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Media Center>All Things Video Games & Game Reviews Part II
Gonzo 10:39 AM 08-31-2015
Hey all, you know the deal...
The other thread hit over 1,000 posts and we have server issues when that shit happens so here she be, a fancy new mega thread.

Anyway, just a quick rundown.

Post anything and everything gaming in here. Console games, handheld/mobile games or PC.

Playing something you love or maybe hate? Find a hidden gem on Steam? Let us know via a review. Try to make sure you give a good rundown on it. Graphics, sound, storyline, overall gameplay and replayability. Let's keep it at a 1-10 scale.

Thanks to all that left me awesome rep comments/posts and even pm's thanking me for the many reviews I wrote.
Just an FYI, developers do read our comments in here I guess. CD Projekt Red (of Witcher 3) was one that stopped by.

Anyway, thanks all for your input and as always, no griefing.
MotherfuckerJones 11:58 AM 10-18-2016
Originally Posted by DJJasonp:
very nice! Definitely take the time to play around with the demos too!
I just had to do a research paper and big study guide for this anatomy class over the weekend so I didn't have time. I'm going to mess around with it some today.
MotherfuckerJones 09:44 PM 10-18-2016
So I played a couple rounds of VR in particular Rush of Blood. What a fucking cool game. I had a blast man. Felt like Marty McFly in Back to the Future 2 where he's at the kitchen table with the VR type headset on :-).

I had such a fun time. But back to being an adult and school lol. Can't wait to the weekend.
MikeTate 07:59 AM 10-19-2016
Anyone get into the Overwatch beta?
hometeam 10:25 AM 10-19-2016
Originally Posted by MikeTate:
Anyone get into the Overwatch beta?
Yes 10 months ago~
NewChief 08:51 PM 10-19-2016
Supposedly the long-awaited NX preview/trailer will be released at 10am EST tomorrow.
DJJasonp 12:47 PM 10-20-2016
Originally Posted by NewChief:
Supposedly the long-awaited NX preview/trailer will be released at 10am EST tomorrow.
looks to be handheld....screen mirroring for viewing on a large tv as well.
kcxiv 05:02 PM 10-20-2016
Originally Posted by DJJasonp:
looks to be handheld....screen mirroring for viewing on a large tv as well.
Nintendo was said its more of a home console then a handheld. They went out of their way to say this.
Buck 05:31 PM 10-20-2016
That trailer was interesting, but in all reality, the main purpose is going to be able to continue playing games while you take a poop break.
MotherfuckerJones 11:25 AM 10-21-2016
I hope Nintendo comes out with a new Joe N' Mac game. Really enjoyed that title growing up.
frankotank 01:33 PM 10-28-2016
I'm a big Borderlands fan but...I don't understand this Tales From The Borderlands. these telltale things....I this gonna be a first person shooter like all the other Borderlands games or not?
The Franchise 01:35 PM 10-28-2016
Originally Posted by frankotank:
I'm a big Borderlands fan but...I don't understand this Tales From The Borderlands. these telltale things....I this gonna be a first person shooter like all the other Borderlands games or not?
No. It's story driven and basically point and click.
frankotank 01:37 PM 10-28-2016
Originally Posted by Pestilence:
No. It's story driven and basically point and click.
OK thanks...that's sounds just dumb as shit!
The Franchise 01:38 PM 10-28-2016
Originally Posted by frankotank:
OK thanks...that's sounds just dumb as shit!
They're fun if you're into those types of games. The Walking Dead series was a good one. They're all driven off of your choices in the game.
MotherfuckerJones 12:12 AM 10-30-2016
Originally Posted by Pestilence:
They're fun if you're into those types of games. The Walking Dead series was a good one. They're all driven off of your choices in the game.
Absolutely love Telltale Walking Dead. Amazing game
KCFalcon59 11:03 AM 10-30-2016
Pretty good deal if you're looking for a PS4.

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