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Nzoner's Game Room>My wife's vagina smells all the time.?
MahiMike 04:20 PM 02-04-2015
All the time it smells nasty and honestly no matter what she wears, it's always gross smelling. She has a clean bill of health, just a nasty odor. She cleans it regularly, but it has a fishy smell, and white toilet paper left behind pieces. She goes to the obgyn, but they say nothing is wrong. She took a yeast infection pill, but the smell never left. I'm really worried about it. What can the smell be?

best answer: "what does her nose do?"
Otter 06:10 PM 02-04-2015
I dated a Japanese girl for a brief period and her skin smelled like paper (basically nothing) and her pussy smelled like the slightest tinge of fresh sushi. Only one I was ever with so couldn't tell you if it's a pattern or if I got lucky. Can't say it was the prettiest pussy but it had a great personality.
LoneWolf 06:41 PM 02-04-2015

Lonewolf Ed 06:45 PM 02-04-2015
Woof pussy takes the starch right out my sails. If I have to scrub my junk with Comet in the shower afterwards, it isn't worth having!
Pepe Silvia 06:49 PM 02-04-2015
I've never had a stank pussy but I did have a couple that weren't too fucking fresh.
Easy 6 06:53 PM 02-04-2015
The gyno saying nothing is wrong is throwing me off, if something is up down there most likely they would find it.

Maybe she's letting it get ripe to keep you away?
MTG#10 07:06 PM 02-04-2015
Originally Posted by DenverChief:
aaaannnnd reason #100 while I'll take being gay over straight or Lesbian...... grrrrross :-):-)
After all these years and Im just now finding out DenverChief is gay. I must live under a rock.
Sweet Daddy Hate 07:16 PM 02-04-2015
Does she have a garlic aroma that could level Tacoma?
KCrockaholic 07:50 PM 02-04-2015
I didn't know DenverChief was gay either.

I have a good gay joke.

What do horses eat?


What does a gay horse eat?

mrroandrro 08:18 PM 02-04-2015
So I have a confession then. My wife's vagina also stinks. So much so that I told her I hated eating the poon. This was almost a prenuptial prior to us getting married. Now in the 8 years of our being married, yes 8 years because everything else is awesome, I have went down 1 time, and I almost threw up. I tried subtly to bring it up as she would get frustrated when I didn't munch, but finally just came out and told her bluntly. Well that backfired and we fought for 2 weeks after, and trust me when you say it, you can't unsay it. She eventually went into a denial phase, then acted like she completely forgot that Iever said it. Now she gets mad again cuz iI won't do it. I swear if she cheats that will be the only reason. I've tried to encourage her to get a lesbian side piece to fulfill that need, as she used to experiment, but nope not happening. I hope my story can help you. I know it has helped me to get this off my chest. 2nd time (her being the 1st) I ever talked about it. My friends all say my wife is smoking hot, because of the fake boobs, with a couple friends actively trying to convince us to swing. But I'm dude if you only knew. SMH!!

Oh and prior to our relationship, I ate the poon on a regular basis, I was like a Ninja on the monkey.
MTG#10 08:22 PM 02-04-2015
KCrockaholic 08:26 PM 02-04-2015
You know why you should never try going down on your wife when you first wake up in the morning?

Ever tried pulling apart a grilled cheese sandwich?
Jim Lahey 08:26 PM 02-04-2015
Stick a few mints in there, wait a minute, and munch away, friend.
beach tribe 08:31 PM 02-04-2015
Originally Posted by Hootie 2.0:
I think smelly vag is genetics ... if you have a sweaty vag, your mom probably had one, too

Your ignorance knows no bounds
Lonewolf Ed 08:31 PM 02-04-2015
The pH is off, so the groinecologist ought to be able to fix that.
Bowser 09:06 PM 02-04-2015

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