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Nzoner's Game Room>Hunting type things.....
Iowanian 02:27 PM 10-02-2003
Its fall. Bow season has opened in at least Missouri and Iowania. I thought we could discuss related topics. Tips, braggin', near misses....

relay your hunting stories, pics and tips here.

anti hunting types.....find another corner to squat in.
Sofa King 08:46 PM 09-26-2011
Originally Posted by Iowanian:
Lost a farm, gained a farm adjacent to 2 others I hunt...the home of the monster I've been after. This week, a photo came on a trailcam of the deer above's's obvious that it's the same genetic with the girth of the bases, length of the brows and the G2 and least 170. 2 new excellent stand locations that I'm very excited about.

I'll be in a tree for opening day saturday evening. 4-5 days to hunt before the October Lull.

Congratulations on getting the first one on the ground sofa.
Thanks bud.

Saw our big SOB from last year, yesterday as well. He'll be around the 170 mark. The thing that kills him is his G2's are shorter than his G3's. His G3's have to be 12 inches. the 2's might be 10. The fucker is super freak wide tall and heavy. i believe he's a 6 x 6 this year. Stayed out at 300 yards on a dugout mound we can't hunt.

I'll get him or his dark horned friend before the year's out... bastards!
Gonzo 09:45 PM 09-26-2011
Got my blind set up last week, new 2 person cabela's. Super sturdy and a huge standing area. I put it up right next to a hot-spot and have several pics already. I have an apple tree in my yard that might prove useful. :-)
One of them is a big ol' 6x5 with a black jaw-line. He's old and unfortunately lost a drop-tine last spring. His ass is toast coming this Thursday.
Posted via Mobile Device
Kraus 10:31 PM 09-26-2011
Got my first bowkill last Wednesday.

First night out of the new season, I was sitting in a new stand on the edge of a small clearing. I went out about 3:15 p.m. and didn't see anything for 3 hours.

Then 6:15 p.m. hit and it was like a deer light switch was turned on. Saw one doe 50 yards behind me, followed by two more a minute later. Then a fawn ran across the clearing in front of me. A minute later, another doe showed up in the clearing and presented me with a broadside shot. She turned her head away from me once, I lifted my bow up and started to draw, but she turned back. I held as still as possible. 5-Seconds later she turned away again, I was able to draw back, aim and fire.

At first I thought I missed because I didn't see the arrow at all. The two deer in the clearing darted off. I hopped down from the stand and walked over to where I had shot at the doe. Sure enough, there was my arrow, completely covered in blood. I went and picked up my dad, then we returned about half an hour later. We went to where I had last saw the doe, picked up a blood trail, and about a 100-yards later, we found her.

Psyko Tek 10:44 PM 09-26-2011
gfonna bew in Nebraska next week end what is in season?
probably only go after varmits and such but could be fun

ain't been hunting since the 80's
InChiefsHeaven 05:16 AM 09-27-2011
Nice job Kraus.

You kinda look like Matt Cassel...except the whole success thing...
Kraus 05:10 PM 09-27-2011
Originally Posted by InChiefsHell:
Nice job Kraus.

You kinda look like Matt Cassel...except the whole success thing...
Thanks!!! :-) And...thanks... :-)
LiveSteam 05:33 PM 09-27-2011
Originally Posted by Psyko Tek:
gfonna bew in Nebraska next week end what is in season?
probably only go after varmits and such but could be fun

ain't been hunting since the 80's
You live in Arizona. Its a yotey wonderland out in the AZ desert. Why would you come here to Neb to hunt yotes & such? Now a prairie dog shoot I get.
You want some heavy trigger time? March,when the Snow geese arrive at Squawcreek Missouri.You have 1/2 million birds locked up there. On the other side of the Muddy MO,you have Neb. & tons of winter wheat & corn.
Sofa King 08:21 PM 09-27-2011
3rd day of archery, 2nd doe hit the ground. 11 yards. Double lung, heart shot. Made it about 50 yards and keeled over. Shaping up to be my best archery year ever. Saw 2 more bucks, another HUGE one that resembles a bloodline i seen 2 years ago. Hopefully i'll be able to catch up to that beast.
Sofa King 08:24 PM 09-27-2011
On a separate note. Has anyone here used deer decoys? If so, what did you use, buck or doe? How did it work? how did you use it? When did you use it. and any other helpful tips.

