These disgusting little critters are migrating north and are causing some maddening damage on my property. I have learned that several of my friends are also experiencing this you. How about you? Have you any suggestions or experience with them?
I remember when as a kid, they were not north of Texas. Then according to what I have found they made it north to Missouri in the 70s. Armadillos migrated to North America through Central America and Mexico, crossing the Rio Grande River in the late 1800s. Humans also introduced them to Florida during this time.
Now, I don't intend to start an argument about climate change, but they don't like the cold and they are mostly nocturnal, but they may be more active during the day when it's cooler. Researchers believe climate change is a factor in armadillos' northward expansion, as they prefer hot weather and sandy or clay environments.
There is a ton of information out there on them, so I am not going to bore you with cutting and pasting all of it.
Below is just a small sample of the damage they have been doing to my property.
Below is a picture of one I shot the other night a 3 AM. No, armadillos are not protected in Missouri, and are legal to hunt and trap year-round. The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) allows residents to trap or shoot armadillos that are causing damage to their property.
Armadillos are considered a nuisance because they can: Damage lawns and gardens, Burrow into the ground, and Carry bacteria that can cause leprosy. [Reply]
I have eliminated two of them from being a problem. They are now buzzard food.
My motion detector lights turned out to be folly and so did the trap I bought. They weren't the least bit interested in the dog food I used for bait.
Double 00 shot works good though.
Good to see you're working on your aim. I know I would be. Would also be testing the ballistics of some of my guns. See which ones could turn those suckers inside out. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Megatron96:
Good to see you're working on your aim. I know I would be. Would also be testing the ballistics of some of my guns. See which ones could turn those suckers inside out.
It is a real challenge for me when you wake up to empty your bladder and see one of these critters out in the front yard. I have learned to pee first before I look out the window. :-)
I have evolved to having a spotlight shining out at just above ground level on the front yard and #6 shells seem to be the ticket.
These things really do a crazy dance right before they keel over. Almost like cartwheels. [Reply]
Originally Posted by HemiEd:
It is a real challenge for me when you wake up to empty your bladder and see one of these critters out in the front yard. I have learned to pee first before I look out the window. :-)
I have evolved to having a spotlight shining out at just above ground level on the front yard and #6 shells seem to be the ticket.
These things really do a crazy dance right before they keel over. Almost like cartwheels.
You need to have the wife take a video of it next time. :-) [Reply]
Originally Posted by Frazod:
You need to have the wife take a video of it next time. :-)
Haha, :-) She complains about being disturbed by the sound of the shotgun. It is loud as hell since it is so quiet around here in the middle of the night. [Reply]
Originally Posted by threebag:
Good time to brew some coffee and set out a bowl of cat/dog food and go for another one.
I have tried the trapping thing with dog food and even dug up a bunch of grubs and worms for the $70 trap I bought that was a waste of money. Spent about two weeks doing it with no luck.
I made a trail of grub worms in little container lids from in front of the trap all the way to the back of it. Nope. Everything I have read indicated that it would be very difficult to trap them and I have determined it is a waste of time and money.
My next step is to spread so much Merit/bug killer that it will totally eliminate the food source that attracts them. I have put Merit down annually, but plan on going well beyond that. [Reply]