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Nzoner's Game Room>Broncos news megathread
ROYC75 04:26 PM 08-12-2014
Discussion: All things Broncos.
RaidersOftheCellar 05:34 AM 09-21-2024
Originally Posted by DomCasual:
Man, you reap what you sow there. A couple of those guys are Knowmo-ing you in a circle in that thread. You try too hard to keep up with them, and they make you look foolish.

Here's a hint. When someone says something along the lines of, "Kansas City is full of meth addicts and inbreds," you DON'T counter that with data from the last US Census, or whatever it is you've been doing. You just ignore it. Or, better yet, you go along with it: "Man, my mamma/Aunt and Daddy/cousin would kick your ass for saying something like that - especially if they heard it while they was tweaking." There is no counter to something like that - everyone just laughs. Instead, you go in and say, "Au contraire, good sir. According to recent statistics put out by a joint task force formed by the the DEA, US Census Bureau, and Hugs not Drugs Commission, use of illegal methamphetamines, per capita, is more predominant in certain Colorado counties than....":-)

That just perpetuates it. Just ignore it. Or don't, and keep providing entertainment for those of us who are lurking. It's up to you. But I'm giving you sound advice here.

The other day, when a poster (I won't mention his name) responds, "IDK her butthole looks like the eisenhower tunnel now and her new hobby is axe throwing" - I mean, I don't even know what that means. But it was funny! You play right into it.
That's an interesting interpretation of that thread. What's there to keep up with? It's the equivalent of dick and fart jokes. Heck, those would be funnier and more clever than regurgitating the same canned meth and cousin cracks that weren't witty the first time, let alone the 500th.

When I post something like "Actually, Denver smokes more meth than KC and you marry your cousins," it's because it actually gets under their skin. Which is hilarious to me.

It's the Bronco fans who continually take my bait. They can't help themselves. They badly want something to hold over KC and its fans.

I've always said that I welcome any/all shit talk if it's actually funny. The only problem just isn't. I'd be surprised if you could find more than 1-2 examples of objectively funny KC jokes in that thread. There are some people there who know football, but comedy ain't their forte.

You should heed your own advice, btw. The guy who's been issuing threats to KC fans over harmless jokes probably shouldn't be lecturing people about letting comments roll off. Nor should anyone else from that board.

Ironically, one of the only posters who gets genuinely mad on here is you. Seems like most everybody else is having fun. Imagine if KC had been the comedy of errors that Denver's been since 2015. I think you know you'd have a lot of fun with it. Hell, at times I've gone out of my way to avoid certain topics because I know it has to be miserable for the diehard fan. But that organization keeps stepping on its own dick to such an extent that it's impossible not to laugh.

You'd think a supposedly laid-back fan like yourself would acknowledge that and have some self-deprecating fun with it instead of getting bent out of shape and trying to police the commentary.
JohnnyHammersticks 08:16 AM 09-21-2024
Says a thread called The Chiefs Suck is just good guys he knows having a little fun, while a thread called Broncos news megathread is a bunch of mean-spirited jerks being assholes.

Writing walls of texts on an opposing football team’s message board while deep in mourning.

Interesting contradictions…. :-)
FlaChief58 08:21 AM 09-21-2024
Originally Posted by JohnnyHammersticks:
Says a thread called The Chiefs Suck is just good guys he knows having a little fun, while a thread called Broncos news megathread is a bunch of mean-spirited jerks being bad people

Whiting walls of texts on an opposing football team’s message board while deep in mourning.

Interesting contradictions…. :-)
Don't forget the fact that it's very rare opposing fans get the ban hammer here, while on the mange, or whatever they're calling it these days, you get banned for simply having an opposing view. That's why this board keeps going strong, and theirs is barely hanging on
TEX 09-21-2024, 08:25 AM
This message has been deleted by TEX. Reason: Duplicate
TEX 09-21-2024, 08:54 AM
This message has been deleted by TEX. Reason: Duplicate
TEX 08:58 AM 09-21-2024
Originally Posted by FlaChief58:
Don't forget the fact that it's very rare opposing fans get the ban hammer here, while on the mange, or whatever they're calling it these days, you get banned for simply having an opposing view. That's why this board keeps going strong, and theirs is barely hanging on
Exactly! Over there, you get locked out of threads, for simply stating the obvious and poking a little bit of fun.
Check this gem out: :-)

