Let me start by saying,
I ****ING hate Oakland.
I especially despise the Oakland Raiders, Oakland Fans, and today I especially despise their weak ass, carpetbagging "Oakland "A's" baseball team.
Glad you asked.
I'll tell you why:
Because I'm old enough to remember what happened here, and what has been stolen from us as a city.
Let me tell you a story from a long time ago:
As most old fart stories begin, so does this one by saying "I've lived in Kansas City my whole life" - which is 55 years now. When I was a little shaver, my baseball team was the Kansas City Athletics. The Athletics had come to my home town from Philadelphia in MLB's western expansion, and were generally seen at the time as the worst team in the American League, but with great promise for the future. Most Philadelphia fans followed the cross-town NL Phillies, because in the late 1950's the Phillies were pretty good. The A's needed a fresh start somewhere they'd be loved as the only home town team. KC was exactly that. The Athletics team colors were All-American Patriotic Red, White and Blue. They had an elephant as their mascot -the same mascot first adopted by Connie Mack back in 1909. And they were our team. Kansas City's team.
The primary owner was a guy named Arnold Johnson. Sure, Johnson gave up good players to the Yanks for virtually nothing (see the Roger Maris trade, for example), but the team had a future with other good young players . Then in 1960, the most colossal douche bag owner in MLB history (including Steinbrenner) bought control of the team from Johnson. That colossal douche bag asshole was none other that Charles O. Finley. How big an asshole was Charles O. Finley? When you Google "Charles O. Finley Asshole", it comes up with 7,920 hits in less than one half second.