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Nzoner's Game Room>Hunting type things.....
Iowanian 02:27 PM 10-02-2003
Its fall. Bow season has opened in at least Missouri and Iowania. I thought we could discuss related topics. Tips, braggin', near misses....

relay your hunting stories, pics and tips here.

anti hunting types.....find another corner to squat in.
Skip Towne 06:39 PM 11-26-2007
Originally Posted by PastorMikH:
Here's the little 10 pointer I got sat morning. 11 points total. Not a big bruiser, but nice enough to not pass on either. The rifle I am holding is my 280. Ackley I built using a Mauser 98 action.
Is your boss OK with you killing his creatures?
Iowanian 06:42 PM 11-26-2007
Nice Buck preacher.

Iowa Shotgun starts saturday morning. I picked up 200 additional acres to hunt this year, that hasn't been hunted, that anyone knows of for 7-8 years.

I'm still skunked with the bow. Last time out, I saw very, very little as the wind blew like crazy. Near dark(same stand as the shooting incident) I had a doe trot by too far out, and I hit a bleet can a couple of times and heard a grunt...a buck came across behind me, right through the 5' window I had, but came quickly enough, I didn't have alot of time to decide if it was a shooter.

It wasn't huge, the right side was a 4pnt about the size of the good pastors......the left side, was twisted down, probably 6 points with 2 drop tines on the left side.

I turned to draw and shoot, but klinked an arrow on the tree stand, just enough to get busted...he jumped 1o yards into the brush and watched me until dusk.

Anyone who says Bow hunting isn't either lucky, or a flat peckered liar.
Rooster 07:10 PM 11-26-2007
Originally Posted by Iowanian:
Anyone who says Bow hunting isn't either lucky, or a flat peckered liar.
:-) :-)
BigVE 07:15 PM 11-26-2007
I've seen several 130 class bucks shot with a bow in the past week or so, nothing huge around here amongst the guys I know. 1 guy hit and lost a 150 plus.
Iowanian 09:22 PM 12-01-2007
today was opening 5am, I heard the ice and sleet hitting the windows, slick of ice on everything, freezing rain, sleet pellets and rain...don't forget the wind. Miserable.

On the way to base camp, I slid into a curb....dangerous roads. Only the real cavemen would be out today.

The day was relatively successful. No huge numbers, we stopped for a couple of hours to change clothes and dry off(Soaked to the bone by noon).

BOTH of the bucks I've mentioned were taken today by our group. The 10 point was bigger on the ground than I thought he was. He's actually more like an 11 or 12, but very wide and tall. Definite wall hanger.

The double drop tine buck was taken as well and there was a suprise with him as well, that I can't believe I hadn't noticed. He was bigger than I thought he was the night I tried to get an arrow off....but I failed to notice that his back right leg was missing below the knee. It had grown over and was obviously an injury from last year, which the old timers say is why his anter was hosed.

I'll see about getting a pic of both......

Tomorrow, at least its not supposed to ice and rain.
Iowanian 10:45 PM 12-28-2007
Here are a couple of pics of the buck that I missed with my bow. I'm positive it is the same deer, and both of my brothers had seen it and confirmed....I think its scoring 178.
Attached: misseddeer.jpg (33.5 KB) misseddeer2.jpg (32.9 KB) 
BigVE 10:49 PM 12-28-2007
No offense Iowanian, is that second pic REAL? Wow.
Simply Red 10:50 PM 12-28-2007
Originally Posted by PastorMikH:
Here's the little 10 pointer I got sat morning. 11 points total. Not a big bruiser, but nice enough to not pass on either. The rifle I am holding is my 280. Ackley I built using a Mauser 98 action.
"Damn Mike you're a pretty big `ol boy. Your wife must be a good coo--oook!"
Iowanian 10:52 PM 12-28-2007
Originally Posted by BigVE:
No offense Iowanian, is that second pic REAL? Wow.
Its real. Its the same buck as the pic in the first, and its really not using any trick photography. It is taken from fairly close and its not quite that big in person.....the first pic doesn't quite do the deer justice though.

The only thing keeping that deer from being HUGE was mass.

I shot *just* under that effer.

I did hit the spot with a range finder and I had underestimated the yardage....It was 48 yards and I still can't believe its further than 40. I'm still not sure if that is the difference, but my bow was definitely off from being dropped the night before. That, my friend is a mistake I'll never make again.(going to the woods with untested equipment)

I'd like to get a pic of the MONSTER than my cousin shot.....he has the sheds from last year, that were scored at 219, and trail cam pics from this year....but it has about 30" busted off of one side.
Simply Red 10:52 PM 12-28-2007
Originally Posted by Iowanian:
Here are a couple of pics of the buck that I missed with my bow. I'm positive it is the same deer, and both of my brothers had seen it and confirmed....I think its scoring 178.
Next time.
BigVE 10:56 PM 12-28-2007
I had a few friends get bucks over 160 this year. One guy's wife shot a 170 class buck opening day of rifle season, another guy got a 178" buck with a bow that had 2 different points busted off that would have probably put it in the upper 180's.
BigVE 08:01 PM 01-31-2008
A few I gathered:
Attached: helgiebuck.jpg (97.6 KB) kansas_buck.jpg (76.7 KB) lopez-buck01.jpg (49.2 KB) 
Iowanian 06:53 AM 10-21-2008
Bow hunters' Christmas is just around the corner again.

I've spent a little time in a tree, but not enough, and meetings and work obligations are screwing me out of many nights.

I have seen some good stuff in my sits though. 2 nights ago, in 2hrs I saw 8 turkeys, 6 does, 2-3 bambi's and 3 bucks. A 130ish top hat 8 point wanted killed because he came in and stood broadside under me for probably 15 minutes, at 14 yards, letting me get a good look at both sides of his rack, presenting his front leg forward and looking away or down...

I decided not to take him...can't get a big one if you tag out early....I've got a lot of faith in our stand location choices this year.

Anyway, same tree, over a scrape with some shredded trees, Got a trailcam photo of a bobcat.... Its not amazing or anything, its just a nice pic of a bobcat for those who haven't seen one up close.

For size....based on the brush by the scrape, I'd say he's probably a little better than knee high and I'd guess 25-30lbs.
Attached: bobcat1.jpg (72.4 KB) 
Chiefnj2 07:40 AM 10-21-2008
I despise you midwesterners with your large deer and ability to hunt on Sundays.
Iowanian 07:55 AM 10-21-2008
I dispise New Jersey for unbottoned shirts, gold chains, orange skin, blowback haircuts and sending Herman Edwards to Kansas City.

No hunting on sundays? Thats just doucheeeeee.
Sitting alone in a tree for several hours on a sunday morning-evening...there is no better time or place to get your thoughts right with The Man.
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