Uche was a trade of a 2026 6th round pick to New England
WR Tyquan Thornton was signed to the PS in November. Not sure if any other PS signings have long-term effects. Baylor Cupp?
Oh, I didn't remember the Hendershot thing. So we'll have to choose to accept or reject that trade as well as Uche.
We can add Tyquan to our training camp rosters if we wish.
I pondered Keith Taylor, which is a weird case because we cut him and then re-signed him. But since he was in the Chiefs training camp last year, I think we probably shouldn't get him unless we kept him in our initial 53. But that's kind of a gray area. What do you think? [Reply]
Originally Posted by Rain Man:
Oh, I didn't remember the Hendershot thing. So we'll have to choose to accept or reject that trade as well as Uche.
We can add Tyquan to our training camp rosters if we wish.
I pondered Keith Taylor, which is a weird case because we cut him and then re-signed him. But since he was in the Chiefs training camp last year, I think we probably shouldn't get him unless we kept him in our initial 53. But that's kind of a gray area. What do you think?
My vote would be that if they were in camp last year then we shouldn't get unless we kept them on the 53. Only any new adds to camp for this year [Reply]
Originally Posted by kccrow:
My vote would be that if they were in camp last year then we shouldn't get unless we kept them on the 53. Only any new adds to camp for this year
That's where I'm leaning too. So no Keith unless he made our 2024 team.
So to summarize,
We need to accept or reject the following trades before the draft.
Our 2025 4th round pick (#168) for Deandre Hopkins
A to-be-determined conditional 2026 7th round pick for Peyton Hendershot
A to-be-determined conditional 2026 6th round pick for Josh Ouch
The Bears' 2026 4th round pick for Joe Thuney (if he is on your current roster).
We can add DJ Humphries, Siaki Ika, Baylor Cupp, and/or Tyquan Thornton to our training camp rosters. We can also add any other midseason or offseason acquisitions who were not cut in the Chiefs training camp, though I won't bother to come up with a list since I don't think any are still on the Chiefs roster.
So far, we're also adding Jaylon Moore and Elijah Mitchell in free agency.
So far, we are losing Tershawn Wharton and Justin Watson in free agency if they're on our current roster. [Reply]