Originally Posted by Molitoth:
One team came to play.
Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch:
Super stoked about that Titans 3rd, right?
Originally Posted by TheGuardian:
This defense has taken several steps back from last year. No consistent pass rush, but consistent miscommunications in the secondary. Just dog shit
Originally Posted by ThyKingdomCome15:
Had a guy on here tell me we don't miss Sneed at all.
Talk to me now.
Originally Posted by TheGuardian:
This defense misses Sneed and GAy beyond measure
Originally Posted by HonestChieffan:
im done with this POS
Originally Posted by Demonpenz:
Patrick is looking old
Originally Posted by MMXcalibur:
Might be time to start looking for that QB of the future.
Patrick has lost it.
Originally Posted by BWillie:
What if Mahomes is not actually elite? What if he had the best coach ever....then Top 5 WR ever and best TE ever?
He has honestly been awful...sans the playoffs for a while now. Wtf is going on
Originally Posted by KCUnited:
I know it’s only week 3 and we’re 2-0 but I’m worried
Originally Posted by Bump:
it's okay, they'll probably get a field goal and we'll be down by 10 in the 2nd quarter
Originally Posted by 493rd:
Losing Pacheco hurts. Nobody respects Perine or Steele.
Originally Posted by Titty Meat:
Anyone else over the Steele charade? He's a glorified fullback
Originally Posted by arrowheadnation:
Not glorified, he’s literally a fullback.
Originally Posted by Iconic:
going to be honest not seeing all the hype about steele
has looked pretty pedestrian thus far
Originally Posted by CasselGotPeedOn:
Justin Reid is garbage
Originally Posted by pugsnotdrugs19:
Hicks needs to take the job.
Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch:
Reid needs to be benches for Hicks.
Originally Posted by bigjosh:
Our defense is an issue. Spags has some shit to fix and veach may need to start making some calls.
Originally Posted by cdcox:
Reid is willing to lose a few regular season games
Originally Posted by KCUnited:
Staring down the most disappointing 3-0 ever
Originally Posted by MVChiefFan:
In all honesty, Butker’s never really been that good. Just good coaching and God’s favoritism.
Originally Posted by Why Not?:
This game is setting up to be a Smitihian era loss.
Originally Posted by Titty Meat:
Let them score
Originally Posted by KC Dan:
Just give them the freaking td and let's get on with it
Originally Posted by FloridaMan88:
When do you let them score?
Originally Posted by comochiefsfan:
Let them score.
Originally Posted by pugsnotdrugs19:
Gonna have to win on offense. Let them score or at least use TOs.
Originally Posted by comochiefsfan:
A certain former president was right.
Originally Posted by Hammock Parties:
Shut up, doomer.
Your time is over.
Holy ****, you're so ****ing stupid lmao. I can only surmise that your presence being tolerated for so many years is simply proof positive that CP operates under the assumption that its village needs its idiot to function optimally.
Look. We all know that you're simply ass hurt when it comes to me specifically because you don't like to acknowledge where Andy Reid has come from. The tragi-comic amounts of lolwtf gaffes that left him a bridesmaid 4 straight years with a loaded roster, in Philly and led to some of the most hilarious post season collapses in NFL history during his time here.
You just want that blocked out of your mind just like the time you inserted your little action figure lightsaber down your pee hole and got it stuck.
And that's perfectly fine.
However, you simply cannot lump a perfectly legitimate annoyance with CLEAR ineptitude on the football field in with 493rd level chicken little pussy posting.
Why don't you take a page out of dilphags playbook, and just start a thread about me that you can vent your excess estrogen and torrents of vaginal blood and discharge. You'll still be looked upon as unfathomably stupid, but marginally less so.
Or you can continue to beat your dweebish gatekeeping war drum that I dont deserve to watch the team, because I acknowledge the entirely of Andy Reids career.
Your triggers are your own. Your inability to face reality in certain topics about your hero in lieu of cherry picking your favorites is not my concern.
I'm not, and never have been a game day Doomer. The last time I felt a game was over was at 24-0 against the Texans, and even then, I didn't post it here. I simply said to the family, at least its over quickly.
Ever since that kid dropped 28 in a quarter, down 24, the shit isn't over until the teams leave the field. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Wallcrawler:
Holy ****, you're so ****ing stupid lmao. I can only surmise that your presence being tolerated for so many years is simply proof positive that CP operates under the assumption that its village needs its idiot to function optimally.
Look. We all know that you're simply ass hurt when it comes to me specifically because you don't like to acknowledge where Andy Reid has come from. The tragi-comic amounts of lolwtf gaffes that left him a bridesmaid 4 straight years with a loaded roster, in Philly and led to some of the most hilarious post season collapses in NFL history during his time here.
