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Media Center>*The NEW Movies Thread*
Bowser 11:09 AM 01-04-2014
Old one is crapping out the server, per the new guidelines.

Browse the old thread that is chock full of goodness here -
Deberg_1990 11:04 AM 04-02-2014
Originally Posted by Douche Baggins:
After viewing Arnold's latest at the cinema I had to check out Escape Plan.


I'm so mad I didn't go to see it in the theater. It was completely ****ing awesome. Like it was right out of 1987.

I loved both Escape Plan and Last Stand. Your right, they were both glorious throwbacks to a different era.

I hope Arnie is allowed to continue making this stuff, but judging by the box office, it doesnt look like it. Hes probably headed "straight to DVD" soon.

That type of action flick just isnt what is in vogue anymore. It is what it is.....
Hammock Parties 12:56 PM 04-02-2014
Arnold is still very popular overseas. Escape Plan grossed 137 million dollars. Total budget was only 50 million.
Pepe Silvia 02:58 PM 04-02-2014
Originally Posted by scott free:
Started the new Lone Ranger about 25 minutes ago, cant believe STARZ had it so fast and whats more I cant believe how much I'm digging this, TOTALLY thought this would be a turd... but its actually like the original Indiana Jones set in the wild west.

Beautiful live sets, cinematography, the acting is no joke either... a true sight for my sore eyes, so why did it bomb?

The EXTREMELY sad realization hit me a few minutes ago that the "wild west" no longer holds any fascination or mystery for todays kids, its just dead to them... "horses and trains, old time guns and cowboy hats... I'm bored Dad".

No lie, this movie, and what became of it... feels like a true passing of the torch, kids simply don't give a shit about this kind of old stuff anymore, they couldn't be bothered, its somehow too far removed from them.

This movie should've been HUGE, it wasn't, and its not my generations fault... but it still makes me sad... it seems like all these kids today want is some bleep bloop blarp bullshit, no soul, no fascination with history... unless its some "old" Nintendo game.

Not to blame the kids, it happens... but its sad beyond words to see the western die before my eyes.
I watched it last night and it was pretty good, it didn't feel like it was 2 and a half hours.
Pepe Silvia 02:58 PM 04-02-2014
Originally Posted by Douche Baggins:
After viewing Arnold's latest at the cinema I had to check out Escape Plan.


I'm so mad I didn't go to see it in the theater. It was completely ****ing awesome. Like it was right out of 1987.


Then I must see it.
Hammock Parties 03:18 PM 04-02-2014
I'll be honest, I thought it had a really smart plot. I went in thinking it was going to be a lot of dumb action, but it had some really fun layers. I'm sure some of the science was sketchy but it made sense to me.

Really made me wish Stallone and Arnie had teamed up in the 90s.
Lzen 07:56 AM 04-03-2014
Originally Posted by -King-:
Also finished Gravity. While its a good movie, its also overrated imo. If it wasn't for the fact that the visuals are eye porn, it wouldn't that good of a movie.
Posted via Mobile Device
Agreed. And it was short. only 1 hour and 24 minutes.
Rausch 01:41 PM 04-04-2014
Watched Bad Words and really liked it.

If you liked Bad Santa it's the same style of humor...
Fish 01:52 PM 04-04-2014
Perhaps the worst movie I've ever seen.

It was like watching Mike Meyers Cat in the Hat in a subtitled cheesy Hong Kong kung fu movie. Epic bad. I should be punished for watching the entire thing.
Baby Lee 03:08 PM 04-04-2014
Got around to Inside Llewyn Davis.

I honestly think the Coens are now the new Scorsese.

"Oh, they'll put out AWESOME shit every year. We'll reward them when there's no flavor of the week to promote. They'll always be here and always rock. No hurry.'

Chef Boy Ar Dee Cheese Pizza? In a Box. Just sitting on a shelf? Genius.

ILD was every bit as good as Fargo, NCfoM, Raising Arizona, Blood Simple, Miller's Crossing, True Grit, A Serious Man . . . . etc, etc. But this was the year of slavery torture porn.

Maybe I have a soft spot for folk music. But when they busted out '500 Miles' I was a puddle. It just, like Pete Seeger, Odetta, and Woody Guthrie, creates a place where you HAVE TO BE. You might not even know why. But it's a home you never even knew existed until that moment.

Then Vinnie Delpino breaks the mood HILARIOUSLY.

A couple of things;

It's amazing that with Neil Patrick Harris blowing up everywhere, Max Casella disappears for decades only to surface in two of the best films last year, ILD and Blue Ivy. It's truly a mini-McConaissance, just in terms of smart roles in quality films.

It's also eerie to have Llewyn's story on the big screen the same year Lena/Hannah has her big GQ 'I'm too talented to work here' blowup on Girls on the small screen. Soulmates separated by 40 years. And Adam Driver connecting the two?

Audiences would be well advised to recall that this is the same directing/writing staff that colored Oh' Brother Where Art Thou' in sepai, glorifying all the music that this film displays the seamy, but still transcendentally beautiful, underbelly of.

Deberg_1990 04:50 PM 04-04-2014
The Soundtrack to Inside Llewyn Davis was great. Made the movie for me.
Deberg_1990 04:53 PM 04-04-2014
Originally Posted by Baby Lee:

Then Vinnie Delpino breaks the mood HILARIOUSLY.

A couple of things;

It's amazing that with Neil Patrick Harris blowing up everywhere, Max Casella disappears for decades only to surface in two of the best films last year
Holy Crap! I didnt even realize that was him? Wow. He was hilarious in that scene.
BigMeatballDave 06:23 PM 04-04-2014
Originally Posted by Douche Baggins:
Finally going to watch The Hunger Games.
Surprisingly good.
kcchiefsus 05:57 AM 04-05-2014
Originally Posted by ThaVirus:
You don't understand art.
To understand art you generally have to be a pretentious douchebag who likes the smell of his own farts.
ThaVirus 08:33 AM 04-05-2014
Originally Posted by kcchiefsus:
To understand art you generally have to be a pretentious douchebag who likes the smell of his own farts.

I don't even remember when I said that, but I'm 100% sure I was being sarcastic.
KCUnited 09:04 PM 04-05-2014
Eden Lake was really well done, surprised I had never caught that one. Feces covered Kelly Reilly is going to have me fapping hard.
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