This girl wants to suck my dick. Lucky me. She's getting off work and heading to her tanning salon and wants to meet me there, and it's not far, so I head up there. She apparently was getting off at 5. I get there at 5:35 and stave off the advances of the gay clerk. Actually, we had a pretty nice conversation, I'm sure he wanted my number or something.
Anyway, 6:00 gets there and I begin to feel as if I've been stood up, played, been led on a wild goose chase, whatever. 6:20, I decide to leave. Damn.
About five minutes down the road I get a text that says "Hey! Im running a little late. U there yet?" WTF!!! Oh cruel fates. So we exchange a few more messages and plan to meet up tomorrow...although I'm not entirely sure I'm still not being played. However, she did say she talked to the clerk, who told her I had been waiting, and that he said I was "cute." Jeez, gay guys.
God lord goat boy. First your pitching wood, now muff diving.
You couldn't get this chick to look your way let alone blow you. When I see a pic of this chick slobering your knob i'll believe it, until then :-) [Reply]