And Dude comes here preaching tolerence and civility. :-)
Attached: Screenshot_20240921_095245_Gallery.jpg (62.8 KB) 
FlaChief58 09:01 AM 09-21-2024
Originally Posted by TEX:
Exactly! Over there, you get locked out of threads, for simply stating the obvious and poking a little bit of fun.
Check this gem out: :-)
And Dude comes here preaching tollerence and civility...:-)
Lol, talk about cuck behavior :-)
Shiver Me Timbers 10:00 AM 09-21-2024
Originally Posted by TEX:
Exactly! Over there, you get locked out of threads, for simply stating the obvious and poking a little bit of fun.
Check this gem out: :-)

And Dude comes here preaching tolerance and civility. :-)
So what you are saying is he would NOT allow someone to start The Official Broncos Suck Thread over on the mange. Wonder if an official The Broncos have Sucked for the past decade thread would be acceptable. It would be both factual and entertaining.
TEX 11:08 AM 09-21-2024
Originally Posted by Shiver Me Timbers:
So what you are saying is he would NOT allow someone to start The Official Broncos Suck Thread over on the mange. Wonder if an official The Broncos have Sucked for the past decade thread would be acceptable. It would be both factual and entertaining.
New World Order 11:56 AM 09-21-2024
Originally Posted by staylor26:
Massive cope and September isn't even over :-)
This has gotta be a record.

He usually hangs in there til at least early October.

Nix being awful must really hurt.
wazu 12:17 PM 09-21-2024
Originally Posted by DomCasual:
That was watermock. He is, unfortunately, no longer with us. Cat's name was Beezer (I think it was a play on the name of the prince of darkness - and by all accounts, Beezer sounded pretty evil).

Mock was a heavy drinker, and he tended to lose whatever filter he had when he had too much. There were some classic stories that went along with that - the kind of stories every good board has in its history.

Mock just suddenly stopped posting about ten years ago - weird, because he had over 100K posts, up until then. Obviously, that's usually not such a good sign. Several months later, we learned that he was one of a small handful of people around the southern United States who died after eating some peanut butter that had left the factory contaminated. It was a strange finish for a strange (but decent) guy. We sadly never learned what became of Beezer.

RIP watermock (and a host of other good people from both the Mane and ChiefsPlanet who are no longer with us - most who just fall off the radar without anyone knowing where they've gone).
I remember watermock as well. Posted constantly. Never heard about the Peanut Butter thing. Looks like they made over 700 people sick, and mock would have been 1 of 9 who actually died. The company's CEO is serving 28 years in prison for it.
Mile High Mania 01:02 PM 09-21-2024
Originally Posted by New World Order:
This has gotta be a record.

He usually hangs in there til at least early October.

Nix being awful must really hurt.
Just enjoy his absence… guess this means he can’t even find a guy on X with a single positive perspective.

Tomorrow is likely going to be brutal. I’m thinking 37-16… sadly.
PHOG 01:12 PM 09-21-2024
Originally Posted by DomCasual:
Would it sound offensive if I told you that you are making no sense?
Coming from you, that makes absolutely no sense. Donko boy.
DomCasual 01:13 PM 09-21-2024
Originally Posted by wazu:
I remember watermock as well. Posted constantly. Never heard about the Peanut Butter thing. Looks like they made over 700 people sick, and mock would have been 1 of 9 who actually died. The company's CEO is serving 28 years in prison for it.
That’s crazy, man. Thanks for the info. I never knew the follow-up to it.
DomCasual 01:32 PM 09-21-2024
Originally Posted by RealSNR:
I was at the Mane years ago. Like, around the time I first joined CP. Stopped posting there a good while ago.

Is the guy who talks about his cats all the time still around?

Found this while I was going down memory lane about watermock. You have a good memory. This is from 18 years ago.

Originally Posted by RealSNR:
Oh, and yeah, I'm all for letting the Donk fans have their own little place here for awhile. But if I see ONE watermock thread about his cats, then they're ALL going out the door

Hog's Gone Fishin 02:14 PM 09-21-2024
Originally Posted by DomCasual:
Have you ever posted there, RealSNR?
I see your link in your sig but all I get is 403 Error
DomCasual 02:43 PM 09-21-2024
Originally Posted by Hog's Gone Fishin:
I see your link in your sig but all I get is 403 Error
Really? Thanks for letting me know. Do you mind me asking what browser you're using? It's working for me. will get you there, as well. is a forward to that.

Seriously, I appreciate the feedback!
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