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Nzoner's Game Room>Broncos news megathread
ROYC75 04:26 PM 08-12-2014
Discussion: All things Broncos.
Rasputin 03:23 AM 10-31-2024
Imagine going to 8 Super Bowls and only winning 3. Broncos lost 63% Super Bowls played

Chiefs 6 Super Bowls winning 4 of them. Chiefs won 67% Super Bowls played
RealSNR 03:53 AM 10-31-2024
Originally Posted by Rasputin:
Imagine going to 8 Super Bowls and only winning 3.
And bragging about it :-)
Rasputin 04:02 AM 10-31-2024
Originally Posted by RealSNR:
And bragging about it :-)
kysirsoze 05:23 AM 10-31-2024
There is one standard for nfl history and it's "Superbowl era". Fucking no one starts after Superbowl IV. The leagues announced the merger in 1966 for fucks sake. What an insane level of fan logic.
RaidersOftheCellar 08:25 AM 10-31-2024
Originally Posted by kysirsoze:
There is one standard for nfl history and it's "Superbowl era". Fucking no one starts after Superbowl IV. The leagues announced the merger in 1966 for fucks sake. What an insane level of fan logic.
The best part is that he acts like this logic is commonly accepted.

"Nothing arbitrary about it!" :-)
BlackOp 08:26 AM 10-31-2024
Originally Posted by kysirsoze:
There is one standard for nfl history and it's "Superbowl era". ****ing no one starts after Superbowl IV. The leagues announced the merger in 1966 for ****s sake. What an insane level of fan logic.
I mean if you ignore the Chiefs first SB win....then the Donks and KC are tied right?

That's what Bronco fans have been reduced to...

At any rate...these trolls know they 3 more days to play pretend contender. They will vanish until the draft..
wazu 08:31 AM 10-31-2024
Originally Posted by BlackOp:
I mean if you ignore the Chiefs first SB win....then the Donks and KC are tied right?

That's what Bronco fans have been reduced to...

At any rate...these trolls know they 3 more days to to play pretend contender. They will vanish until the draft..
In fairness, I ignore the SB wins the Broncos achieved by cheating the salary cap. Those should be stripped. So if we just go with "Post Superbowl IV" wins, the Chiefs now lead 3-1.
Chieftain 08:40 AM 10-31-2024
A seasonal reminder: Nick Allegretti has the same number of Super Bowl rings as the Denver Broncos franchise.
BroncoBuff 08:43 AM 10-31-2024
You guys are truly obsessed!

This has got to be my last post on this topic, you guys have way too much obsessively-fueled stamina on this stuff ...

Forget that the League long-ago ruled on these
issues ....
Forget that you guys have zero say in any of these issues ....
Forget that this all started with me explaining Pat Bowlen's contributions ....
Forget Pat and Jerry Jones heroic near-doubling TV revenue (which none of you knew about)
Forget what I actually write in posts, just respond to what's easy for you ....
Forget, e.g., that I've damn near beatified Lamar Hunt for sainthood (not so sure about Clark though)
Forget, e.g., that I've been effusively complimentary about your current dynasty

Just pretend I've said other things - things that y'all have field-tested responses that are satisfactory to meet your voraciously obsessive needs.


What Happens when Cap Violations are
Meant to Create Competitive Advantage

There have been cap violations that were intended to and did result in competitive advantage. The Cowboys and Redskins packed large portions of player salaries into the 2010 "uncapped" season, freeing up money for salaries in other seasons.

While the teams did create nominal competitive advantages in 2010, the League caught on right away in 2011 (likely in their WEEKLY REVIEW OF EVERY ROSTER). The League slashed the Cowboys and Redskins cap space by $10 million and $36 million,

These cap reduction penalties were tailored to create competitive dis-advantages for these teams, as their violations had been intended to create competitive advantages. This in contrast with the Denver Broncos penalized cash fines six years ago, as their violations concerned improper and undisclosed payment arrangements with players, violations not intended to induce on-field competitive advantages.


Glad to see Rasputin and RealSNR are finally convinced above ^^^ that we won those three Super Bowls! And no Rasputin, we only lost 62.5% of our SBs, not 63. And KC only won 66.6%, not 67 �

o-K Spacey kysirsoza, fine. 'Super Bowl era' is a good place to delineate eras for comparison. But I was making a point - that the loooong KC drought, 5 decades with just 4 playoff game wins, while watching Denver ascend, is probably a big part of the palpable obsessive hate in here. I think YOU GUYS are the ones soft pedaling the current Dynasty. Broncos never had a dynasty like the Chiefs currently have, you should ride that lightning instead of hulking down in here hating the Broncos.

Ferhevvinsake brdempsey ... are you a real tough guy, a bully or just an Internet tough guy? You COMMANDED me: "You were already told that the League office DIDN'T do that." I was "told," huh? Does that ever work on people?

