Two Boffo Stories:
Story One: Man arrested for giving wicked wedgies, or snuggies, or melvyns, or whatever you call pulling the underwear over a nerd's head.
Story Two: Fifty Year Old School Teacher Gets Tanked on Cheap Wine, wrecks her van, offers to blow the cop if he lets her go.
Florida, I love you. You're just so fun!
Story #1:
Charles Ross is known for orchestrating outrageous pranks and posting them to Youtube. But this time, the 18-year-old prankster may have gone a step too far.
Ross was arrested for battery Sunday night after he allegedly gave a series of wedgies to moviegoers outside the Carmike Royal Palm 20 in Bradenton, Fla., while a friend filmed the prank, the Bradenton Herald reports.
The underwear prank, which Gawker calls a "wedgie spree," ended badly for Ross when a 20-year-old male victim reported to authorities that Ross grabbed him "by the back of his pants and pulled them up hard," according to the Smoking Gun. Although other victims of the schoolyard prank also came forward, the 20-year-old is the only one seeking charges.
On his Youtube channel, Ross has uploaded video footage of him performing a variety of pranks -- from doing handstands over people to trying out pick-up lines -- but the latest in his compilation is by far one of his most hands-on public displays.
According to the police report obtained by the Smoking Gun, Ross challenged the male victim following the wedgie, "asking if he wanted to hit him."
The Mantee County Sheriff's Office arrested Ross and detained him overnight. He was released on $750 bail, records show, and his court date is set for Feb. 14.
Though Ross' wedgie spree was meant in jest, this is not the first time someone has been arrested for doling out the uncomfortable underwear gag. In 2006, an Albany, N.Y., teacher was arrested for endangering the welfare of a child after allegedly giving a 10-year-old student a wedgie during summer school.
Story #2:
'A' for effort?
Middle school math teacher Mary Maloney allegedly offered oral sex to a police officer after being nabbed for a hit-and-run in Palm Beach County, Fla.
Maloney, 53, was arrested Sunday after she crashed her van into a pickup truck around 8:35 p.m., then took off, according to an arrest report obtained by the Sun Sentinel. A witness to the crash tracked Maloney's car to a parking spot and then called police.
The arresting officer said he found an empty gallon jug of wine behind Maloney's driver's seat and "immediately smelled the strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from her person," according to WPTV. The report states that her eyes were glassy, bloodshot, and partially closed.
The officer that drove Maloney to the police station noted that she asked him "How much do I need to pay you to just let me go? Don't you understand I am a school teacher?"
She then allegedly offered to perform oral sex on him and allow him to fondle her breasts.
Maloney was charged with driving under the influence, leaving the scene of a crash with damage, resisting an officer without violence, driving with a suspended license and attempted bribery of a public servant.
Florida man steals car, kills dog, chases man with ax, found naked in chicken coop: police
A Florida man who allegedly stole a car, killed a dog -- and possibly chickens -- and chased a man with an ax was found naked in a chicken coop Tuesday, police said.
John Mehne, 25, of Sarasota, Fla., was arrested Tuesday after New York State Police responded to a call about an Audi, parked facing the wrong direction, on Interstate 81, roughly three miles from the Pennsylvania border.
Investigators discovered the vehicle was reported stolen in Sarasota. Mehne had allegedly been driving the Audi when he crashed it into a guardrail. He then tried to hop on the back of a van, failed, then jumped onto the back of a pickup truck before that driver pulled over, allowing Mehne to flee into the woods, police said in a news release.
A search by the state police and the Broome County Sheriff's Office ensued and, later that day, state police received a call from a man who "came home from work and found Mehne in his chicken coop."
Mehne, when asked what he was doing, allegedly said he was "killing the chickens." State police said Mehne chased the man with an ax and rode off after stealing an ATV, which he later abandoned.
Soon after, authorities said they received another call about a naked man in another chicken coop -- which is where Mehne was arrested. The 25-year-old was bitten by a police K-9 officer in the process.
Authorities later learned that Mehne allegedly broke into a home in the area and killed a family dog.
Mehne was transported to a hospital for treatment, booked, and remanded at the Broome County Jail on no bail.