I got a deer target that i want to try to use as a decoy. Some of these bucks will run straight to does if i call. like all out sprint (last year anyways). Which sucks because obviously i am not a doe so they won't run to me.

My thinking is if i put up a decoy, when i call, they may run to it. Solid thinking i know. I'm smart like that.

Just need any pointers, tips, opinions you all may have. good or bad.

Iowanian 08:31 PM 09-27-2011
Every time I've used a decoy it just pissed off the does in the area, and the bucks didn't like it either, but I know people who have used them and swear by them.

I have a friend who shoots a doe early in the season, skins the hide and ties it over his decoy and swears it's successful and he's a murderous sonnabitch, so I'm sure it works.

Opening day archery is saturday, I got a nice line of stitches in my draw shoulder today, and the doc said no bow hunting. I laughed. If the right buck walks through, I'll not give a shit about busting a couple of stitches.
Sofa King 08:33 PM 09-27-2011
I took a couple pictures of the area and some other deer walking under my stand. I'll see if i can get them off my pos phone.
Buehler445 08:41 PM 09-27-2011
Originally Posted by Iowanian:
Every time I've used a decoy it just pissed off the does in the area, and the bucks didn't like it either, but I know people who have used them and swear by them.

I have a friend who shoots a doe early in the season, skins the hide and ties it over his decoy and swears it's successful and he's a murderous sonnabitch, so I'm sure it works.

Opening day archery is saturday, I got a nice line of stitches in my draw shoulder today, and the doc said no bow hunting. I laughed. If the right buck walks through, I'll not give a shit about busting a couple of stitches.
Is it a cut or did you have surgery? If you got something mean like a rotator cuff repair, shoot him with a rifle and stick an arrow in him before you skin him.
Fish 08:57 PM 09-27-2011
Originally Posted by Sofa King:
On a separate note. Has anyone here used deer decoys? If so, what did you use, buck or doe? How did it work? how did you use it? When did you use it. and any other helpful tips.

I got a deer target that i want to try to use as a decoy. Some of these bucks will run straight to does if i call. like all out sprint (last year anyways). Which sucks because obviously i am not a doe so they won't run to me.

My thinking is if i put up a decoy, when i call, they may run to it. Solid thinking i know. I'm smart like that.

Just need any pointers, tips, opinions you all may have. good or bad.

Scent >>>>>>> Decoy. Deer use smell more than vision for hormonal purposes.

If you're going to those lengths, get some scent. Decoys rarely work for deer.
Fish 08:59 PM 09-27-2011
Originally Posted by Iowanian:
Every time I've used a decoy it just pissed off the does in the area, and the bucks didn't like it either, but I know people who have used them and swear by them.

I have a friend who shoots a doe early in the season, skins the hide and ties it over his decoy and swears it's successful and he's a murderous sonnabitch, so I'm sure it works.

Opening day archery is saturday, I got a nice line of stitches in my draw shoulder today, and the doc said no bow hunting. I laughed. If the right buck walks through, I'll not give a shit about busting a couple of stitches.
If the hide includes the scent glands at the back "knee" joints, it would explain that. I'm convinced scent is the key.

And damn dude stitches suck .... But like you said, if big ol boy walks by, pain goes away.. :-)
Sofa King 10:52 AM 09-28-2011
Originally Posted by Sofa King:
On a separate note. Has anyone here used deer decoys? If so, what did you use, buck or doe? How did it work? how did you use it? When did you use it. and any other helpful tips.

I got a deer target that i want to try to use as a decoy. Some of these bucks will run straight to does if i call. like all out sprint (last year anyways). Which sucks because obviously i am not a doe so they won't run to me.

My thinking is if i put up a decoy, when i call, they may run to it. Solid thinking i know. I'm smart like that.

Just need any pointers, tips, opinions you all may have. good or bad.


Bump to see if the day crowd has any preferences/opinions on using a decoy.
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