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Media Center>*The NEW Movies Thread*
Bowser 11:09 AM 01-04-2014
Old one is crapping out the server, per the new guidelines.

Browse the old thread that is chock full of goodness here -
Passepartout 04:25 PM 08-10-2014
You need to see Schindler's List. It is a movie that all need to see before you leave this world. Very moving and touching story indeed! Beyond 10/10!

Word of warning:It is not for little kids is all I will say!
ragedogg69 02:23 PM 08-11-2014
Saw Mr. Peabody and Sherman with the wife. Good, not great. Some neat 3D effects for the time travel scenes. Worth a rental.
Halfcan 03:01 PM 08-11-2014
Noah- I would rather drown in a flood than watch this again.
Rausch 11:54 PM 08-12-2014
Just finished Coherence.

Wow. If you got lost during Primer this flick will rape your mind.

It's a indie sci-fi/mystery. The idea that a comet would cause what happens to happen in the movie is pretty lame but once you get beyond that it pulls you in. For about the 1st third of the movie you don't know if it's aliens, time travel, ghosts, etc...
listopencil 12:05 AM 08-13-2014
Originally Posted by KcMizzou:
Watched this because of your post. Really enjoyed it.
Cool, I was hoping someone would give it a chance. There are so many weird little moments in the movie that it's hard to describe.
listopencil 12:16 AM 08-13-2014
Originally Posted by KChiefer:

Mayosaki's great. Last one I saw was secret world of arriety. Cool to see small household objects in his beautiful detail.

Crap, I completely forgot about this movie. I'm going to grab a copy and check it out. I really enjoyed the Borrowers series of books as a kid.
Anyong Bluth 01:58 PM 08-13-2014
Originally Posted by Rausch:
Just finished Coherence.

Wow. If you got lost during Primer this flick will rape your mind.

It's a indie sci-fi/mystery. The idea that a comet would cause what happens to happen in the movie is pretty lame but once you get beyond that it pulls you in. For about the 1st third of the movie you don't know if it's aliens, time travel, ghosts, etc...
Graciás, I believe I will be watching this after the Royals game, this evening.
Rausch 03:00 PM 08-13-2014
Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth:
Graciás, I believe I will be watching this after the Royals game, this evening.
I'll be watching this at least twice more in the next two days.

For a first time viewer this is what will be the most fun: pay attention to every little detail. Watch who "enters" and who "leaves."

There's a link to an article I'll post in a day or two that completely spoils the movie but is great after your first viewing. It's like the Sixth Sense or Primer: after enjoying the film it becomes a game keeping track of all the moving pieces.

It's also amazing to know that about 80% of this movie is improv. The director would say "Ok, you're John Doe. This is his basic character. For this scene he needs to find a way to get out the kitchen door." That was done for every actor without any information sharing and then action!
lcarus 04:58 PM 08-13-2014
Damn it man. I still need to see both of the Hobbit movies. It's just hard for me to sit down for 3 hours and watch a movie with my schedule recently. I've heard so many mixed reviews about these movies. Some of my friends say they're amazing. Some say they're kinda shitty. I absolutely LOVED all the LOTR flicks though.
Fire Me Boy! 05:02 PM 08-13-2014
Originally Posted by lcarus:
Damn it man. I still need to see both of the Hobbit movies. It's just hard for me to sit down for 3 hours and watch a movie with my schedule recently. I've heard so many mixed reviews about these movies. Some of my friends say they're amazing. Some say they're kinda shitty. I absolutely LOVED all the LOTR flicks though.

They are nothing like LOTR.

I'm decidedly "meh" on the Hobbit movies.
lcarus 05:06 PM 08-13-2014
Originally Posted by Fried Meat Ball!:
They are nothing like LOTR.

I'm decidedly "meh" on the Hobbit movies.
But I should still watch them?
Fire Me Boy! 05:15 PM 08-13-2014
Originally Posted by lcarus:
But I should still watch them?

Meh. Lowered expectations and you'll be fine.
Baby Lee 06:01 PM 08-13-2014
Originally Posted by Rausch:
It's also amazing to know that about 80% of this movie is improv. The director would say "Ok, you're John Doe. This is his basic character. For this scene he needs to find a way to get out the kitchen door." That was done for every actor without any information sharing and then action!
Tell me there's a fat chick character whose mission is to save the pizzas!!
Rausch 06:14 PM 08-13-2014
Originally Posted by Baby Lee:
Tell me there's a fat chick character whose mission is to save the pizzas!!
I don't get it...
Baby Lee 06:16 PM 08-13-2014
Originally Posted by Rausch:
I don't get it...
From the Epic Win thread

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