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Nzoner's Game Room>Seth Keysor sees what we see...
DJ's left nut 09:14 AM 11-22-2024

I don't typically re-post his stuff because I think you want to support guys trying to freelance like he does. But I think this contributes to conversation enough to be worthwhile.


It's what many of us have been saying - those folks that are killing the OT play just aren't paying that much attention. Yes, it's been bad at times. No, it's not the primary problem for a great deal many of these games.

On Sunday the issues were overwhelmingly Trey Smith and Patrick Mahomes. The pass protection issues have extended well beyond the OT play. And Patrick Mahomes is the single biggest culprit to the misfiring offense (at least he was in Buffalo and that was just a continuation of what we've seen this season, IMO)
KC_Connection 01:30 PM 11-22-2024
Originally Posted by pugsnotdrugs19:
He does. He told Simms in his pre-week 1 sit down interview that he tries not to run anymore unless its playoffs or do or die spots.

But then he still hate tackles after a pick in that Chargers game which coulda easily hurt himself, instead hurt his WR1. So.
His frustration got the better of him after throwing a pick but he generally plays these games not going full out in them/avoiding major contact.

Regular season has effectively been practice for the playoffs for this franchise for this decade now and that has been especially reflected the last two seasons.
notorious 01:34 PM 11-22-2024
Originally Posted by ChiTown:
It's been obvious to anyone paying attention that PMII isn't on his game. The question is why? What's changed? Some of those answers are obvious (trust in receivers and lack of OL protection/trust in OL protection), but the other factors aren't that obvious. Maybe it's just a combo of those two items that are creating a lot of head trash for Pat and making him into a more average NFL QB. I don't know...
We are seeing a shadow of what Pat would have looked like if he'd been drafted top 3 and went to a bottom-feeder team.
Okchief80 01:36 PM 11-22-2024
Originally Posted by Wisconsin_Chief:
A lot of people don't want to admit that the biggest problem this year has been Pat. I get it, he's untouchable, and there still is no QB on Earth I'd take over him, but yeah, he's been awful by his standards. Then again, he has been without his two starting WRs and starting RB all season. Kelce is not a #1 anymore (until the playoffs) and you've got a street free agent at RB along with an UDFA who isn't much of anything and a Broncos cast off as your 3rd down back. You have aging Hopkins trying to learn on the fly at WR, a Pats castoff in JuJu who could die at any moment, and a very raw rookie. I mean, I don't think there's a QB in the league who could look "good" with this cast. Pat is doing about as well as anyone should expect with this nonsense season.

Sigh, one of these years Pat is going to have all his WRs healthy and we're going to see the old 15 again. Come playoff time, though, I still fully expect him and Kelce to flip the God switch and do what we all know they're going to do. Until then, just keep winning anyway you possibly can.
It has been obvious that pat has not been himself a large part of the season. Chiefs media is finally getting the balls to call him out. He has been at half mast most of the year.
ChiTown 01:45 PM 11-22-2024
Originally Posted by Megatron96:
Still will always believe that Pat will somehow fix his shit at some point, but it feels like a lot of shit this time. Hope I’m wrong.
I don't actually think it's a lot of different things he has to fix. I think the majority of it is between his ears. I think it's primarily a trust issue. He's not trusting his teammates, and he sure as hell isn't trusting what made him so great - his instincts to stand in the pocket and make the play. That's all JMHO.
-King- 01:46 PM 11-22-2024
At some point some people decided "he's not even trying that hard" was an acceptable defense of an NFL player.

Blows my mind.
Chiefnj2 01:49 PM 11-22-2024
Early in the season the Chiefs were a running team. Most likely because of the injuries at WR. People wondered why Kelce's numbers were down, it was because they were running the ball more (and effectively) at the expense of the short passing game.

Whether that is due to Pacheco being out, Hunt maybe getting tired, or just opposing teams keying on the run, I'm not sure, but they can't run as well as early in the season. In past years, this was okay because Mahomes could sling the ball and take advantage of a D keying on the run. This year not so much, and it's because of a myriad of reasons. The OL has been weak - usually the LT is the major culprit, but Smith had a bad game and Taylor is good for a 2nd and 20 at least twice a game. Mahomes has the yips, and some of the long developing plays are baffling when the line can't protect. Ju Ju is constantly hurt and Worthy is a bit limited. I know people are blaming Mahomes for inaccurate throws to him, but the kid needs better sideline awareness and he needs to go up and try to fight for the ball. And for the life of me, Steele shouldn't get so much playing time.

