I discovered Lee Childs Jack Reacher stories about 10 years ago, what a great read. Usually we find Reacher hitch hiking, as he wanders the USA, somebody will eventually pick him up despite having a hulkish look at 6-6 260ish. And our story begins.
When I heard there was going to be a movie, yep, excited. But........Tom Cruise? How can the 5-8 170 (guessing) sell the huge Jack Reacher? In the stories the size of Reacher is a constant, we get it.....big bad hombre. Tom Cruise a big bad hombre......nay!
X pro rassler/current actor Dave Batista.....perfect.
If a movie is based on a literary character why not stay as close as possible to the story?
I guess the worst casting job ever was John Wayne as Ghanghis Ghan, What were they thinking? [Reply]
Originally Posted by UteChief:
Just curious how old you are.
42. I think - old enough that I have to do the math.
Originally Posted by crispystl:
One of the movies was on the other night and it was so terrible it took me about 3-4 minutes to determine that it wasn't in fact satire and I'm supposed to believe a 5ft 6inch 140lbs Tom Cruise it out there smoking guys twice his size.
It's just easy for me to suspend disbelief with Cruise at this point. I've watched him play assassins and action heroes for essentially a quarter century at this point. There's just very little that's a bridge too far with him for me. Though admittedly, this one was pushing it a bit.
Compare it to the visceral violence of the Amazon series and yeah, it's nowhere near as convincing. But again - when it's Cruise, I just shut up and eat my popcorn. [Reply]
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut:
42. I think - old enough that I have to do the math.
It's just easy for me to suspend disbelief with Cruise at this point. I've watched him play assassins and action heroes for essentially a quarter century at this point. There's just very little that's a bridge too far with him for me. Though admittedly, this one was pushing it a bit.
Compare it to the visceral violence of the Amazon series and yeah, it's nowhere near as convincing. But again - when it's Cruise, I just shut up and eat my popcorn.
Cruise is such a good actor that even though he's on the Mt. Rushmore of Scientology, people still flock to all his movies. He's great in everything and charismatic as hell. [Reply]
Originally Posted by RockChalk:
Not of huge significance, but apparently Season 2 is dropping a bit earlier than previously announced. First 3 episodes drop on 12/14 at 7pm EST now.
Alot of shows on Amazon actually premier in the US a day before there scheduled date. The Wheel of Time was always scheduled for Friday (I think) release, but was available at like 7 pm CST. [Reply]
Originally Posted by dlphg9:
Cruise is such a good actor that even though he's on the Mt. Rushmore of Scientology, people still flock to all his movies. He's great in everything and charismatic as hell.
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut:
42. I think - old enough that I have to do the math.
It's just easy for me to suspend disbelief with Cruise at this point. I've watched him play assassins and action heroes for essentially a quarter century at this point. There's just very little that's a bridge too far with him for me. Though admittedly, this one was pushing it a bit.
Compare it to the visceral violence of the Amazon series and yeah, it's nowhere near as convincing. But again - when it's Cruise, I just shut up and eat my popcorn.
In the first movie Cruise nailed the dry sarcastic wit of Reacher. I didn’t struggle with adaptation. I do enjoy the Amazon series more. I have read almost all the books. Working on the most recent now. [Reply]
Originally Posted by crispystl:
One of the movies was on the other night and it was so terrible it took me about 3-4 minutes to determine that it wasn't in fact satire and I'm supposed to believe a 5ft 6inch 140lbs Tom Cruise it out there smoking guys twice his size.
We did believe a 5'8" Rocky knocked out a huge Russian... [Reply]