RaidersCellar, context? What context?! There was no "context" in Beautiful Mind's shack, and there's no context in here. You guys are obsessed with the Denver Broncos, every one of you.

Next is RunKC and Pasta Little Bitty and those whining that I'm comparing specific years - well that's too bad. Sorry to break it to you, but that's how sports streaks and eras are discussed, you all know this. I've been VERY complimentary about the Chief's current Dynasty, but the whole point of my comparison was the five decades before Mahomes showed up.

RaidersCellar, whadd'you mean "surpassed Denver in just about every category....In just a few years?" - And I NEVER said SBs I and IV "didn't count." Why you guys make stuff up just to win little arguments?

Some of you guys are in KC, lemme ask you: I worked in TV Sports for 9 years, anchor and reporter at several stations. My first station was in Wichita Falls, Texas, worked a year and a half with a guy you might know, Michael Coleman. Great guy! He worked in KC for a number of years, not sure what channel, but he left and I lost track of him. I think he's at a station in South Texas. Anybody...??


The AFL: Read the Lamar Hunt biographies! He counseled - he urged - less-rich teams like Denver and Boston to resist the urge to enter bidding wars for free agents, if it could threaten their franchise survival. Lamar knew, from his efforts to get an NFL franchise, and the war over the Vikings the year before the AFL startup, that the NFL would most respect survival. He believed some teams had to sacrifice competitive for survival. BTW, it seems Mr. Hunt had real respect for Broncos owners Gerald and Allan Phipps, as I recall more than once he beat down Ralph Wilson, who was always after the cash-poor Broncos to sell their franchise to groups in Atlanta and Birmingham.

And it worked. Thanks mostly to Mr. Hunt, the AFL became the only renegade startup League ever to survive without a single franchise going under. In fact, the AFL actually EXPANDED! The Miami Dolphins and Cincinnati Bengals! (Although the Bengals, and maybe the Dolphins too, came in AFTER the merger was agreed to, at least in principle.)(That agreement, in principle, came about when Lamar and Rozelle talked it out for a couple hours while sitting in a rental car in a Dallas Love Field parking lot.) Those are the kinda great stories you'll read.


AGAIN I request: Link me to just TWO other pages - anywhere - where the Broncos violations are currently being discussed:

I'ma need some links there ^^^, or you might be stuck with the title "The only place ANYWHERE where alleged Broncos cheating is the one and ONLY topic of discussion ... and discussion ... and discussion ... and discussion ... and discussion ... and discussion ...."

If you're interested in real history and the reality of the Broncos' violations, congratulations! Here's a couple links for you:
brdempsey69 08:55 AM 10-31-2024
Originally Posted by BroncoBuff:
You guys are truly obsessed!

No, it's a clear-cut case of you being in DESPERATION, because all your Donktard bragging rights & so-called accolades get reduced to sawdust in the light of harsh reality.

Don't bother with the links to Mile High Donkeys doo-doo reports because here is what they don't tell anyone regarding the Donks cheating the salary cap:

Originally Posted by :
As for "deferring payments" that is provably false. Where were they deferring payments to? Couldn't possibly be to fund a new stadium as that was literally impossible given the timeline of Denver voters passing referendum 4A on Nov. 3, 1998 which was in favor of the construction of a new football stadium to replace the existing Mile High Stadium & the grounds being broken on Aug. 17, 1999.

How could they possibly be "deferring payments to fund a new stadium" in 1996, 1997, or 1998 when there was literally no such place for them to defer payments to?

It was just a bold-faced lie by Pat Bowlen when he got publicly exposed for violating & cheating the salary cap circa 2000-2002.

Sassy Squatch 08:56 AM 10-31-2024
Originally Posted by BroncoBuff:
You guys are truly obsessed!

This has got to be my last post on this topic, you guys have way too much obsessively-fueled stamina on this stuff ...

Forget that the League long-ago ruled on these
issues ....
Forget that you guys have zero say in any of these issues ....
Forget that this all started with me explaining Pat Bowlen's contributions ....
Forget Pat and Jerry Jones heroic near-doubling TV revenue (which none of you knew about)
Forget what I actually write in posts, just respond to what's easy for you ....
Forget, e.g., that I've damn near beatified Lamar Hunt for sainthood (not so sure about Clark though)
Forget, e.g., that I've been effusively complimentary about your current dynasty

Just pretend I've said other things - things that y'all have field-tested responses that are satisfactory to meet your voraciously obsessive needs.


What Happens when Cap Violations are
Meant to Create Competitive Advantage

There have been cap violations that were intended to and did result in competitive advantage. The Cowboys and Redskins packed large portions of player salaries into the 2010 "uncapped" season, freeing up money for salaries in other seasons.

