I don’t care what anyone thinks. Dallas GM calling only the Lakers to trade him for such an absolutely hilariously bad return when given the opportunity.
And of course it’s LA. This is like if Clark Hunt traded Mahomes to his friend Jerry Jones and was the only one he called.
It feels very sketchy. This is the kind of thing that sends off the “rigged” conversation, not refs [Reply]
Originally Posted by RunKC:
I don’t care what anyone thinks. Dallas GM calling only the Lakers to trade him for such an absolutely hilariously bad return when given the opportunity.
A top 5 player for a top 10 player such a bad trade lol [Reply]
Originally Posted by smithandrew051:
Jimmy Butler to the Warriors
My buddy the Mavs fan is livid that 'they got as much for Butler as we got for Luka...!!!"
I'm not having much success convincing him this is garbage in, garbage out.
The Heat got pretty much dick. Which is about what Butlers worth. There's really nothing to see here.
Warriors are gambling that 'playoff Jimmy' makes noise in the post-season. The Heat are just trying to get him the fuck off the roster and needed salary filler to do it.
There's just nothing worth caring about here. [Reply]
Originally Posted by staylor26:
I'll actually root for them despite my hate for Lebron and the Lakers, because Luka is my favorite player in the NBA, and him winning a championship for Lebron while watching people like KCC pretend that he didn't would be hilarious.
Remember when you were calling LeBron “washed” a few months ago? How’s that going? [Reply]
Originally Posted by BWillie:
Lol I will give you 5 to 1 odds they do not win the NBA title with the team as constructed. Whatever you wanna bet buddy
Not betting on the Lakers to win a title as long as these Celtics exist but they have a better shot at winning with Luka than they ever did with AD. The guy is one of the best playoff performers in basketball history. In combination with motivated LeBron come playoff time and shooters all around them, they’re a significant problem to deal with offensively.
That’s also basically how the LeBron Cavs had major success because they never had a big worth a damn either. [Reply]
Originally Posted by BWillie:
Why would you like Luka and not like LeBron? Luka is an absolute bitch on the court. Alwaaaaaays whining. Him and Lebron play alot alike. I admire Lukas offensive talent but he is an annoying flabby bitch.
Because only one of them is and has always been a threat to you know who’s legacy.
Luka is basically the 2nd coming of LeBron offensively (or at least as realistically close as you can be). He just doesn’t play defense like LeBron did. [Reply]
Originally Posted by dirk digler:
I hate that trade for GSW. I get trying to get Steph some help but you just gutted their depth for a terrible team mate.
And yes those guys were all expendable and they weren’t winning with them but giving Butler a big contract is curious. At least it is only for 2-3 years.
They have had one terrible teammate the entire Warriors run (Draymond literally drove away their championship meal ticket KD), who cares about a 2nd one?
I like the deal for them. If playoff Jimmy shows up, they actually have a chance to make a playoff run instead of the 0% chance they had without him. You might as well just start the rebuild now if you aren’t gonna make this trade. [Reply]
Breaking: The New Orleans Pelicans have traded Brandon Ingram to the Toronto Raptors for Bruce Brown Jr., Kelly Olynyk, one first-round pick and one second-rounder, sources tell ESPN. pic.twitter.com/tI4jo2cYhM
Breaking: The New Orleans Pelicans have traded Brandon Ingram to the Toronto Raptors for Bruce Brown Jr., Kelly Olynyk, one first-round pick and one second-rounder, sources tell ESPN. pic.twitter.com/tI4jo2cYhM
Just In: The Los Angeles Lakers are trading Dalton Knecht, Cam Reddish, a 2031 unprotected first-round pick and a 2030 pick swap to the Charlotte Hornets for center Mark Williams, sources tell ESPN. pic.twitter.com/QGUwETssGd