Likely's comment doesn't come across as confident at all. Sounds like he's trying to convince himself they can beat us. They can, but this feels similar to 13 seconds. We're starting to get in their heads. [Reply]
You can tell how badly wanted to win. He was leaning in with his shoulder, running into our defensive players. He played like he was playing a playoff game. I understand why he's emotional [Reply]
Originally Posted by ChiTown:
Or, we don’t throw a bad INT, or drop 4 passes, or complete that 3rd down pass to Rice at the end of the game and it’s a non-issue.
Yeah 100%. They gave it their all and couldn’t beat us on one of our worst days. Not saying they are a better team, just that they were in a position to win and those 2 missed shots should be way more of the story than likely not getting his feet down on a tougher catch.
That’s like missing a wide open layup when you’re down 2 with 5 seconds left. [Reply]