Originally Posted by Mecca:
Yea Omenihu is going for bank when this years over, he isn't gonna be back because his interest is money.
A driving interest is money, yes.
But a dude only interested in money isn't standing on the sideline shouting "I finally get to play in the Super Bowl!!!!!" as the clock's winding down.
You can really see how much that injury in the AFCCG last year impacted him and how driven he was to get back here. And I'm betting he's going to play with his hair on fire against Philly.
Will a chance to secure the bag have something to do with that? Sure. But I think there are guys who are paycheck players all over this league and I see enough from Omenihu in his rehab and his play since he's came back to tell me that's not entirely the case with him.
Maybe we lose him. But if we can stay close to the best figure he gets from some team like the Jets, we can retain him.
Honestly, though, the Commanders should give him a call. They have a lot of money to spend and I think he'd be a fantastic fit for them. [Reply]