Mine is to qualify for the US Strongman Nationals for 2026. Hopefully that will include a national log press record in my age and weight class. [Reply]
At 51 years old, I've started running again for some reason after basically deciding I'd never run again. There's something about being able to go knock our a run in 30-45 minutes and clear my head. Current routine:
Mornings in the gym (5:00a)
Monday: Lift
Tuesday: Cycling class
Wednesday: Pilates
Thursday: Lift
Friday: Pilates/Stretch
Saturday: Lift
Sunday: Either day off from gym or stretch/pilates
I've also started adding in either a run after work or a nighttime mountain bike ride with lights at least 2-3 nights a week. I usually try to have a pretty big bike ride on either Saturday or Sunday (or both).
The wife and I have also gone to a heavy protein-dominated diet, and it's been pretty transformational as far as managing my weight. I'm 6'1" and currently bouncing between 200 and 205. I'm about to make some efforts coming out of the holidays to get down to 190-195. Along with the protein, also doing 10mg of creatine daily.
Knock on wood, but I'm feeling and looking fitter than I have in probably 15 years. I do need to get some better running shoes if I'm going to keep that up, as I destroyed my knees/shins/feet trying to PR a 5k last week. [Reply]
Originally Posted by penguinz:
What's everyone's fitness goals for 2025?
Mine is to qualify for the US Strongman Nationals for 2026. Hopefully that will include a national log press record in my age and weight class.
You must be one big motherfucker. I can picture you now on ESPN throwing logs around in some lake and growling.
I would like to break 24 min in the 5k. I'm a new runner, still at it less than a year and less than 5 months for knowing what I am doing. I am now in the 40-44 or 40-49 division in most 5k so would be cool to beat some old guys and win my age group someday. Also to stay alive. [Reply]
I do find it hilarious how you can find a pace that feels like you could run forever. Give it 1% more juice and 30 seconds later you feel like you’re dying. [Reply]
Originally Posted by ThaVirus:
Jogging may be the worst thing ever invented.
I do find it hilarious how you can find a pace that feels like you could run forever. Give it 1% more juice and 30 seconds later you feel like you’re dying.
I was hammering 10 minute mile pace for weeks for 30-45 minute runs. My wife was like, "I can't believe you're having no issues from running."
I went out and tried to PR and knocked out a 5k at a 9 minute pace (with some steep descents, which is what I think did it). I've been gimped up for over a week since then. Still managing to run and workout, but I'm definitely not trying to PR anytime soon. Just going to take it nice and easy. [Reply]
Originally Posted by ThaVirus:
Jogging may be the worst thing ever invented.
I do find it hilarious how you can find a pace that feels like you could run forever. Give it 1% more juice and 30 seconds later you feel like you’re dying.
Ain't it crazy? I thought I was a pussy for the longest time. Turns out I just need to jog and learn pacing. Running slow was hard for me to get used to and it caused me so many problems at first. When I run race pace or even a "marathon pace" even though I'm far from actually doing that I have no knee problems or toe problems. Slow it down and my knees would get shredded, big toe would go numb. Turns out just learning about supination vs pronation changed my world. [Reply]
Originally Posted by BWillie:
Can you shit on command?
Runners World actually has a book called "How to make yourself poop and 999 other tips all runners should know", full of useful advice. Here's an article from them on this topic:
Originally Posted by DanT:
Runners World actually has a book called "How to make yourself poop and 999 other tips all runners should know", full of useful advice. Here's an article from them on this topic:
I run in the morning, often pretty early, so one of the first things I do when I wake up in make a cup of coffee. :-)
:-) no wonder. I just started drinking coffee this year and shortly after my coffee I always get the urge. Like clock work. Before it seemed more random. [Reply]
As I've mentioned before I was battling Plantar Fasciitis from late 2019-mid 2023 (One foot then the other). Prior to that I was running 2 miles 4-5 days a week. I'm still not 100% comfortable but I've hit a slow steady mile a few times without stopping. Any time I feel any calf or hammy tightness I stop to stretch. I have zero interest in dealing with that shit again.
Current schedule is
Monday: 5-7 chest exercises then run a mile, it really helps the soreness in my shoulders.
Tuesday- Core, bis and tris
Wed- rest day
thursday-back shoulders then run again
Friday legs and core.
Saturday 13 mile 50 minute stationary bike workout.
I feel like a new man now that I can do legs and jog again without excruciating pain in my heels. Also got some Hokas coming excited to try them. All the PF people recommend them. [Reply]
Originally Posted by BWillie:
You must be one big mother****er. I can picture you now on ESPN throwing logs around in some lake and growling.
I would like to break 24 min in the 5k. I'm a new runner, still at it less than a year and less than 5 months for knowing what I am doing. I am now in the 40-44 or 40-49 division in most 5k so would be cool to beat some old guys and win my age group someday. Also to stay alive.
My class is Masters 50+ < 220lbs. Not huge numbers. Current national record for my class is 230lbs. [Reply]
I'm turning 45 this year so my goal is trying to hit the thousand pound club before I'm too old.
"The 1,000-Pound Club is an unofficial weight room title for people who can lift a combined one rep max (1RM) of 1,000 lbs or more in the squat, bench press, and deadlift. These three exercises are considered the "big three" of powerlifting"
Currently I'm at
Bench - 255 (I'm probably capped here with my middle-aged shoulder pain)
Squat - 315
Dead Lift - 405
All you guys who've lifted for ages knows that adding 25 pounds of one rep max weight is a fucking lot, especially for a middle aged guy. My most likely route will be adding to dead lift but it'll be a long, slow process. If I get hurt, I can't work, and if I don't work I'll have no money and, well, then I'm fucked. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Clyde Frog:
I'm turning 45 this year so my goal is trying to hit the thousand pound club before I'm too old.
"The 1,000-Pound Club is an unofficial weight room title for people who can lift a combined one rep max (1RM) of 1,000 lbs or more in the squat, bench press, and deadlift. These three exercises are considered the "big three" of powerlifting"
Currently I'm at
Bench - 255 (I'm probably capped here with my middle-aged shoulder pain)
Squat - 315
Dead Lift - 405
All you guys who've lifted for ages knows that adding 25 pounds of one rep max weight is a fucking lot, especially for a middle aged guy. My most likely route will be adding to dead lift but it'll be a long, slow process. If I get hurt, I can't work, and if I don't work I'll have no money and, well, then I'm fucked.
Deadlifting is such a fun lift. You feel like a bad ass just because you can put so much weight on the bar. Someday I'll get back into lifting, someday. [Reply]
Originally Posted by BWillie:
Deadlifting is such a fun lift. You feel like a bad ass just because you can put so much weight on the bar. Someday I'll get back into lifting, someday.
Exactly. I feel so strong lifting that kind of weight and when the bar starts bending I fell like a total badass. Ronnie Coleman lite, if you will. Well, in my own mind, I do. No one else at the gym even cares lol.
No doubt, you'll be a bar-bending badass again soon! [Reply]
Originally Posted by penguinz:
What's everyone's fitness goals for 2025?
Mine is to qualify for the US Strongman Nationals for 2026. Hopefully that will include a national log press record in my age and weight class.
Pretty happy with where I'm at as being consistent hitting the gym and eating like shit isn't as much of a challenge it used to be. Cut way back on the booze too which has been pretty easy. I think this year I'd like to get more into the micro nutrient side for health benefits [Reply]