While the teams did create nominal competitive advantages in 2010, the League caught on right away in 2011 (likely in their WEEKLY REVIEW OF EVERY ROSTER). The League slashed the Cowboys and Redskins cap space by $10 million and $36 million,

These cap reduction penalties were tailored to create competitive dis-advantages for these teams, as their violations had been intended to create competitive advantages. This in contrast with the Denver Broncos penalized cash fines six years ago, as their violations concerned improper and undisclosed payment arrangements with players, violations not intended to induce on-field competitive advantages.


Glad to see Rasputin and RealSNR are finally convinced above ^^^ that we won those three Super Bowls! And no Rasputin, we only lost 62.5% of our SBs, not 63. And KC only won 66.6%, not 67 �

o-K Spacey kysirsoza, fine. 'Super Bowl era' is a good place to delineate eras for comparison. But I was making a point - that the loooong KC drought, 5 decades with just 4 playoff game wins, while watching Denver ascend, is probably a big part of the palpable obsessive hate in here. I think YOU GUYS are the ones soft pedaling the current Dynasty. Broncos never had a dynasty like the Chiefs currently have, you should ride that lightning instead of hulking down in here hating the Broncos.

Ferhevvinsake brdempsey ... are you a real tough guy, a bully or just an Internet tough guy? You COMMANDED me: "You were already told that the League office DIDN'T do that." I was "told," huh? Does that ever work on people?

RaidersCellar, context? What context?! There was no "context" in Beautiful Mind's shack, and there's no context in here. You guys are obsessed with the Denver Broncos, every one of you.

Next is RunKC and Pasta Little Bitty and those whining that I'm comparing specific years - well that's too bad. Sorry to break it to you, but that's how sports streaks and eras are discussed, you all know this. I've been VERY complimentary about the Chief's current Dynasty, but the whole point of my comparison was the five decades before Mahomes showed up.

RaidersCellar, whadd'you mean "surpassed Denver in just about every category....In just a few years?" - And I NEVER said SBs I and IV "didn't count." Why you guys make stuff up just to win little arguments?

Some of you guys are in KC, lemme ask you: I worked in TV Sports for 9 years, anchor and reporter at several stations. My first station was in Wichita Falls, Texas, worked a year and a half with a guy you might know, Michael Coleman. Great guy! He worked in KC for a number of years, not sure what channel, but he left and I lost track of him. I think he's at a station in South Texas. Anybody...??


The AFL: Read the Lamar Hunt biographies! He counseled - he urged - less-rich teams like Denver and Boston to resist the urge to enter bidding wars for free agents, if it could threaten their franchise survival. Lamar knew, from his efforts to get an NFL franchise, and the war over the Vikings the year before the AFL startup, that the NFL would most respect survival. He believed some teams had to sacrifice competitive for survival. BTW, it seems Mr. Hunt had real respect for Broncos owners Gerald and Allan Phipps, as I recall more than once he beat down Ralph Wilson, who was always after the cash-poor Broncos to sell their franchise to groups in Atlanta and Birmingham.

And it worked. Thanks mostly to Mr. Hunt, the AFL became the only renegade startup League ever to survive without a single franchise going under. In fact, the AFL actually EXPANDED! The Miami Dolphins and Cincinnati Bengals! (Although the Bengals, and maybe the Dolphins too, came in AFTER the merger was agreed to, at least in principle.)(That agreement, in principle, came about when Lamar and Rozelle talked it out for a couple hours while sitting in a rental car in a Dallas Love Field parking lot.) Those are the kinda great stories you'll read.


AGAIN I request: Link me to just TWO other pages - anywhere - where the Broncos violations are currently being discussed:

I'ma need some links there ^^^, or you might be stuck with the title "The only place ANYWHERE where alleged Broncos cheating is the one and ONLY topic of discussion ... and discussion ... and discussion ... and discussion ... and discussion ... and discussion ...."

If you're interested in real history and the reality of the Broncos' violations, congratulations! Here's a couple links for you:
TEX 09:04 AM 10-31-2024
Originally Posted by BroncoBuff:
You guys are truly obsessed!

This has got to be my last post on this topic, you guys have way too much obsessively-fueled stamina on this stuff ...

Forget that the League long-ago ruled on these
issues ....
Forget that you guys have zero say in any of these issues ....
Forget that this all started with me explaining Pat Bowlen's contributions ....
Forget Pat and Jerry Jones heroic near-doubling TV revenue (which none of you knew about)
Forget what I actually write in posts, just respond to what's easy for you ....
Forget, e.g., that I've damn near beatified Lamar Hunt for sainthood (not so sure about Clark though)
Forget, e.g., that I've been effusively complimentary about your current dynasty

Just pretend I've said other things - things that y'all have field-tested responses that are satisfactory to meet your voraciously obsessive needs.


