PPL: Planet party line. Marty/Gun "sucks" (not my choice of words), Rams West is COOOOOL, 6-10 under Vermiel is better than 9-7 with Gun, all ex-Chiefs are money-grubbing scum suckers who are overrated anyway, T-Rich ain't good enuff, etc...
Dissent: People who post replies not in conformity to the PPL.
New Posters: People who innocently post their actual opinions rather than subscribe to the PPL and get shouted down by the clique of regulars touting the conventional wisdom.
Oh well, its only football, and most of us deserve each other.
Ordinarily, I would just leave this topic alone and go on to the next, but I felt I should make a point. If this topic had been posted by one of the people you mentioned you had respect for(wax, denise, packfool), it probably would have gotten a minimum of responses. I think it speaks volumes for just how much people enjoy your presence and opinion that they would lambaste you like they have.
Think of it as "tough love".
I have no problems personally with you, but this topic was way out of line for someone with so many people that consider themselves friends. [Reply]
So do you just sit back there in Fort Bragg, read this stuff and smile when you stir all these guys up? You are the best at stirring things up. By the way some of your points are valid.
Looks like I missed a fun one, but no way in hell am I going to read all this crap.
Proctor, just trade in all your Chiefs stuff for Redskins stuff and be done with it. Find a Skins board to call your own. Seems like you'd be much happier, and so would we.
And besides, with the season they're in for, I can't think of any group of fans more in need of a chaplain. Can you do last rites? [Reply]
But I have to tell you that the planet is a joke after what they have pulled this time.
Anyway enough of that, welcome to one of the best Chief boards on the net.
Looks like Prez is pissed he got busted double-posting.
I can't wait till his web hoster notifies him that the flagrant use of the word "fag" is going to get his site removed! :-)
I apologize to everyone if they are offended by me. But it is true. The only way proc can solve his problem with us (instead of bitching about it) is to leave this BB. Am I right? He says he wants to talk Chiefs football, but he really wants to disrespect Chiefs football, I mean, thats fine and all, but he says he's a Chiefs fan, but he disrespects the coaches, in all. I can see a fan of another team doing that (which is fine, also) but NOT a Chiefs fan!
leave, adios, cho'...
once again, sorry everyone, but its old... [Reply]
I'm not apologizing for sh*t. I'm sick of the whining and constant denegration of this team due to it's progressive new approach (which, coincidentally, has proven eimmensely successful). As if that wasn't annoying enough, to come on here and constantly play the martyr- to try some stinking passive-aggressive BS role, then label the regulars here as 'party-liners', well, that just crosses the damn line with me.
To dissent is one thing, but to chastize and label with complete disregard for the reality of the interaction that takes place here is TROLLISH behavior. Trolls are afforded no quarter in my book - so the b*tch can rot on ignore for all I care. [Reply]
"Like much of the DNC blather, it is insulting to anyone of intelligence. "
Luzap - This is insulting to those of us who are Democrats. To imply that Democrats have no intelligence is ridiculous. Believe it or not, some of us are college graduates and everything... I would put my "intelligence" against yours any day of the week! [Reply]