You just want that blocked out of your mind just like the time you inserted your little action figure lightsaber down your pee hole and got it stuck.
And that's perfectly fine.
However, you simply cannot lump a perfectly legitimate annoyance with CLEAR ineptitude on the football field in with 493rd level chicken little pussy posting.
Why don't you take a page out of dilphags playbook, and just start a thread about me that you can vent your excess estrogen and torrents of vaginal blood and discharge. You'll still be looked upon as unfathomably stupid, but marginally less so.
Or you can continue to beat your dweebish gatekeeping war drum that I dont deserve to watch the team, because I acknowledge the entirely of Andy Reids career.
Your triggers are your own. Your inability to face reality in certain topics about your hero in lieu of cherry picking your favorites is not my concern.
I'm not, and never have been a game day Doomer. The last time I felt a game was over was at 24-0 against the Texans, and even then, I didn't post it here. I simply said to the family, at least its over quickly.
Ever since that kid dropped 28 in a quarter, down 24, the shit isn't over until the teams leave the field.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Titty Meat:
Clay the gutters are literally hanging off of your house instead of taking time out of your day to fix them you're doing this. Come on bro
Nah they're fine. Soon as the water drained they popped right back up. :-) [Reply]
Originally Posted by Wallcrawler:
Holy ****, you're so ****ing stupid lmao. I can only surmise that your presence being tolerated for so many years is simply proof positive that CP operates under the assumption that its village needs its idiot to function optimally.
Look. We all know that you're simply ass hurt when it comes to me specifically because you don't like to acknowledge where Andy Reid has come from. The tragi-comic amounts of lolwtf gaffes that left him a bridesmaid 4 straight years with a loaded roster, in Philly and led to some of the most hilarious post season collapses in NFL history during his time here.
You just want that blocked out of your mind just like the time you inserted your little action figure lightsaber down your pee hole and got it stuck.
And that's perfectly fine.
However, you simply cannot lump a perfectly legitimate annoyance with CLEAR ineptitude on the football field in with 493rd level chicken little pussy posting.
Why don't you take a page out of dilphags playbook, and just start a thread about me that you can vent your excess estrogen and torrents of vaginal blood and discharge. You'll still be looked upon as unfathomably stupid, but marginally less so.
Or you can continue to beat your dweebish gatekeeping war drum that I dont deserve to watch the team, because I acknowledge the entirely of Andy Reids career.
Your triggers are your own. Your inability to face reality in certain topics about your hero in lieu of cherry picking your favorites is not my concern.
I'm not, and never have been a game day Doomer. The last time I felt a game was over was at 24-0 against the Texans, and even then, I didn't post it here. I simply said to the family, at least its over quickly.
Ever since that kid dropped 28 in a quarter, down 24, the shit isn't over until the teams leave the field.
Nice wall of text, loser. You deserve none of this. You little bitch. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Hammock Parties:
Nice wall of text, loser. You deserve none of this. You little bitch.
Dweebish gate keeping war drum it is then.
While your hilarious screech and squee that I'm going to watch this team 3peat on Sunday signifies you feel I shouldn't get it, I'm going to get it anyway, Clay, sure as the sunrise and just as sure as the UTI you get going asshole to pee hole with your little Star Wars accessories.
I enjoy how much it bothers you. How strange that one of the most negative, insufferable, whiney little flip flopping bitches that this message board has ever seen would be the one banging the drum on who deserves to see this team win.
You're a joke.
Why don't you go make a little video where you lament what a fair weather fuckface you've been for two decades.
Originally Posted by Wallcrawler:
Dweebish gate keeping war drum it is then.
While your hilarious screech and squee that I'm going to watch this team 3peat on Sunday signifies you feel I shouldn't get it, I'm going to get it anyway, Clay, sure as the sunrise and just as sure as the UTI you get going asshole to pee hole with your little Star Wars accessories.
I enjoy how much it bothers you. How strange that one of the most negative, insufferable, whiney little flip flopping bitches that this message board has ever seen would be the one banging the drum on who deserves to see this team win.
You're a joke.
Why don't you go make a little video where you lament what a fair weather fuckface you've been for two decades.
False equivalency. Since Mahomes was drafted I have been the biggest homer in Chiefs Kingdom.
You, on the other hand, take any opportunity to shit on any member of the team when a third down isn't converted, or the opposing team converts one. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Hammock Parties that said, if you want to win another SB next year, the patriots making the bills play in the wild card round again is a good way to start