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Nzoner's Game Room>Keitzman & Co. over at 810 am owe Clark an apology
petegz28 09:39 PM 01-03-2013
All day yesterday that entire station did nothing but rip on Clark and call him a liar and what not because Clark and Pioli with him during these interviews.

They said Clark hoodwinked the fans with his comments on Monday and that Pioli was here to stay in current capacity.

I think after this deal is official with Reid that they should spend an entire day sucking Clark's cock and apologizing.

Even if Pioli does happen to stay it is more than evident he will be nothing more than a glorified janitor and coffee-runner.
DeezNutz 11:24 PM 01-03-2013
St. John just seems like a great dude. Big heart. Knows a lot about boxing, too, which makes him unique on the station. Takes a common-sense approach with his takes, and the guy seems street smart.

Petro is a numbers guy. Does quite a bit of research.

Both are excellent, just in different ways.
|Zach| 11:54 PM 01-03-2013
Sports radio is the worst.

People that listen to it deserve the annoyances it causes them.
keg in kc 12:11 AM 01-04-2013
Originally Posted by Chiefs Pantalones:
KK has cheated on his wife like 5 times.
I know. I was being ironical.
TLO 12:12 AM 01-04-2013
Originally Posted by Dayze:
810 is trull awful. Petro is the only one worth listening to on that station. at least he does his homework.

not saying Petro is the end all, be all....but he's lighyears ahead of KK. and should be on the evening drive shift. BY FAR
Agree with your point on Petro.

I switched over to 610 about a year ago. Enjoy it much more than golfing, K-State, and the racin' boys.
TLO 12:14 AM 01-04-2013
Originally Posted by DeezNutz:
St. John just seems like a great dude. Big heart. Knows a lot about boxing, too, which makes him unique on the station. Takes a common-sense approach with his takes, and the guy seems street smart.

Petro is a numbers guy. Does quite a bit of research.

Both are excellent, just in different ways.
patteeu 12:16 AM 01-04-2013
It's amazing how emotional and knee jerk sports fans/commentators are. The reactions in local media over the past day or two are a good example, but the same thing goes on here at ChiefsPlanet all the time.
FAX 12:17 AM 01-04-2013

I've tried and tried to listen to KC sports radio. I cannot do it ... not for long, anyhow. I can last maybe up to one commercial segment and that's it. I have listened to a couple of podcasts I've enjoyed when the guest was interesting. But, it's really difficult for me to hang with those guys for very long. Talk about a brain suck.

Nzoner 12:19 AM 01-04-2013
I'm just thankful I have sirius/xm and don't have to listen to KK.
Brando 12:20 AM 01-04-2013
I'm with you NZoner. Sirius/XM ftw.
stevenidol 12:51 AM 01-04-2013
OMG someone had an opinion about the Chiefs. Let's hang them. Boo f'n hoo.
stevenidol 12:55 AM 01-04-2013
Originally Posted by DeezNutz:
St. John just seems like a great dude. Big heart. Knows a lot about boxing, too, which makes him unique on the station. Takes a common-sense approach with his takes, and the guy seems street smart.

Petro is a numbers guy. Does quite a bit of research.

Both are excellent, just in different ways.
This. I listen to Howard Stern at 2 pm. Cannot stand 610.
TLO 12:56 AM 01-04-2013
Originally Posted by stevenidol:
OMG someone had an opinion about the Chiefs. Let's hang them. Boo f'n hoo.
Dumb poster is dumb.
CHENZ A! 01:33 AM 01-04-2013
i agree, st john has a good show.
crazycoffey 01:43 AM 01-04-2013
Originally Posted by Messier:
Well, it's more that KK has his guy (Saban) and as is always the case with Keitzman, if the team doesn't do what he wants, he's not happy with any other option.

sounds like a couple posters here....
NJChiefsFan 02:56 AM 01-04-2013
Originally Posted by FAX:

I've tried and tried to listen to KC sports radio. I cannot do it ... not for long, anyhow. I can last maybe up to one commercial segment and that's it. I have listened to a couple of podcasts I've enjoyed when the guest was interesting. But, it's really difficult for me to hang with those guys for very long. Talk about a brain suck.

I sometimes wonder why I don't listen to 610 on the internet more but I think the reality is I can't handle listening to all the stupid callers and hosts, as you all have mentioned.

I don't mind listening to NY sports talk for a little while. I too do about 20 minutes or so at a time. I think part of the reason I enjoy it is because when they are talking about the Mets/Giants/Jets I can just sit back and laugh at the anger because its not my team. They don't give a shit about the Nets/Devils so I don't have to hear it. I do turn it off when they talk about the Yankees because the media and fans are a joke and make me sick to even be part of the same fan base as them. Not to mention that they are the reason this team has turned into what it is. Anyway....
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