Originally Posted by Buzz:
Bullshit! I would have turned the fuck around.
I was in the middle of heavy traffic, had apparently just been stood up, and had no idea if I was being played or not. I didn't feel like turning around.
Originally Posted by GoChiefs:
OK, here's the story.
This girl wants to suck my dick. Lucky me. She's getting off work and heading to her tanning salon and wants to meet me there, and it's not far, so I head up there. She apparently was getting off at 5. I get there at 5:35 and stave off the advances of the gay clerk. Actually, we had a pretty nice conversation, I'm sure he wanted my number or something.
Anyway, 6:00 gets there and I begin to feel as if I've been stood up, played, been led on a wild goose chase, whatever. 6:20, I decide to leave. Damn.
About five minutes down the road I get a text that says "Hey! Im running a little late. U there yet?" WTF!!! Oh cruel fates. So we exchange a few more messages and plan to meet up tomorrow...although I'm not entirely sure I'm still not being played. However, she did say she talked to the clerk, who told her I had been waiting, and that he said I was "cute." Jeez, gay guys.