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Nzoner's Game Room>Daylight Saving Time
4th and Long 10:31 PM 11-05-2011
Just a gentle reminder to fall back 1 hour, at 2 a.m, tomorrow morning, unless you live in Arizona or Hawaii.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled Chiefsplanet broadcast.
dlphg9 02:14 PM Yesterday
Originally Posted by TLO:
It hasn't had as much impact on me this year as it normally does.

I still wish they'd just stick to a time and leave it be.
They need stick to this time. No reason it should be getting dark at 4:30 in the winter. Fucking miserable.
kcfan75 02:20 PM Yesterday
Originally Posted by dlphg9:
They need stick to this time. No reason it should be getting dark at 4:30 in the winter. ****ing miserable.
Thank Congress, the bill passed the Senate and then the House won't vote on it. This was three years ago.
Garcia Bronco 02:52 PM Yesterday
What I can't stand about DST is having hear people bitch about it.
Easy 6 03:03 PM Yesterday
This change messed with me for whatever reason more than ever, pretty groggy and out of sorts for a couple days

But between all of the extra sunlight, and these ultra rare early March temps in the 60s-70s I'm good with it, lets get this early and warm spring underway asap
Bearcat 03:20 PM Yesterday
Originally Posted by BigRedChief:
Retires get up at noon

Fuck around drinking coffee, surfing the internet till 2:00 pm

Errands until 3:00 pm

Projects until 5:00 pm

Dinner 6:00 pm

Video games 7:00

Watch TV/Movie 8:00 pm

Surf the internet/Play video games 11:00 pm

Watch WWII documentary midnight

Fall asleep 12:05 in Lazy Boy

Go to bed at 2:00 AM
Probably wouldn't be me unless my natural wake up time shifts back to when I was ~15-25yo.

I normally get up around ~7-7:30 at the latest now... didn't go to bed until almost 1:30 Friday night and was still up before 8.
George Liquor 03:21 PM Yesterday
Hate this shit. It has my kids all screwed up. End it already.
ptlyon 04:08 PM Yesterday
Originally Posted by Garcia Bronco:
What I can't stand about DST is having hear people bitch about it.
Next up: Why does the sky have to be blue? I hate blue. Why not red? Maybe a burnt umber?
philfree 04:13 PM Yesterday
I love this time change. I'm not a early riser and I love the long afternoons where I play golf till sunset. Love it!
KCJake 05:07 PM Yesterday
Originally Posted by Bugeater:
Stupid, useless, outdated concept.
Heard Trump is trying to change it...discuss.....
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