Originally Posted by dlphg9:
I liked season 1 more than season 2, but the guy that plays Sauron was amazing.
The show would benefit greatly if it didn't have like 5 different plot lines it was trying to follow. There is only 8 episodes, so you can't get much going on because it's constantly jumping from one group to the other.
Agreed. I think the pseudo-hobbit stuff should not even be part of it, even though Proto-Gandalf is interesting.
I'm also mainly in it for the guy who plays Sauron. The dynamic between him and Celebrimbor was amazing.
Originally Posted by DCTwister:
I can’t wait to see what Amazon comes up with for the James Bond franchise.
Jamisha Bond is an African American trans pansexual Palestinian working undercover for the Sharia Patrol to bring enlightenment to the Western world, one bullet at a time.