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Media Center>*The NEW Movies Thread*
Bowser 11:09 AM 01-04-2014
Old one is crapping out the server, per the new guidelines.

Browse the old thread that is chock full of goodness here -
Buehler445 11:29 PM 09-12-2014
Caught Ironclad on Netflix. Wasn't a worldbeater, but worth a watch if you're into people getting hacked the fuck up.

Annnnd Kate Mara is hot. She didn't act worth a damn in this one and her English accent is horrid, but she's HOT.

Catch it if you have a few minutes.
Easy 6 11:35 PM 09-12-2014
Originally Posted by Buehler445:
Caught Ironclad on Netflix. Wasn't a worldbeater, but worth a watch if you're into people getting hacked the **** up.

Annnnd Kate Mara is hot. She didn't act worth a damn in this one and her English accent is horrid, but she's HOT.

Catch it if you have a few minutes.
Ironclad RULES, its been about a year and a half since I watched it, but when the hero is on the castle catwalk and cleaves the guy literally in two with his broadsword? hahaaa that was well worth my $2 rental alone.
Buehler445 11:45 PM 09-12-2014
Originally Posted by Easy 6:
Ironclad RULES, its been about a year and a half since I watched it, but when the hero is on the castle catwalk and cleaves the guy literally in two with his broadsword? hahaaa that was well worth my $2 rental alone.
Yeah, there were some pretty bad ass deaths in it. They didn't spare the gore.

That and Charles Dance is in it. After GOT, I've decided whatever he is in is worth a look.
Easy 6 11:49 PM 09-12-2014
Originally Posted by Buehler445:
Yeah, there were some pretty bad ass deaths in it. They didn't spare the gore.

That and Charles Dance is in it. After GOT, I've decided whatever he is in is worth a look.
Leave it to some English actors and locations to make a great swords and sandals flic.

An underrated movie no doubt.

Who does Charles Dance play in GOT?
Buehler445 11:51 PM 09-12-2014
Originally Posted by Easy 6:
Leave it to some English actors and locations to make a great swords and sandals flic.

An underrated movie no doubt.

Who does Charles Dance play in GOT?
Old man Lannister. Tywinn (sp?)
Easy 6 12:02 AM 09-13-2014
Originally Posted by Buehler445:
Old man Lannister. Tywinn (sp?)
Oh wow, I don't remember him being in that, no wonder I recall that movie fondly.

On a side note, I discovered late last sunday night that I had free HBO, they listed the whole damn season 4 GOT series as available.

I licked my damn chops and caught episode one, Two Swords, planning on a veeery late night marathon. Finish that episode, go back into On Demand... and it was no longer on the menu at all. It was all just apparently a big tease to say "see what you're missing".

Those bastards, they had all 14 episodes listed... watched one then POOF :-)
Buehler445 12:05 AM 09-13-2014
Originally Posted by Easy 6:
Oh wow, I don't remember him being in that, no wonder I recall that movie fondly.

On a side note, I discovered late last sunday night that I had free HBO, they listed the whole damn season 4 GOT series as available.

I licked my damn chops and caught episode one, Two Swords, planning on a veeery late night marathon. Finish that episode, go back into On Demand... and it was no longer on the menu at all. It was all just apparently a big tease to say "see what you're missing".

Those bastards, they had all 14 episodes listed... watched one then POOF :-)
I think Amazon got all the HBO shows on Prime.

If nothing else GOT is worth owning in BluRay:-)
Pepe Silvia 12:24 AM 09-13-2014
If anyone here ever watches those B Horror films on Netflix you should check out You're Next. The movie had a really decent twist, only watch if you can handle some gore.
Buehler445 10:39 AM 09-13-2014
I caught Jobs finally.

It was decent enough. Kutcher did a respectable job. He didn't get the mannerisms well enough to say he killed it. Maybe it is a tough job because he was on media so much.

It's probably because I'm a business junkie, but it seemed to me they painted him more as a misunderstood artist than the astute business man he was.
Mennonite 02:34 PM 09-13-2014
Originally Posted by Rausch:

No one has watched Coherence yet?...
I just did.


I thought the idea was interesting, but the ending could have been a bit better. I think the ending would have had more impact, if Em's relationship with Kevin had been irrevocably destroyed in the last reality that she was in before she made her decision to walk into the darkness/roulette wheel to set things right. That would make her decision to attack (murder?) herself in the final reality much more believable.

So did none of the freaky comet related events happen in the "final" reality?

I know she was the leading character, but the movie was about the entire group. It would have been interesting to see an ending that involved all of the characters in some way.

An alternate ending: Have the party guests go through an entire night of paranoid hell fighting their doppelgangers and amongst themselves. Have all of their friendships and relationships be torn asunder by the pressure and through the revelations of buried secrets. Long time friends and lovers are now strangers and possible enemies. Have them realize the truth about the "roulette wheel" and have each of them leave the house to find "happier" realities where they didn't **** up their lives. Basically, they would become the very doppelgangers they had been fighting to keep out of the house the entire night.

Have you seen Los cronocrímenes (2007)? If you liked "Coherence" i think you will enjoy that one too.

KCUnited 02:43 PM 09-13-2014
Ugh, just saw No Good Deed with Stringer Bell. I didn't know Tyler Perry made thrillers. Seriously though, the story and acting were lol bad. Thumbs down.
Rausch 02:50 PM 09-13-2014
Originally Posted by Mennonite:
Have you seen Los cronocrímenes (2007)? If you liked "Coherence" i think you will enjoy that one too. [/B]
Oh yeah. Great mindfuck.

The dialogue is down to a minimum so for large parts of the movie it really doesn't matter that it's subtitled.
ragedogg69 05:53 PM 09-13-2014
Originally Posted by KCUnited:
Ugh, just saw No Good Deed with Stringer Bell. I didn't know Tyler Perry made thrillers. Seriously though, the story and acting were lol bad. Thumbs down.
Yeah, no surprise. September release.
SAUTO 05:55 PM 09-13-2014
Originally Posted by nstygma:
I did based on your recommendation. I had it figured out at one point and started to feel meh, then it surprised me. Good movie!

I just watched The Rover with Guy Pearce and Robert Pattinson. I suspect most people won't get it, but for those of us that do, really fine flick.
Yeah I liked it too
Posted via Mobile Device
BigMeatballDave 08:10 AM 09-14-2014
Originally Posted by Buehler445:
I caught Jobs finally.

It was decent enough. Kutcher did a respectable job. He didn't get the mannerisms well enough to say he killed it. Maybe it is a tough job because he was on media so much.

It's probably because I'm a business junkie, but it seemed to me they painted him more as a misunderstood artist than the astute business man he was.

Could have just as easily gone with Fucking Asshole. LOL
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