Just like last year, I'm sure it'll settle down and work itself out.
JPH83 01:52 PM 11-22-2024
It's a good and fair analysis of that game. Smith and Mahomes were the issue. I don't think it necessarily translates to problems experienced in other games. Morris played...OK against the Bills, but he and Kingsley have between them been a significant problem.

Which becomes a bigger issue down the stretch? Dunno. Entirely possible Bills/Harbaugh unlocked the cheat code and Smith and Mahomes are causing the issues. You could make an argument Morris is MAYBE trending up a bit, and Smith down. But if I could fix one position to make this team better, it's still LT. Feels like it still has the biggest ripple effect.
KC_Connection 02:03 PM 11-22-2024
Originally Posted by -King-:
At some point some people decided "he's not even trying that hard" was an acceptable defense of an NFL player.

Blows my mind.
Defense of what exactly? Him playing at less than a MVP level in some meaningless regular season games for both him and the team?

Mahomes is the best player in the history of football and currently leading a team to a 9-1 record coming off B2B SBs while still posting a top 5 QBR in the sport. He doesn't need a defense of anything.

Unfortunately some around here have gotten so spoiled by him and this team that they can't even recognize what it is that they have anymore.
Pitt Gorilla 02:06 PM 11-22-2024
Originally Posted by dlphg9:
It doesn't matter how many sources we provide people they're still going to shift blame to Wanya Morris. You can show them every single play that there was pressure and explain where that pressure is coming from, but they either don't watch or are too proud to admit they were wrong.
Fans tend to be stupid and lazy in their understanding of football. It leads to stupid/lazy takes.
KC_Connection 02:06 PM 11-22-2024

Most playoff games with a 90+ QBR since 2006 (how many came in a title game)

1. Patrick Mahomes - 7 (3)
2. Josh Allen - 3 (0)
2. Peyton Manning - 3 (1)
2. Tom Brady - 3 (0)
5. Colin Kaepernick - 2 (1)
5. Kurt Warner - 2 (1)
5. Russell Wilson - 2 (1)
5. Drew Brees - 2 (0)

— Scott Kacsmar (@ScottKacsmar) February 18, 2024

This is who this guy is. I can't say I give much of a **** that he's not playing as well as Lamar Jackson and Josh Allen in November (when yes, his focus and his effort is not the same as it is in January which has been clear for years now) and it's puzzling that anybody else does either given his track record.
comochiefsfan 02:21 PM 11-22-2024
It feels to me like he’s thinking too much and not just relaxing and trusting his instincts and playing the way he wants to play.

It feels like the game has sped up for him from his first year starting, which is weird but makes sense to me when you consider that maybe he’s trying too hard to play the way he thinks he’s supposed to play.

It’s making him hold onto the ball a tick too long and not trusting what he’s seeing and just firing.

It also just seems like he’s frankly not having as much fun as he used to. He needs to turn down his brain a bit and just go play.
Pitt Gorilla 02:40 PM 11-22-2024
I think losing Rice was a REALLY big deal. Guy was poised to have a huge season and be that younger Kelce option.
pugsnotdrugs19 02:45 PM 11-22-2024
Originally Posted by Pitt Gorilla:
I think losing Rice was a REALLY big deal. Guy was poised to have a huge season and be that younger Kelce option.
It hurt yeah but even when he was there it seemed like Pat was starting to rely on him too much at the expense of missing other guys open sometimes.
OnTheWarpath15 03:19 PM 11-22-2024
Originally Posted by Pitt Gorilla:
I think losing Rice was a REALLY big deal. Guy was poised to have a huge season and be that younger Kelce option.
You'd like to think so, but these are issues we saw from him LAST year as well.

Happy feet/ghost pressure/drops eyes/runs into pressure.

In this offense, the only reason to hold the ball is if WR's aren't open.

The film CLEARLY shows this isn't the case.
Rausch 03:28 PM 11-22-2024
Originally Posted by Pitt Gorilla:
Fans tend to be stupid and lazy in their understanding of football. It leads to stupid/lazy takes.
You can only guess from the broadcast footage. I doubt many fans without a job related to football pay for or have a way to see all 22.

And even then unless you played in that offense/defense you can't know for sure what a player's responsibility is.
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