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Nzoner's Game Room>Broncos news megathread
ROYC75 04:26 PM 08-12-2014
Discussion: All things Broncos.
Pasta Little Brioni 07:52 PM 09-25-2022
Buh bye Browning :-)
Garcia Bronco 07:55 PM 09-25-2022
Originally Posted by Pasta Little Brother:
Buh bye Browning :-)
You know Karma isn't just the name that your girlfriend uses when she strips.
smithandrew051 08:11 PM 09-25-2022
Tripping should’ve been called, but it hurt the Broncos…so good no call.
RealSNR 08:21 PM 09-25-2022
Originally Posted by Garcia Bronco:
You know Karma isn't just the name that your girlfriend uses when she strips.
If you're implying that something bad is going to happen to PGM because he did something bad, that's not what karma is.
Pasta Little Brioni 08:44 PM 09-25-2022
Embarrassing showing on national
Pasta Little Brioni 08:44 PM 09-25-2022
Originally Posted by smithandrew051:
Tripping should’ve been called, but it hurt the Broncos…so good no call.
Stay...down...bitch. There you go
Mile High Mania 09:31 PM 09-25-2022
I think this was an uglier win than any from the Tebow era.
Quesadilla Joe 09:31 PM 09-25-2022
Originally Posted by Hammock Parties:
jacking off about this quote a week before you face the ****ing 49ers wasn't smart

you're not going to cum

RunKC 09:36 PM 09-25-2022
The Broncos paid $242 million and gave up all those draft picks to get worse on offense.

They are averaging 14 PPG this year with Russ. They averaged 19 last year

MagicHef 10:07 PM 09-25-2022
Originally Posted by RaidersOftheCellar:
Oh, preseason's officially over now! That's great news. How'd you determine this?

No, they shouldn't win. They'll be lucky to keep it close. Unlike you guys, I'm actually putting my money where my mouth is.
So how much money did you lose?
DomCasual 10:15 PM 09-25-2022
Originally Posted by Pasta Little Brother:
Buh bye Browning :-)
Now this is what we’ve come to expect from you guys. Where’s Claythan to chime in, “Stay down, bitch?”
Clyde Frog 10:25 PM 09-25-2022
Originally Posted by DomCasual:
Now this is what we’ve come to expect from you guys. Where’s Claythan to chime in, “Stay down, bitch?”
If it hurts your fragile vag, "stay down, bitch". IDC about donk. donk is inconsequential to current and likely future football dealings. last place flotsam doesn't really impact recent and relevant division and conference champions.
BlackOp 10:30 PM 09-25-2022
I caught the ending...did the Donks really not reach the Red Zone until 5 minutes left? That's actually pretty hard to accomplish...

They only scored 6 points last week until the 4th...this week it was 5 points.

They had both WRs too...

They didn't **** up the clock and managed to score even less points...

What a shitshow you have going on over there...if Wilson is done scrambling, only doing it occasionally, you guys are screwed.
Garcia Bronco 10:33 PM 09-25-2022
Originally Posted by Clyde Frog:
If it hurts your fragile vag, "stay down, bitch". IDC about donk. donk is inconsequential to current and likely future football dealings. last place flotsam doesn't really impact recent and relevant division and conference champions.
This post reads like you've been watching a lot of game of thrones.
BlackOp 10:36 PM 09-25-2022
Wilson looks every bit the 19th ranked QB he was last year...I honestly didnt expect him to look this pedestrian.
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