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Media Center>The Walking Dead ***With Comic Spoilers*** (Part 2)
Fire Me Boy! 03:01 PM 10-02-2014
Sunday Nights at 9pm/8pm (Central) on AMC. Premiere for Season 5 is Oct. 12.
Jamie 04:31 AM 03-02-2015
Originally Posted by salame:

Radar Chief 09:43 AM 03-02-2015
Originally Posted by Sure-Oz:
Wonder where that gun went....also 3 men banished huh?
I'm guessing Carl's girlfriend. He was following her when he ended up right there at the shack with Rick.
petegz28 09:45 AM 03-02-2015
Originally Posted by Kman34:
Just watched this weeks show... did anyone see the Preacher? What happened to him?
Good question. I don't remember seeing him either.
Radar Chief 09:48 AM 03-02-2015
Originally Posted by notorious:
I loved how Carol lied about everything to the camera.

She is a tough and smart woman.
They were talking about that on the after show, how she was fumbling around with placing guns on the cart like she didn't know how to use them.
KC_Lee 09:57 AM 03-02-2015
Originally Posted by Radar Chief:
I'm guessing Carl's girlfriend. He was following her when he ended up right there at the shack with Rick.
I think she was also hanging out in one of the houses outside of the gates at the beginning of the show.
Gonzo 10:00 AM 03-02-2015
I don't know if anyone else has noticed this recently but...

With the show moving more and more towards the comics storyline, (almost exactly in sync now) it seems like the writers are having issues with finding something for Daryl to do. I would think that Rick would've left him and a few others outside the walls in hiding. Maybe something like that? I dunno, I do know they're trying to make him look like he's out of place on purpose right now but it just feels awkward.
Radar Chief 10:01 AM 03-02-2015
Originally Posted by KC_Lee:
I think she was also hanging out in one of the houses outside of the gates at the beginning of the show.
Good point, I forgot he caught a glimpse of her in a window just before they walked in the gates.
Radar Chief 10:06 AM 03-02-2015
Originally Posted by Gonzo:
I don't know if anyone else has noticed this recently but...

With the show moving more and more towards the comics storyline, (almost exactly in sync now) it seems like the writers are having issues with finding something for Daryl to do. I would think that Rick would've left him and a few others outside the walls in hiding. Maybe something like that? I dunno, I do know they're trying to make him look like he's out of place on purpose right now but it just feels awkward.
Mrs. Radar kept yelling at the tv, "Go wash your balls, Daryl!" :-)
Sure-Oz 10:31 AM 03-02-2015
The girl makes sense now. As for the sylists husband...he seemed weird to Rick. Daryl is kindve awkward but hes been an outdoor cautious guy.
notorious 10:34 AM 03-02-2015
Was Rick dreaming about the husband?

Besides, if he wasn't dreaming the husband is probably worried that there is a big swinging dick in town that gets his wife hot.
notorious 10:43 AM 03-02-2015
The town doesn't think they need outsiders. They have had is very easy.

I can't wait until the shit hits the fan and the douche gets destroyed and our gang kicks ass.
KC_Lee 11:22 AM 03-02-2015
Anyone else notice that Rick only discussed "strategy" with Carol and Daryl and left Michone out of both conversations?

There were two times, once midway through the episode when they were talking about how the houses were right next to each other but the group was assigned houses that were apart from each other. The second time at the end of the episode on the front porch.

I found it interesting that Rick kept these conversations from Michone.
notorious 11:27 AM 03-02-2015
Originally Posted by KC_Lee:
Anyone else notice that Rick only discussed "strategy" with Carol and Daryl and left Michone out of both conversations?

There were two times, once midway through the episode when they were talking about how the houses were right next to each other but the group was assigned houses that were apart from each other. The second time at the end of the episode on the front porch.

I found it interesting that Rick kept these conversations from Michone.

I think Michonne is covering, too, though. Did you see her face when Rick asked the gay guy questions in the car?

Michonne was the first one to put up defenses in Woodbury, and they pushed her out because of it.

By acting like she "needs" this, she is getting into the community while keeping up her guard.
thabear04 12:00 PM 03-02-2015
Originally Posted by petegz28:
Good question. I don't remember seeing him either.
He was there nothing happen to him.
thabear04 12:07 PM 03-02-2015
Originally Posted by Gonzo:
I don't know if anyone else has noticed this recently but...

With the show moving more and more towards the comics storyline, (almost exactly in sync now) it seems like the writers are having issues with finding something for Daryl to do. I would think that Rick would've left him and a few others outside the walls in hiding. Maybe something like that? I dunno, I do know they're trying to make him look like he's out of place on purpose right now but it just feels awkward.
AMC recently announced it would extend the Season 5 finale (set for March 29) from its usual 60 minutes to 90 minutes. And now, we have a plot synopsis for that episode:

"Daryl finds himself in trouble while out on the run. Meanwhile, in Alexandria, Rick and his group continue to feel like outsiders as danger lurks near the gates."
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