What Happens when Cap Violations are
Meant to Create Competitive Advantage

There have been cap violations that were intended to and did result in competitive advantage. The Cowboys and Redskins packed large portions of player salaries into the 2010 "uncapped" season, freeing up money for salaries in other seasons.

While the teams did create nominal competitive advantages in 2010, the League caught on right away in 2011 (likely in their WEEKLY REVIEW OF EVERY ROSTER). The League slashed the Cowboys and Redskins cap space by $10 million and $36 million,

These cap reduction penalties were tailored to create competitive dis-advantages for these teams, as their violations had been intended to create competitive advantages. This in contrast with the Denver Broncos penalized cash fines six years ago, as their violations concerned improper and undisclosed payment arrangements with players, violations not intended to induce on-field competitive advantages.


Glad to see Rasputin and RealSNR are finally convinced above ^^^ that we won those three Super Bowls! And no Rasputin, we only lost 62.5% of our SBs, not 63. And KC only won 66.6%, not 67 �

o-K Spacey kysirsoza, fine. 'Super Bowl era' is a good place to delineate eras for comparison. But I was making a point - that the loooong KC drought, 5 decades with just 4 playoff game wins, while watching Denver ascend, is probably a big part of the palpable obsessive hate in here. I think YOU GUYS are the ones soft pedaling the current Dynasty. Broncos never had a dynasty like the Chiefs currently have, you should ride that lightning instead of hulking down in here hating the Broncos.

Ferhevvinsake brdempsey ... are you a real tough guy, a bully or just an Internet tough guy? You COMMANDED me: "You were already told that the League office DIDN'T do that." I was "told," huh? Does that ever work on people?

RaidersCellar, context? What context?! There was no "context" in Beautiful Mind's shack, and there's no context in here. You guys are obsessed with the Denver Broncos, every one of you.

Next is RunKC and Pasta Little Bitty and those whining that I'm comparing specific years - well that's too bad. Sorry to break it to you, but that's how sports streaks and eras are discussed, you all know this. I've been VERY complimentary about the Chief's current Dynasty, but the whole point of my comparison was the five decades before Mahomes showed up.

RaidersCellar, whadd'you mean "surpassed Denver in just about every category....In just a few years?" - And I NEVER said SBs I and IV "didn't count." Why you guys make stuff up just to win little arguments?

Some of you guys are in KC, lemme ask you: I worked in TV Sports for 9 years, anchor and reporter at several stations. My first station was in Wichita Falls, Texas, worked a year and a half with a guy you might know, Michael Coleman. Great guy! He worked in KC for a number of years, not sure what channel, but he left and I lost track of him. I think he's at a station in South Texas. Anybody...??


The AFL: Read the Lamar Hunt biographies! He counseled - he urged - less-rich teams like Denver and Boston to resist the urge to enter bidding wars for free agents, if it could threaten their franchise survival. Lamar knew, from his efforts to get an NFL franchise, and the war over the Vikings the year before the AFL startup, that the NFL would most respect survival. He believed some teams had to sacrifice competitive for survival. BTW, it seems Mr. Hunt had real respect for Broncos owners Gerald and Allan Phipps, as I recall more than once he beat down Ralph Wilson, who was always after the cash-poor Broncos to sell their franchise to groups in Atlanta and Birmingham.

And it worked. Thanks mostly to Mr. Hunt, the AFL became the only renegade startup League ever to survive without a single franchise going under. In fact, the AFL actually EXPANDED! The Miami Dolphins and Cincinnati Bengals! (Although the Bengals, and maybe the Dolphins too, came in AFTER the merger was agreed to, at least in principle.)(That agreement, in principle, came about when Lamar and Rozelle talked it out for a couple hours while sitting in a rental car in a Dallas Love Field parking lot.) Those are the kinda great stories you'll read.


AGAIN I request: Link me to just TWO other pages - anywhere - where the Broncos violations are currently being discussed:

I'ma need some links there ^^^, or you might be stuck with the title "The only place ANYWHERE where alleged Broncos cheating is the one and ONLY topic of discussion ... and discussion ... and discussion ... and discussion ... and discussion ... and discussion ...."

If you're interested in real history and the reality of the Broncos' violations, congratulations! Here's a couple links for you:


*Violated the Salary Cap during Super Bowl seasons.
BroncoBuff 09:05 AM 10-31-2024
Damn, that's one LOOOONG post! Started it yesterday..... But I forgot one thing:


You guys insulting Elway are on the WRONG end of this issue. I wouldn't allow Len Dawson within 100 ft of our dais, WTF was that?
Sassy Squatch 09:07 AM 10-31-2024
I dunno, I found it pretty amusing to watch his thousand yard stare as he had to walk through the throngs of players and deliver the Chiefs their trophy.
BroncoBuff 09:10 AM 10-31-2024
But why?
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