Been a while since we had a guns n' ammo discussion.
Some of you are AR shooters Im sure. Im looking at a Colt 6920. Will be my first AR. Picked up a Glock this fall and really enjoy shooting it. Any feedback on that weapon?
Anyone else been in a buy/sell/trade mood with hardware?
Originally Posted by Megatron96:
Hell, then I'd go straight to a red dot or similar. The ghost ring isn't going to be that helpful in a defensive situation indoors anyway.
Honestly, in a defensive situation the first thing I'm going to grab is a pistol anyway. I'm an expert with a pistol and have done a good deal of tactical training. When it comes to shotguns and even rifles, I'm more of just a country boy good shot.
I need to pick up a Ruger 10/22, maybe one with a folding stock. Not sure
Maybe just a magpul stock. Not gonna burn a bunch on a 22 going to save that for either the mini 14 or AR